OT Share Your True Paranormal Experiences

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This isn't really paranormal, but I'm super freaked out right now so I'm going to put it here. We never used our home phone anymore, so my mom cancelled it a few months ago. We still have an old corded phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen though. If you try to call it, it says the number has been disconnected. All of that is perfectly fine...

Until about five minutes ago when the phone rang 5-6 times like there was a call coming in. I was way too scared to answer it. I feel like I'm every basic white girl that gets killed in the first five minutes of any scary movie. I'm not going anywhere near that phone for a long time. I feel so dumb but I'm so scared right now hahaha
Omg how scary. But if it was in a scary movie the character would have answered it lol
Omg how scary. But if it was in a scary movie the character would have answered it lol
I know!!! I put my hand on the phone and started to answer it but remembered how much I yell at the tv when people do dumb things like that in scary movies. My mom wants me to try to call my cell using the home phone but I told her she's crazy. I'm not touching that thing until she gets home!

ETA-Editing this to add it happened again! My mom wants me to answer if it rings a third time but I'm not so sure about that. Part of me wants to answer due to my own curiosity, but the other part knows this is how girls die in scary movies haha.

ETA2- And another edit just to say I'm still alive haha. Apparently even when your phone is disconnected the phone company can still call. They were trying to get us to open our home phone again. I feel silly but at least I'm not scared anymore!
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I'm pretty sure we have ghost. There's been a few instances of me waking up to someone saying my name very urgently, or feeling someone shaking me awake (just grabbing my arm or leg and shaking, saying my name)

My kids say I'm crazy and that it's probably just dreams, but I don't think so. I have literally felt a hand on me, even when I'm just lightly dozing.

Even the cat comes in my room and freaks out about the one corner. Anytime he's near that corner (same place as my bed) he meows like crazy, and jumps all around like he's attacking something. He doesn't do this anywhere else.
This is probably going to be really long...
Almost two years ago we found out my poppy had cancer, which eventually lead to his death. The year before I got a new puppy and my poppy loved the dog, and the dog loved him. The night before he died my ex and I were hanging out in my basement (the basement of my house is split in half, one half is my grandparent in-law suite) and my dog started freaking out and barking at the connecting wall to my grandparents side. My dog had never barked before and even now only does it at random times! After this happened I had to leave and go to my cousins graduation party. I ended up staying until 2am but my little brother left around 9. My brother and poppy were really close, he's the baby of the grandkids and even before we lived with them my brother was at my poppy's house everyday because he wasn't in school yet. While everyone was at the grad party only my brother and poppy were home but Jack (brother) wouldn't go down there alone. Jack called my mom about 10 times asking if anyone came home from the party because he kept hearing doors opening and closing and footsteps all over the house, but he wouldn't leave his room to check. Finally my mom said she'd come home to check out the house, just before she got home my brother heard footsteps walk up the stairs, through the house right to his bedroom door, and then my mom pulled in and found no one in the house besides Jack and my poppy. Then the next morning my poppy died, we all say that the last footsteps Jack heard were my poppy coming to say goodbye. We think the other ones were other deceased relatives hanging out with my poppy, he would always talk to his mom (she died when my poppy was 16) towards the end, and tell us stories about these people that none of us have never met.
Also I find it too weird to be a coincidence that yesterday was my poppy's birthday so I wore his old shirt to bed and then first thing I see on here this morning is this thread!
Another story I have is from the apartment I lived in while away at school this year. My ex bf, and I moved in the place in August and our roommate didnt come until closer to September. I was still working at home so I moved in and then left to finish work and then went back to the city when my roommate did, so my ex was living there alone for a few weeks. One night when he was asleep & there alone our bedroom door flew open, the knob dented the wall, some cupboards in the kitchen opened and glasses fell out, and then he heard the unit door open and slam. All of this startled him awake so he got up to go check it out and all of the doors were still locked, the balcony and the unit door still had the chain lock on and everything. My roommate and I got there the next day and he was sooo freaked out, he slept on the couch. My ex ended up moving back home because he wanted to see his family before going to Alberta to work, so only me, my dog, and roommate were in the apt. One night we were just hanging out and my dog ran into the spare room and started going crazy. He was growling and barking and would run out and hide behind me.
My mom is really into paranormal and spiritual stuff so she always goes to mediums or whatever they're called that do readings. The girl she goes to see said that there was definitely something bad in that apartment and told my mom that it followed me home! My mom made me go see her to get cleansed. The girl also told my mom that I "know things." I already knew that though because so many times something happens and I know for sure that I had a dream or day dream of the exact same thing! Last year my cousin had a baby in January, she didn't even know she was pregnant until November but back in August someone mentioned that she was gaining weight and I was like "oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant." And then when she told everyone in November when she found out I knew it was a girl but she didn't want to know the sex until the baby was born.
This is probably going to be really long...
Almost two years ago we found out my poppy had cancer, which eventually lead to his death. The year before I got a new puppy and my poppy loved the dog, and the dog loved him. The night before he died my ex and I were hanging out in my basement (the basement of my house is split in half, one half is my grandparent in-law suite) and my dog started freaking out and barking at the connecting wall to my grandparents side. My dog had never barked before and even now only does it at random times! After this happened I had to leave and go to my cousins graduation party. I ended up staying until 2am but my little brother left around 9. My brother and poppy were really close, he's the baby of the grandkids and even before we lived with them my brother was at my poppy's house everyday because he wasn't in school yet. While everyone was at the grad party only my brother and poppy were home but Jack (brother) wouldn't go down there alone. Jack called my mom about 10 times asking if anyone came home from the party because he kept hearing doors opening and closing and footsteps all over the house, but he wouldn't leave his room to check. Finally my mom said she'd come home to check out the house, just before she got home my brother heard footsteps walk up the stairs, through the house right to his bedroom door, and then my mom pulled in and found no one in the house besides Jack and my poppy. Then the next morning my poppy died, we all say that the last footsteps Jack heard were my poppy coming to say goodbye. We think the other ones were other deceased relatives hanging out with my poppy, he would always talk to his mom (she died when my poppy was 16) towards the end, and tell us stories about these people that none of us have never met.
Also I find it too weird to be a coincidence that yesterday was my poppy's birthday so I wore his old shirt to bed and then first thing I see on here this morning is this thread!
Another story I have is from the apartment I lived in while away at school this year. My ex bf, and I moved in the place in August and our roommate didnt come until closer to September. I was still working at home so I moved in and then left to finish work and then went back to the city when my roommate did, so my ex was living there alone for a few weeks. One night when he was asleep & there alone our bedroom door flew open, the knob dented the wall, some cupboards in the kitchen opened and glasses fell out, and then he heard the unit door open and slam. All of this startled him awake so he got up to go check it out and all of the doors were still locked, the balcony and the unit door still had the chain lock on and everything. My roommate and I got there the next day and he was sooo freaked out, he slept on the couch. My ex ended up moving back home because he wanted to see his family before going to Alberta to work, so only me, my dog, and roommate were in the apt. One night we were just hanging out and my dog ran into the spare room and started going crazy. He was growling and barking and would run out and hide behind me.
My mom is really into paranormal and spiritual stuff so she always goes to mediums or whatever they're called that do readings. The girl she goes to see said that there was definitely something bad in that apartment and told my mom that it followed me home! My mom made me go see her to get cleansed. The girl also told my mom that I "know things." I already knew that though because so many times something happens and I know for sure that I had a dream or day dream of the exact same thing! Last year my cousin had a baby in January, she didn't even know she was pregnant until November but back in August someone mentioned that she was gaining weight and I was like "oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant." And then when she told everyone in November when she found out I knew it was a girl but she didn't want to know the sex until the baby was born.
Love your stories.
...The girl also told my mom that I "know things." I already knew that though because so many times something happens and I know for sure that I had a dream or day dream of the exact same thing! Last year my cousin had a baby in January, she didn't even know she was pregnant until November but back in August someone mentioned that she was gaining weight and I was like "oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant." And then when she told everyone in November when she found out I knew it was a girl but she didn't want to know the sex until the baby was born.

Mee too! I thought it was only me. I always dream/daydream stuff that come true (sometimes the next day, sometimes years later) and i always know the sex of babies before the parents know... It's kinda weird but not scary :)
Mee too! I thought it was only me. I always dream/daydream stuff that come true (sometimes the next day, sometimes years later) and i always know the sex of babies before the parents know... It's kinda weird but not scary :)
The night before my 12th or 13th birthday, I had a dream that my mom walked into my room and told me Happy Birthday, and then I sat up in bed and she handed my $30 (3 $10 bills).

The morning of my birthday, that EXACT thing happened, except she gave me a $10. Weird.

The random daydreams happen to me as well; seomtimes things happen seconds later, sometimes minutes/hrs/days/weeks/months. I don't think I've imagined anything that happened years later, though.
The night before my 12th or 13th birthday, I had a dream that my mom walked into my room and told me Happy Birthday, and then I sat up in bed and she handed my $30 (3 $10 bills).

The morning of my birthday, that EXACT thing happened, except she gave me a $10. Weird.

The random daydreams happen to me as well; seomtimes things happen seconds later, sometimes minutes/hrs/days/weeks/months. I don't think I've imagined anything that happened years later, though.
Maybe you spent the other $20 in your dreams ;)
I know!!! I put my hand on the phone and started to answer it but remembered how much I yell at the tv when people do dumb things like that in scary movies. My mom wants me to try to call my cell using the home phone but I told her she's crazy. I'm not touching that thing until she gets home!

ETA-Editing this to add it happened again! My mom wants me to answer if it rings a third time but I'm not so sure about that. Part of me wants to answer due to my own curiosity, but the other part knows this is how girls die in scary movies haha.

ETA2- And another edit just to say I'm still alive haha. Apparently even when your phone is disconnected the phone company can still call. They were trying to get us to open our home phone again. I feel silly but at least I'm not scared anymore!
Okay I'm glad it was just the phone company phew
My time hop just reminded me of this house I lived in for a very short time. I believe it was haunted. I never saw any apparitions, but I always felt very heavy in the house.

I would usually take naps as soon as I got home from school. I ALWAYS lock my door, no matter what, and a few times (four or five) I would wake up to the door standing completely open with the locks undone. No one was ever home and the door was definitely locked. It happened to my brother on separate occasions as well.

Once, my brother thought he heard someone going through our cabinets. He specifically remembers the sound of the cabinets opening and slamming shut. He thought it was my dad, but when he went to see, alllllllll of the pots and pans were on the floor and no one else was home. He refused to be home alone after that.

A few weeks later, I was coming home from a movie fairly late. My dad was gone overnight for a business trip, and my brother was at a friends. When I got to the driveway, I had an intense feeling of dread and felt that someone was watching me from a front window. I stood in the driveway for well over an hour trying to convince myself to just walk in and go to sleep, but I couldn't do it. I went and stayed at my moms. I was half expecting the house to burn down overnight, but nothing ever happened (that I know of).
I'll bite, this is more so 'supernatural' than paranormal but meh close enough.

Before I was born my mom was admitted to the hospital and given a drug she was allergic to buy accident, she ended up flatlining to the point where she was legally pronounced dead. My mom told me all about it- she saw the white light, had the out of body experience, and saw a 'preview' of what was to come in her life. She saw herself having me and credits that vision to what made her wake up. Once I was old enough to understand she started telling me about the visions she continued to have and honestly she's almost never wrong. In June she told me at the end of the summertime my life would change and that I would meet a bearded man who would help me overcome my depression, she also said a divine child would be born. Well..my baby is due in July and I can't get her father to shave to save my life.

She also sees spirits too, we were always the family who kept a bowl of sage on top of the fridge to ward off bad spirits.
I'll bite, this is more so 'supernatural' than paranormal but meh close enough.

Before I was born my mom was admitted to the hospital and given a drug she was allergic to buy accident, she ended up flatlining to the point where she was legally pronounced dead. My mom told me all about it- she saw the white light, had the out of body experience, and saw a 'preview' of what was to come in her life. She saw herself having me and credits that vision to what made her wake up. Once I was old enough to understand she started telling me about the visions she continued to have and honestly she's almost never wrong. In June she told me at the end of the summertime my life would change and that I would meet a bearded man who would help me overcome my depression, she also said a divine child would be born. Well..my baby is due in July and I can't get her father to shave to save my life.

She also sees spirits too, we were always the family who kept a bowl of sage on top of the fridge to ward off bad spirits.
Wow! Does she have any other weird stories you don't mind sharing?
Had an experience in Louisville this year at the WSF competition. Have a video of my daughter and her friend.... You can clearly see orbs and one comes directly to the camera. .

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