All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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Would having a "virtual" Worlds/Summit be a viable resolution? Like, send in a video of a full-out routine and they determine the placings? It could never be the same, because you can pick and choose your best video, but I think it's still better than physically going to Orlando if Varsity and USASF don't want to cancel the events altogether.
For what it's worth, I haven't seen WCSS or Orange (Rays) make a statement on participating or backing out either..
This is exactly why people are side-eyeing CSP right now.

There's a difference between remaining hopeful and silently waiting on how the situation plays out vs. being vocal about how adamant you are that the season MUST go on. I know some people call it "hope", but you can hope without constantly sharing how you have "chosen to hope" and a vague article about a cure for COVID-19 just being around the corner.

Programs that have ended their season haven't given up hope, they want this pandemic to end just as much as the programs that have chosen to continue. Referring to ending the season as a sign of no hope, which is suggestive when you use the word "chosen", just doesn't come off well.
I’m not shocked @ all, and I’m sure that Varsity and USASF are extremely pleased to have such outspoken support, which will no doubt have some benefits to her gym in the long run My daughter’s gym is doing the same kind of messaging ( which may end up with me having to make some really tough parenting decisions coming up). What puts me off is the random twitter likes from CSP’s business account that show up on my feed indicating support for the idea that this isn’t as severe as it seems. If she believes that so be it, she certainly isn’t alone, but that leaves the impression it’s less about hope, and more about something else. Maybe time will tell, but it seems risky to embed that in a message of “hope” so early on. And it isn’t necessary.
Another conundrum:

If a kid's gym is still hanging in for Worlds, but attending any rescheduled date is not feasible for the family (because you can't plan your life around a date that doesn't exist yet), that puts the parent in The Bad Guy spot, yes?

You have to be the one to say "we are out" when the coaches, your kid's friends, other moms, etc. are not. That's a weird spot to be in.

I wonder if folks would feel pressured to participate because a gym has no intention of backing out?

(Not just talking about CEA here but for any other gym who has chosen to attend.)
Another conundrum:

If a kid's gym is still hanging in for Worlds, but attending any rescheduled date is not feasible for the family (because you can't plan your life around a date that doesn't exist yet), that puts the parent in The Bad Guy spot, yes?

You have to be the one to say "we are out" when the coaches, your kid's friends, other moms, etc. are not. That's a weird spot to be in.

I wonder if folks would feel pressured to participate because a gym has no intention of backing out?

(Not just talking about CEA here but for any other gym who has chosen to attend.)

I’m potentially facing this situation, along with having some reservations about travel. I’m hoping it doesn’t pan out that way... but it could.
Yikes with the Judgement Day posts.
Different teams are made up of different demographics. It may be far easier for a gym in one community (income/job security, not relying on college or hosted athletes who were forced to go back home, similar team members year to year) and their decision to wait it out and want to have a postponed Worlds/Summit versus canceling likely has nothing to do with strictly chasing a ring. Likewise a gym who decided to cancel may have been forced to because they have too many athletes from other regions of the country to be able to keep a team together but they aren't stating that as their reason. Who knows, who should really care? I think if I still had a kid in cheer I wouldn't be adverse to a competition or 2 in July/August and competing at Worlds in September/October and again at the end of April if it meant I wasn't going to have to spend money and time flying to 3-4 competitions over a 6 week period in late February through March which is what we did every year. The longer time in between travel competitions and having something to work towards during the summer rather than the monotonous time usually spent during summer practices could be a welcome change that I might consider given there was so much unexpected down time in the Spring.
If a program decides to end their season that is their choice but I have an issue with creating indirect smear campaigns for other programs who decided to wait it out.

No one actually knows too much of anything, I see absolutely no problem with another owner who is hopeful whether she is quiet or loud about her hope. It is simply people not liking CSP lol she has yet to do anything to put her program, athletes, or herself at risk.

** I just scrolled on her page and saw some foolishness which I am not defending lol. If you pull your program fine but don't pout about other who have decided against it & or are simply waiting for the official decision from USASF/ Varsity.
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Yikes with the Judgement Day posts.
Different teams are made up of different demographics. It may be far easier for a gym in one community (income/job security, not relying on college or hosted athletes who were forced to go back home, similar team members year to year) and their decision to wait it out and want to have a postponed Worlds/Summit versus canceling likely has nothing to do with strictly chasing a ring. Likewise a gym who decided to cancel may have been forced to because they have too many athletes from other regions of the country to be able to keep a team together but they aren't stating that as their reason. Who knows, who should really care? I think if I still had a kid in cheer I wouldn't be adverse to a competition or 2 in July/August and competing at Worlds in September/October and again at the end of April if it meant I wasn't going to have to spend money and time flying to 3-4 competitions over a 6 week period in late February through March which is what we did every year. The longer time in between travel competitions and having something to work towards during the summer rather than the monotonous time usually spent during summer practices could be a welcome change that I might consider given there was so much unexpected down time in the Spring.

I see your point in any other year. But this isn't any year. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Millions of American's no longer have a job or a source of income. The money that is usually spent in that six week period isn't being saved because of these cancellations. That money wont be there in 3-4 months. If rent isn't frozen some families may not have a home, or food to put on the table. Postponing the season allows the families that can to keep their kids in cheer and not have to face comp fees for a good 6-8 months. Giving them time to bounce back.

You can have an entire gym full of local home grown kids, but if in a month half those kids parents lose their jobs, the money saved from postponing worlds and summit wont be allotted for the possibility of a season ending competition in August/September. Are we going to prioritize 'having something to work for' over financial and food security? Thats the decision this forces some parents to make.
Yikes with the Judgement Day posts.
Different teams are made up of different demographics. It may be far easier for a gym in one community (income/job security, not relying on college or hosted athletes who were forced to go back home, similar team members year to year) and their decision to wait it out and want to have a postponed Worlds/Summit versus canceling likely has nothing to do with strictly chasing a ring. Likewise a gym who decided to cancel may have been forced to because they have too many athletes from other regions of the country to be able to keep a team together but they aren't stating that as their reason. Who knows, who should really care? I think if I still had a kid in cheer I wouldn't be adverse to a competition or 2 in July/August and competing at Worlds in September/October and again at the end of April if it meant I wasn't going to have to spend money and time flying to 3-4 competitions over a 6 week period in late February through March which is what we did every year. The longer time in between travel competitions and having something to work towards during the summer rather than the monotonous time usually spent during summer practices could be a welcome change that I might consider given there was so much unexpected down time in the Spring.
July or August is not happening practice/gym not open, parents/athletes not working and logistics wise.....Sept or Oct Worlds is not possible for a good 20-21 season! Imagine trying to do Worlds practice and trying to get a new season started not to mention athletes going to college...... it’s time to just say NO it is done for this year, and yes my daughters gym is one holding on
I see your point in any other year. But this isn't any year. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Millions of American's no longer have a job or a source of income. The money that is usually spent in that six week period isn't being saved because of these cancellations. That money wont be there in 3-4 months. If rent isn't frozen some families may not have a home, or food to put on the table. Postponing the season allows the families that can to keep their kids in cheer and not have to face comp fees for a good 6-8 months. Giving them time to bounce back.

You can have an entire gym full of local home grown kids, but if in a month half those kids parents lose their jobs, the money saved from postponing worlds and summit wont be allotted for the possibility of a season ending competition in August/September. Are we going to prioritize 'having something to work for' over financial and food security? Thats the decision this forces some parents to make.
This. Worlds in Sept/October, while possible, is just not practical for many reasons.
If a program decides to end their season that is their choice but I have an issue with creating indirect smear campaigns for other programs who decided to wait it out.

No one actually knows too much of anything, I see absolutely no problem with another owner who is hopeful whether she is quiet or loud about her hope. It is simply people not liking CSP lol she has yet to do anything to put her program, athletes, or herself at risk.

** I just scrolled on her page and saw some foolishness which I am not defending lol. If you pull your program fine but don't pout about other who have decided against it & or are simply waiting for the official decision from USASF/ Varsity.
It's that foolishness that people are judging, nothing to do with liking/not liking somebody. I have zero issue with gyms/programs holding out to make a decision.
I cant see it happening in general. Disney is possibly extending their closure into June according to rumors. Which leaves july and possibly part of august to reschedule. Then you have to think about the athletes who may just want to be done for whatever reasons and being guilted into prolonging the season for the sake of the team. That will more then likely leave teams trying to fill the void for those who chose to be done.
To try and reschedule at the end of the year leaves a giant gap where kids will chose to move on or quit for a multitude of reasons.
We figured it was coming but Top Gun Arizona just decided to end the season, no more competitions, no Worlds/Summit, etc. No idea what the other locations will choose to do but as devastated as I am, I think it's for the best. I'm lucky enough that I'm still getting paid full wages during this entire thing, but most of my teammates (Open team, lots of people paying for themselves) aren't as lucky. There was just no feasible way to make it work financially, not to mention the timing/uncertainty of end of season dates for events.
We figured it was coming but Top Gun Arizona just decided to end the season, no more competitions, no Worlds/Summit, etc. No idea what the other locations will choose to do but as devastated as I am, I think it's for the best. I'm lucky enough that I'm still getting paid full wages during this entire thing, but most of my teammates (Open team, lots of people paying for themselves) aren't as lucky. There was just no feasible way to make it work financially, not to mention the timing/uncertainty of end of season dates for events.
So sorry, definitely not the outcomes anybody wanted for the season. But you do bring up a good point with what I think that is the biggest issue, the uncertainty of everything. Time off without practices, being able to resume safely (there's a biiiiig difference between having a whole summer/fall to condition to a routine and only having a month to get back into it after essentially time completely off) finances for not only gyms, but the athletes/families as well, how long until the competitions actually can resume, etc. It just really doesn't seem even remotely feasible to me.
My guess is that the gyms in the Southeast US region will be the last remaining holdouts (and maybe the majority of those attending Summit/Worlds if it actually happens.) They won't HAVE to fly, so there may be less cost to families, less safety concern, and less worry about facing additional quarantines upon return. They may also have a different COVID19 situation. I don't fault gyms for deciding what is best for them & their customers.

I do wish people would stop bashing others for the decisions they are making in this crazy, unprecedented time or trying to use is for leverage against each other. The stress is bringing out the worst in some people, and I guess that is understandable, but regrettable. Social media in particular seems more childish than usual, which is saying something.
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