All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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Even if Florida is open, getting teams Worlds ready is going to be questionable.

Especially since every state is setting their own dates and guidelines on stay home orders, gym closures, etc.

Ex: You have siginficantly fewer practice days under your belt if your state doesn't open til June 1. As opposed to a gym in GA in which they are on track to open up like, this week (allegedly.)
Yeah, and then you need to have loopholes for withdrawals too. If a gym has fevers they’ll get knocked out, if WDW has to re-close ( who knows? They’re rumored to be in talks with the NBA to complete the season at WWOS like the week before?) if airlines cancel flights, etc.

I get it, they’re doing an end of season gala more than a competition. But there has to be some tipping point at which it isn’t worth the cost/strategic headache.

I assume there will be multiple liability waivers. But can you really have any insurance with all of them? I just don’t know.
Even in a state like Georgia where gyms can reopen Friday that is allowed on the presumption there can be adequate social distancing at the facility. So maybe under that parameter some fitness centers that can guarantee proper spacing can re open but I’m not sure how an allstar cheer team would be able to maintain social distancing and stunt
I hope every program is thinking of this right now, particularly given the reports from CDC that it is possible that we have a return of Covid this fall. When and if we are ever allowed back in the gym I imagine they will focus on motions, jumps, tumbling. But are there plans for a true virtual season if it comes to that? Frankly I would be ok just doing classes for a year rather than committing money for competitions, apparel etc for events that might get halted again.

Yeah, and then you need to have loopholes for withdrawals too. If a gym has fevers they’ll get knocked out, if WDW has to re-close ( who knows? They’re rumored to be in talks with the NBA to complete the season at WWOS like the week before?) if airlines cancel flights, etc.

I get it, they’re doing an end of season gala more than a competition. But there has to be some tipping point at which it isn’t worth the cost/strategic headache.
I have no idea what the contract is between Disney and Varsity but ESPN (owned by Disney) has a 24 BILLION dollar contract with the NBA. It is entirely possible to me that they (Disney) could host NBA games without fans and without the parks being open enabling them to have some new content for their channels. I can't imagine any scenario where there is an upside for Disney given the number of US and international programs who would not attend even if it were held.
If they do decide to hold Worlds. My question would be what % of parents would feel comfortable enough to let their kids practice in a month or so for the few gyms hanging in.... Between the virus, not practicing for many weeks, and then trying to perfect a routine? Absolute Craziness!!!!
Exactly, it confuses me that so many parents would be totally willing to bring themselves and their families to a virus hotspot just to compete at one cheer competition. Or even letting their kids go to the gym when they could contract the virus. What else I don’t understand is the thought process of gyms holding on? What if those parents are uncomfortable with it, the gyms can’t force them to go.
Exactly, it confuses me that so many parents would be totally willing to bring themselves and their families to a virus hotspot just to compete at one cheer competition. Or even letting their kids go to the gym when they could contract the virus. What else I don’t understand is the thought process of gyms holding on? What if those parents are uncomfortable with it, the gyms can’t force them to go.
In all honesty, I think the gyms holding on fall into a couple of camps:
*those who don’t believe that the shut down was necessary.
*those who believe that providing normalcy for their “kids” and their teams , especially their seniors.

and then there are actually probably some who trust that USASF/Varsity wouldn’t put people in danger.
The only thing Varsity is concerned about is your money. They just want to milk every buck they can. These kids work hard and deserve better if Varsity doesn’t cancel. That’s why gyms should pull out of worlds and summit. Cheerleaders should not compete. How could they be expected to be in top form since they haven’t practiced in almost 2 months? Why would any great coach put their cheerleaders in danger? Parents should question any gym that does. Our kids health and well being is worth more than a ring.
The only thing Varsity is concerned about is your money. They just want to milk every buck they can. These kids work hard and deserve better if Varsity doesn’t cancel. That’s why gyms should pull out of worlds and summit. Cheerleaders should not compete. How could they be expected to be in top form since they haven’t practiced in almost 2 months? Why would any great coach put their cheerleaders in danger? Parents should question any gym that does. Our kids health and well being is worth more than a ring.
I’m sorry- I disagree, please don’t take this offensively because this is not how I mean it- but I’m tired of hearing ALL so and so cares about is money... because that just isn’t so. Not Varsity, not a gym owner, not athletes who are sad about a comp getting canceled or are wishing for some sense of normalcy... every single person.. even a BIG WIG CEO has a family... every single person on this planet - let’s face it, is somewhat scared... even the protesters... (they’re protesting out of fear of loss of livelihood... people are scared of death, people are worried about telling their children they can’t do what they love, scared life will never be the same, worried they won’t have a place to live, scared they will loose their business, their gyms... will get robbed... will they have enough to eat- will they get sick?! Will their loved ones get sick? Will they get someone sick? Will they make the right decisions...?!
I just get really tired of hearing that so and so “doesn’t care” - I can assure you EVERYONE CARES - more than ever... please stop saying they don’t. There’s not 1 person, family, business, entity that has NOT been touched by this awful time... You’re 100% entitled to your perception and this isn’t an attack at all- I just REALLY wish we would take this time to come together to find solutions, lift each other up and unify rather than place blame, talk down and speculate just how undermined everyone is. This is the real problem.... we are wasting so much time reflecting on negativity when we could be revolutionizing our industry and being proactive about our future and organizing programs to HELP our cheer community at this time. There are a ton of parents, kids and gyms in need- that’s where the focus should be...
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The only thing Varsity is concerned about is your money. They just want to milk every buck they can. These kids work hard and deserve better if Varsity doesn’t cancel. That’s why gyms should pull out of worlds and summit. Cheerleaders should not compete. How could they be expected to be in top form since they haven’t practiced in almost 2 months? Why would any great coach put their cheerleaders in danger? Parents should question any gym that does. Our kids health and well being is worth more than a ring.

If you don't want your kid to participate, by all means don't let them, no one is going to be forcing anyone to do anything. Anyone that has been looking at the daily status reports by state can see who is glaringly the most vulnerable (I copied a small sample below of deaths and it looks the same in every state). By all means, we as a society need to protect our elderly with underlying conditions, and they need to take measures to protect themselves, COVID19 is going to be here for awhile.

World's and Summit will even happen, practices would have to happen under guidelines allowed by their state's Governor. Then the IASF and Varsity would have to follow those guidelines for a comp and have enough gyms to participate to make any money. Then, parents would have to determine if it's safe for their family members. No one I know expects World's to be the same, nor routines to look the same, they are just waiting to see what the first steps are going to be in what is going to become our new normal for a long time to come. For the people that live their life in the extremes, by all means take your 65 year old diabetic self out and protest shoulder to shoulder, or try to hide inside for months and let the banks put your rear end out on the streets. Life is going to resume, it's not going to look the same for every state, business or person, and that's okay.

Age Gender County Underlying Condition
I’m sorry- I disagree, please don’t take this offensively because this is not how I mean it- but I’m tired of hearing ALL so and so cares about is money... because that just isn’t so. Not Varsity, not a gym owner, not athletes who are sad about a comp getting canceled or are wishing for some sense of normalcy... every single person.. even a BIG WIG CEO has a family... every single person on this planet - let’s face it, is somewhat scared... even the protesters... (they’re protesting out of fear of loss of livelihood... people are scared of death, people are worried about telling their children they can’t do what they love, scared life will never be the same, worried they won’t have a place to live, scared they will loose their business, their gyms... will get robbed... will they have enough to eat- will they get sick?! Will their loved ones get sick? Will they get someone sick? Will they make the right decisions...?!
I just get really tired of hearing that so and so “doesn’t care” - I can assure you EVERYONE CARES - more than ever... please stop saying they don’t. There’s not 1 person, family, business, entity that has NOT been touched by this awful time... You’re 100% entitled to your perception and this isn’t an attack at all- I just REALLY wish we would take this time to come together to find solutions, lift each other up and unify rather than place blame, talk down and speculate just how undermined everyone is. This is the real problem.... we are wasting so much time reflecting on negativity when we could be revolutionizing our industry and being proactive about our future and organizing programs to HELP our cheer community at this time. There are a ton of parents, kids and gyms in need- that’s where the focus should be...

I am not offended and I get what you are saying as well. I thought by now things would be better where I live, but they are not. I am in NYC and it’s scary. I personally know 3 people who have died in the past week from it and 4 others who died who are relatives of friends. 5 of the 7 were young and had no underlying conditions. I wish there were a way to ensure safety of athletes and families, to ensure they can afford to participate in a sport they love and for coaches and owners to thrive. I am not opposed to a virtual competition or other way to do it. Life as our kids know it has changed in a way we can’t comprehend since most of us had a carefree 70s 80s or 90s childhood. I wish things were simple right now and I was making my packing list for summit while bedazzling mom shirts. I long for the days of fighting over too tight hair and early start times. But for this moment it is as if we are suspended in time not knowing. The unknown is here and it’s not feasible to put thousands of people in a small place. There should be a virtual feel good type of showcase to celebrate all of these athletes when the time is right.
The only thing Varsity is concerned about is your money. They just want to milk every buck they can. These kids work hard and deserve better if Varsity doesn’t cancel. That’s why gyms should pull out of worlds and summit. Cheerleaders should not compete. How could they be expected to be in top form since they haven’t practiced in almost 2 months? Why would any great coach put their cheerleaders in danger? Parents should question any gym that does. Our kids health and well being is worth more than a ring.
I’m sorry- I disagree, please don’t take this offensively because this is not how I mean it- but I’m tired of hearing ALL so and so cares about is money... because that just isn’t so. Not Varsity, not a gym owner, not athletes who are sad about a comp getting canceled or are wishing for some sense of normalcy... every single person.. even a BIG WIG CEO has a family... every single person on this planet - let’s face it, is somewhat scared... even the protesters... (they’re protesting out of fear of loss of livelihood... people are scared of death, people are worried about telling their children they can’t do what they love, scared life will never be the same, worried they won’t have a place to live, scared they will loose their business, their gyms... will get robbed... will they have enough to eat- will they get sick?! Will their loved ones get sick? Will they get someone sick? Will they make the right decisions...?!
I just get really tired of hearing that so and so “doesn’t care” - I can assure you EVERYONE CARES - more than ever... please stop saying they don’t. There’s not 1 person, family, business, entity that has NOT been touched by this awful time... You’re 100% entitled to your perception and this isn’t an attack at all- I just REALLY wish would take this time to come together to find solutions, lift each other up and unify rather than place blame, talk down and speculate just how undermined everyone is. This is the real problem.... we are wasting so much time reflecting on negativity when we could be revolutionizing our industry and being proactive about our future and organizing programs to HELP our cheer community at this time. There are a ton of parents, kids and gyms in need- that’s where the focus should be...
I am not offended and I get what you are saying as well. I thought by now things would be better where I live, but they are not. I am in NYC and it’s scary. I personally know 3 people who have died in the past week from it and 4 others who died who are relatives of friends. 5 of the 7 were young and had no underlying conditions. I wish there were a way to ensure safety of athletes and families, to ensure they can afford to participate in a sport they love and for coaches and owners to thrive. I am not opposed to a virtual competition or other way to do it. Life as our kids know it has changed in a way we can’t comprehend since most of us had a carefree 70s 80s or 90s childhood. I wish things were simple right now and I was making my packing list for summit while bedazzling mom shirts. I long for the days of fighting over too tight hair and early start times. But for this moment it is as if we are suspended in time not knowing. The unknown is here and it’s not feasible to put thousands of people in a small place. There should be a virtual feel good type of showcase to celebrate all of these athletes when the time is right.
...I’m sorry you are going through what you are going through- can’t imagine how it is in NY right now. This whole thing is mind blowing- changes day to day... who I feel MOST sad for is the kids ( like you said... grew up with a mostly carefree childhood) cant fathom being a 7/8 year old and trying to understand the complexity of what’s going on right now... heartbreaking
I have yet to see anyone with a medical background suggest easing limitations yet, does anyone have anything I can reference? I am grateful for the VA Governor Ralph Northam and the stay at home orders he put in place until June 1oth. I am not listening to anyone other medical professionals for this medical emergency.
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Remember when all kids and their parents had to be concerned about in cheer was (example) age grid announcements and how it might affect their athlete's Senior or Worlds eligibility for the next year?

Now, I'd consider your family blessed if Worlds and Summit are on your radar of concerns.

The average family I know is concerned about basics like "How are my kids going to go to school this fall? Can that even happen safely?"
CANCELED: The Cheerleading Worlds 2020 - cheerUPDATES

ORLANDO, FL – After much speculation, it has been confirmed by the United States All Star Federation (USASF) that the season ending Cheerleading World Championships for 2020 are officially canceled citing COVID-19, the global health pandemic.

Discussions are underway to find an appropriate means of celebrating cheer athletes, our sport, and the 2019/2020 season.

This is a developing story, more information & updates will be made when available.
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