All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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I think they are trying to work something out. Allstar cheer is not actually a sport..... and regular Gyms (workout facilities) are still open. So something may come of that.
But for sure no competitions until Jan- which if they can practice is fine... fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed.

Biden can’t shut the country down just as Trump couldn’t force states to come off lockdown. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the NJ gyms find a way to stay open
Our Gyms over here in Germany have been closed again since october 29th and they will remain closed until at least Jan 1st.
I don't think we will be back in January either. All the sports here are suffering , even regular fitness gyms are closed. It's also getting harder to keep people motivated with online practises etc. Just feels like there is no end in sight
I think they are trying to work something out. Allstar cheer is not actually a sport..... and regular Gyms (workout facilities) are still open. So something may come of that.
But for sure no competitions until Jan- which if they can practice is fine... fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed.
The Governor has already stated that competitive cheer is considered a sport. All organized activities, including practices, are to be shut down as of Saturday morning. It includes adult recreational sports, club sports, and travel teams. There are potentially ways to get around it, but then you can only have 10 people inside at a time.

What does this look like right now for you? Are gyms open? Not open? Stunting or not? Masks? No masks? Curious.
Thanks for clarifying- I must have misinterpreted something.

The Governor has already stated that competitive cheer is considered a sport. All organized activities, including practices, are to be shut down as of Saturday morning. It includes adult recreational sports, club sports, and travel teams. There are potentially ways to get around it, but then you can only have 10 people inside at a time.
Biden can’t shut the country down just as Trump couldn’t force states to come off lockdown. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the NJ gyms find a way to stay open
He can make the country shut down and Trump could have “made” everyone open up but he chose not to. Its heavily dependent on Biden’s view point on preservation of the sovereignty to the states. Any president can write an executive order and “override” the active state mandates... would it “look good” and be popular? No
Its just like a some of these Governors who have allowed some counties to have the power to decide what’s open whereas others have dictated or mandated (via) exec orders what will be done.

That’s why we are so ticked off here in CA. Not only did we get a TON of mandated restrictions with no consultation from individual county or city governing bodies but we got random executive orders that had NOTHING to do with the pandemic that SHOULD be passed through legislation. For example: under emergency order ... here we got a ban on sales of electric appliances?!?!? This is just one of 45 executive orders we got that had nothing to do with the pandemic ...
President could do the same thing , but it would be wildly unpopular and hard to enforce nation wide without military support in this country.
Honestly - that sounds like Heaven but what state are you in? Here in CA... totally different story... and in some counties we have been pretty heavily restricted since March. We would be happy to have at the very least sports for kids... because there is a marked difference in our youth not having school OR any kind of organized social activity.
We (for the most part) don’t have problems wearing masks here- it’s the “stay home and watch the decay around you” that is troubling. We had a homeless issue in Feb... but I, after emerging after slightly opening up in May -going to our local park ... it was just A complete takeover. You can also now drive past the majority of once bustling shopping centers and see boarded up and vacant buildings with “going out of business” or “available” signage.

I don’t think the masks “give” us freedom however I don’t think they are such an infringement.

I AM super tired of everyone calling each other “selfish”
When in reality anyone who REQUIRES or EXPECTS another to make a CHOICE based on THEIR personal preference of how THEY choose to live or die can be considered “selfish”...
People are acting like the AIR they breathe as a result of making a choice to go to a store, go out and eat or not to wear a face covering is directly responsible for the death of another individual 100% of the time... and that just isn’t so. Is there an indirect possibility that by someone making the choice to do those things could cause someone harm or even death? Yes, absolutely... but then, in theory EVERY single person on this planet has been guilty of being “selfish” if they have done ANYTHING at all that hasn’t been deemed “essential”. To put it simply- what one might deem as selfishly “endangering others”... another might argue as selfishly diminishing another’s “quality of life”...

I.E. when my father was on life support and I wanted to fight to keep him alive and try everything possible to save him- my uncle called me “Selfish” for wanting to fight to keep my dad ALIVE because he FELT my father wouldn’t want to live a life of less than full functioning quality (not exactly /but kind of the opposite argument some are making today with Coronavirus)
I suppose my view is we are all having different experiences based on where we are located and who is governing us. Many of us are fine with reasonable restrictions but are confused by the behavior of those doing the restricting... and many of us simply worried that their is no universal sense of “reasonable” anymore ...and there’s no respect for the DIFFERENCE in the opinion in view of how we move forward.
i got called a selfish a**hole and then some by bunch of moms in my mom group for wanting to take my son to the park after losing my job and a week before the shutdown began in my city ..... im sure a lot of people have suffered in some way or form during this, but i have found having to deal with a bunch of keyboard warriors who claim they are sudden "doctors" the most annoying. Id rank it up there as probably just as bad as internet politics.
i got called a selfish a**hole and then some by bunch of moms in my mom group for wanting to take my son to the park after losing my job and a week before the shutdown began in my city ..... im sure a lot of people have suffered in some way or form during this, but i have found having to deal with a bunch of keyboard warriors who claim they are sudden "doctors" the most annoying. Id rank it up there as probably just as bad as internet politics.
Yea well- aren’t we all Selfish really? Isn’t the act of telling someone they are selfish ... selfish in itself as there isn’t consideration for the other individuals circumstances behind the so called “selfish” act.
yes- the world is now keyboard warriors /doctors
I just stopped listening to everything and I’m now convinced-
...staying at home does NOTHING. It elongates the curve..It mathematically CREATES substantial spikes when we DO open in any marked capacity... we are creating MORE problems by trying to solve another.
There was no behavior science studied in mitigation. Had we not been so restrictive we wouldn’t have SO much want for defiance - had we been balanced in our approach with this and allowed for monitored activity in moderation we wouldn’t have sharp spikes we would have natural and gradual ups and downs. The more we encourage individuals to stay in CONTROLLED groups... in controlled settings (like school, sports and work) the better off we are. There we can monitor, trace, track and mitigate...

We have essentially displaced & disrupted almost every controlled setting/group forcing people to seek other means of socialization instead...only to congregate back into forced isolation over and over again incubating & exasperating the spread.

We should have spent a substantial amount of effort and money in streamlining/keeping protocols consistent and strict... incentivizing business to pay their employees in essential environments a premium... and keep older more high risk employees home.
We have literally shut down almost all controlled sanitized environments like places to eat that limit patrons to 6, where they are temp checked and masks are required outdoors. Now those same people that would be going for dinner and drinks in those environments are throwing house parties for 20 with no masks.
Just read a post the other day where a women scoffed - “our gov is a moron... virus is gonna virus- he can’t expect us single 18-30 somethings to stay doing nothing, we will just keeping taking the party inside at home” - exhibit A people
Same with my cheerleaders... they talk about how a ton of kids who don’t have sports now and zoom class ends at noon all they do is go out all the time and hang out everywhere... Controlled environments are gone
Thanks for clarifying- I must have misinterpreted something.
There is a lot of confusion right now. We were told this "we received clarification through Governor Murphy's Executive Orders and the DOH that gymnastics and cheerleading schools are permitted to continue operation in its capacity of 25% with no additional restrictions". @NJ Coach, have you all received this clarification too?
Ok so, I get that people need to vent and that we're all a community here, and I swear I'm not trying to come across as rude, but can people potentially do that through DMs or make a topic in a different forum? I look in this chat to see how Varsity is planning to move forward with COVID, what competitions are being cancelled, what's being moved virtual, etc. and having to go through pages of speculation, mask debates, and politics to find that information is annoying considering what was the point of this topic initially. And I get it, I haven't been shy about my own struggles with COVID in relation to how it impacted me personally as well as my team and my life as an athlete, which could also be seen as a tangent but I tried to frame it in terms of how it impacted cheer.

Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to stay in the loop so I know what my season might be looking like. There is a random thread channel on the forum, maybe move all other coronavirus related topics that aren't specific about cheerleading to there, going forward?

Anyway, on to my question that I was looking for an answer to - does anybody know if Varsity moves a competition to a different date (for example: American Grand in Vegas was moved to Jan 16 from it's original date in December), are they giving free refunds to gyms and athletes that have already paid, or are they expected to rework their schedules to still attend, even though it's on a new date? I was just curious if anybody had any inside information on all this.
@tojofasho I respect your opinion, but the majority of this thread is people venting about COVID19, mask wearing, politicians, schools, what other sports/gyms are doing, etc. Being that the majority of this 91 page thread has very little to do with specific Varsity actions, you might want to start a thread specifically for moved competitions and refund policies.
@tojofasho I respect your opinion, but the majority of this thread is people venting about COVID19, mask wearing, politicians, schools, what other sports/gyms are doing, etc. Being that the majority of this 91 page thread has very little to do with specific Varsity actions, you might want to start a thread specifically for moved competitions and refund policies.

That would be fine too, but considering this one is literally titled Varsity Response, and things such as moved competitions, virtual competitions, refunds, etc. fall under that umbrella, this seems like the correct place to search for the answer to my question. With that being said, it also says COVID, so I can also see why people come here to vent if they think of it as two separate topics in one thread, rather than the virus and specifically how Varsity is responding, which was how I interpreted it. Personally, I don't believe that taking what should be a helpful tool for those who are trying to find answers, and clogging it up with information that doesn't pertain to cheerleading and just focuses on the virus on its own/individual opinions, seems like it doesn't make much sense to me or the other people who are specifically looking for information on how cheer is being impacted on a day-to-day basis. It should be it's own thing, so that people have a safe place to vent and talk with their fierceboard family.

I will say that things like gym closures falling in this thread makes sense because it relates to the topic of the board, which is literally titled "Allstar Cheerleading", as do even things like state closures since it ties into competitions being hosted and held. I'm not saying we need a thread of just Varsity refund policies and moved competitions. It simply seems like it would be wise to split the two topics in some sort of way, perhaps lock this one down and start two new ones: COVID rants/information vs. COVID impacts on the cheer world. There'd be some overlap, sure, and maybe a little bit of confusion initially, but I do think it would be better and easier to find information if one was mostly for venting and personal opinions, whereas the other was for important intel on what is going on and what updates we are getting. Both necessary in their own way, for obvious reasons, but just to make the thing a bit easier to navigate. No offense meant to anybody, in case it comes off as an attack.

What does this look like right now for you? Are gyms open? Not open? Stunting or not? Masks? No masks? Curious.

I don't cheer anymore so don't know much about masks and competitions but England finish our 2nd national 'lockdown' on the 2nd December. When that finishes, we go back to a tiered system. Cheer gyms have been closed throughout that lockdown (4 weeks) and although they had been open for a couple of months before that, they had only been permitted to start stunting a couple of weeks (if that) before the 2nd lockdown was announced on the 31st Oct. I still follow my old gym on social media and they are reopening on the 2nd, not sure if all are or of it depends on what tier they're in. It sounds very complicated; I don't envy the gym owners and coaches!

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