Cheer Pet Peeves?

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not to be offensive but for the most part, anything that the high school routinese have annoy me. the routines are slow, sloppy, timing is terrible and their skill level just aren't up to par. another big pet-peeve is bent wrists in any basic motion
My pet peeves:

1. Missing practice...I drive 1 hr 10 minutes 1 way and we NEVER miss practice - I personally think there should be an extra fee charged everytime you miss practice....It's a committment people and we all PAY to do this
2. Dog paws
3. Parents that under estimate what their kids are capable of - never congratulating them...always being negative, especially when they are young
4. Parents that politic their kids onto teams and gets a spot that some other child deserves more because they worked harder and earned it
5. Kids that think they know everything - Don't want to take advice from their peers and the parent supports this behavior by making it seem like it's everone else's fault when a stunt doesn't hit or a tumbling pass isn't completed
6. Kids that don't follow the dress code...they are determined to wear what they want to wear even though specific attire has been assigned
7. Kids who are excused of certain behaviors because their mother is the team mom
8. Male flyers - don't want to offend anyone, I just don't like to see boys pulling heel stretches and scorpions
9. When rules of a gym are circumvented and/or put aside for certain kids
not to be offensive but for the most part, anything that the high school routinese have annoy me. the routines are slow, sloppy, timing is terrible and their skill level just aren't up to par. another big pet-peeve is bent wrists in any basic motion
I do agree that some high school routines are slow and boring to watch but there are a lot of high school teams out there that are just as good as all star teams. And there are also a lot of boring, not up to par all star teams. So it's a bit unfair to generalize high school routines like that.
While I'm not FOND of mismatched teams (skill-wise) and find boring routines, well, boring, I wouldn't really call it a pet peeve. I just don't LIKE it! Lol. But, circumstances happen and sometimes each of these is somewhat unavoidable.

What drives me crazy are the things that are soooooo easy to avoid, but someone just doesn't care enough to do so. For example, pajama pants / sweats under skirts at awards. Really? That looks terrible! What if your team actually WINS?!? The picture will be hideous! :-D

Pet peeve number 2: Bad behavior in uniform. When a cheerleader is in that uniform, he/she is representing the program that they're a part of. One person behaving badly in a uniform can damage an entire program's reputation, not to mention seriously mess with the heads of the younger cheerleaders for which he/she is a role-model!

And, yeah. Psychotic cheermoms AND cheerdads! It can work both ways! There are some scary stage-parents in the cheerworld!!! :-O
-I absolutely HATE cheerleaders on the team that are not willing to take anyone's advice!
-I also hate it when I seem to be the only one in the group that makes SENSE and has a solution to problems, but seems to be ignored and ordered to shut up, only for them to continue arguing! (Piggy from Lord of the Flies, anyone?)
-When cheerleaders with experience are ran over by the freshmen! Hello, you are a veteran that has better tumbling, jumps, and stunting than anyone on the TEAM! Stand up for yourself. -_-
-When people who don't even know how to tumble try to coach you on what you're doing wrong. I always respond, "Um, do I hear someone that doesn't know how to tumble talking?" It shuts them up every time.
-When people get their tumbling one day and come back to practice the next day, acting like they can't even do it. Not only do they complain that they can't do it, but they don't even TRY! It's, like, what's so different than yesterday? You just did it!
-When returning cheerleaders try to scold the new cheerleaders when they are stunting. Saying things like, "Smile!" "Stay tight!" Okay, she's staying tight, but she's not smiling. So what? You hardly ever smile, anyway. Don't judge, hypocrites. And stop trying to look like a know-it-all. It's not cute.
-When cheerleaders argue in the middle of a stunt! HELLO, people! The flier is still up there, why are you arguing while you're up underneath her? At least wait AFTER the cradle, sheesh!
-When cheerleaders never do ANYTHING full out or hit anything, but when it comes down to getting a consequence if something fails, EVERYTHING hits and is dead-on.
-Coaches that favor certain cheerleaders who get in trouble all the time, but still seem to not get punished but when another cheerleader does something of less value, they get in huge trouble and yelled at.
-Cheerleaders that eat flaming Hot Cheetos, Mc Donalds, Taco Bell or any kind of fast food right before practice and have the nerve to complain about how tired they are when they finish running 1 out of 4 laps. HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! Does that fact that you just finished shoving lard down your throat notify you why you might be tired!?
-When captains don't do their job and expect someone else to take care of the problem.
-When people think that they are the absolute best and that the team cannot make it without them! Aha! This happened WAY too many times this cheer season and they were up for a rude awakening!
-When the coach says not to do something and the cheerleader does it, anyway.
-When the coach says, "Do your tumbling." and someone doesn't do it, thus having us to start over, when we were half way done with the routine!

I can keep going! It's ridiculous.
When people ALWAYS seem to be or act like they are hurt, but they never are. and when your a middle flyer in a pyramid structure and the two other flyers put ALL the weight on you
...Sheesh. You don't have to be able to tumble yourself to know how it works.
Agreed! I was never a good tumbler, but I could always tell people what they were doing wrong in their back handsprings, or why they weren't landing their tucks. I've watched so many people throw the skill, I can catch what someone's doing wrong!
Oh, you must be talking about some people at my daughters cheer gym...LOL! I would apologize for them but it's sad to say, you know we all have them at every gym. Hopefully, it wont happen in Rhode Island.

.lol. haha nah, im talking bout myself....i tore my achilles tendon like 3 days b4 athletic championship....i still competed, but after jamfest im out for season for surgery
My biggest pet peeve ever is a coach cheering when an opposing team drops a stunt?! What an example..
When a gym(who thinks they are your rival) act like you only won because the judges knew your coach/gym owner? really??
When they discredit all of the hard work your child has done that got them that 1st place, because their kids worked hard and deserved it more?! Are you kidding me?
...Sheesh. You don't have to be able to tumble yourself to know how it works.

But to be fair, if you're an idiot like me who knows nothing about tumbling, you're better off keeping your mouth shut. :)

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