Music Trading Music....

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Because people love feeling like they have power over people...
when i first got REALLY into cheerleading, wanting music and such, i saw people on myspace (aha!) that had music i wanted! i would just message them and ask if i could have it and they would be all
"uhm.. youuu want world cup shooting stars from a million years ago..? only if you give me this years topgun from "insert competition" !"

i just wanted some music! anytime people ask me for something i have i give it them just because i hate those mean music traders!
what's it gunna do to me if they have it.. its not like i dont anymore!
Haha. Trading music used to be fun! Kind of reminds me when all the boys in middle school traded pokemon cards..
haha so true I don't know why people wont just send it if you ask nicely :) & I don't get why EVEN AFTER the team has already competed multiple times... no one is aloud to have there music -_-. obviously people have already heard it. It's just music people.
haha so true I don't know why people wont just send it if you ask nicely :) & I don't get why EVEN AFTER the team has already competed multiple times... no one is aloud to have there music -_-. obviously people have already heard it. It's just music people.

AH! i absolutely hate when people who arent on the team and say "the music cant be released" but they have the music? geez youre not that special
by my corporation anyone on ACE isnt allowed to give out anything, no pics music or otherwise until after cheersport.
but if i have music i give it to people, and i have a lot of music
I know all of you are upset, but PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THING.

I know I'm going to get blasted for some of the things I say here. Anyways...
To some of us, trading is our thing. It's fun, it's exciting and it's DEFINITELY a challenge at times. Some of us who trade work extremely hard for the mixes we get. We know what we want, and we go after it, and yes, we get some great mixes in the process. The point of trading isn't getting as many mixes as you can to have power over people. We trade mixes because we want other team’s music. Many times, you will find that most traders will be open to anything you have to trade with. We are super nice and love meeting new people. I have so many friends who I trade with that I would never have met otherwise. Yes, we have things that we are not allowed to give out. We like to respect the wishes of those who gave it to us and the gym from where the team is from. In response to ACEwarheadof Tennessee’s post, if I had an ACE mix that I knew wasn’t allowed to be released yet, I wouldn’t send it out in courtesy of the gym. I’d let the gym leak it. If it's not on the library, there is probably a reason. Is it right for the people to give it out in the first place? That's their prerogative. It’s not my place to main stream a mix that the gym/person doesn’t want out. It’s not that we hog it and we don’t like you. But if you tell me to keep a mix hidden, I will do just that. I have lots of mixes that I'm not supposed to have and you better believe I don't give them out. Is it a bad thing? No, as I was asked not to give it out. Do I feel bad saying no? Of course. I want to share all my music with everyone! I love sending it out and seeing people’s reactions. But sometimes, I just can’t do that, and I will say it now, that I am sorry. I truly am. I know what it feels like to find someone with a mix I want and be told no, I can’t have it. I go through it almost every time I am trying to get a new mix. Anyone who has ever asked me for a mix, unless I tell them specifically that I can’t send it out, knows I will send them anything. I don’t want anything in return, and I won’t ask to trade for an older mix.
Ok, now that you see where we as music trader’s are coming from, I want to respond to all of the things you guys have said about us. You may not like what I have to say, that’s fine with me. We, as traders, work HARD for some of our mixes, something a few of you won’t understand until you really get into it. We stay up late looking for others who have mixes we want. Many of us are in different time zones and our schedules don’t match up. But if we want that mix, we are gonna stay up for it. I’ve traded with people who are 13 hours ahead of where I am. It’s really not as easy as you make it out to be. It’s a lot of building trust with others and following up on the “business at hand.” Trading is not for everyone. Are we selfish? Maybe, but not really. To us, the music we collect is like money. It’s the currency of our “underground music scene.” We aren’t gonna give out some of the mixes we have very easily. It’s not about hogging or having power over you. If you work hard at your job, cash your pay check and someone asks you to give the entire thing to them, will you? No. Why? Because it’s yours and you worked hard for it. Is it because you want “power of them” or you’re a “hog” or you want to be “cooler” than them? No. After all, it’s “just money”.
I know that I am good at what I do and I'm not being cocky, I'm being honest. I've been around long enough to know the tips and tricks and when I set out for a mix, I can usually find it in a week, if not less. It's taken years to acquire the mixes, tools and relationships I've built. Maybe to you it's not that important, but to me, it's just as much as a passion of mine as cheerleading is itself. So, the next time you complain about us “being selfish” and telling us it’s “just music”, think of the effort we put into getting it. If you really want that mix, then go out and work for it like the other traders do.

P.S – Just realize what we traders really do for you guys. All that good music up on the library? Like Senior Elite, World Cup Shooting Stars, Generals, etc, yeah, a lot of us had a part in getting it there so you all could have it FOR FREE with no credit to the work we've done for you all (not taking credit away from the people who paid for the music and made the music). Thanks for reading my not-so-little rant, I’m done now.
I know all of you are upset, but PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THING.

I know I'm going to get blasted for some of the things I say here. Anyways...
To some of us, trading is our thing. It's fun, it's exciting and it's DEFINITELY a challenge at times. Some of us who trade work extremely hard for the mixes we get. We know what we want, and we go after it, and yes, we get some great mixes in the process. The point of trading isn't getting as many mixes as you can to have power over people. We trade mixes because we want other team’s music. Many times, you will find that most traders will be open to anything you have to trade with. We are super nice and love meeting new people. I have so many friends who I trade with that I would never have met otherwise. Yes, we have things that we are not allowed to give out. We like to respect the wishes of those who gave it to us and the gym from where the team is from. In response to ACEwarheadof Tennessee’s post, if I had an ACE mix that I knew wasn’t allowed to be released yet, I wouldn’t send it out in courtesy of the gym. I’d let the gym leak it. If it's not on the library, there is probably a reason. Is it right for the people to give it out in the first place? That's their prerogative. It’s not my place to main stream a mix that the gym/person doesn’t want out. It’s not that we hog it and we don’t like you. But if you tell me to keep a mix hidden, I will do just that. I have lots of mixes that I'm not supposed to have and you better believe I don't give them out. Is it a bad thing? No, as I was asked not to give it out. Do I feel bad saying no? Of course. I want to share all my music with everyone! I love sending it out and seeing people’s reactions. But sometimes, I just can’t do that, and I will say it now, that I am sorry. I truly am. I know what it feels like to find someone with a mix I want and be told no, I can’t have it. I go through it almost every time I am trying to get a new mix. Anyone who has ever asked me for a mix, unless I tell them specifically that I can’t send it out, knows I will send them anything. I don’t want anything in return, and I won’t ask to trade for an older mix.
Ok, now that you see where we as music trader’s are coming from, I want to respond to all of the things you guys have said about us. You may not like what I have to say, that’s fine with me. We, as traders, work HARD for some of our mixes, something a few of you won’t understand until you really get into it. We stay up late looking for others who have mixes we want. Many of us are in different time zones and our schedules don’t match up. But if we want that mix, we are gonna stay up for it. I’ve traded with people who are 13 hours ahead of where I am. It’s really not as easy as you make it out to be. It’s a lot of building trust with others and following up on the “business at hand.” Trading is not for everyone. Are we selfish? Maybe, but not really. To us, the music we collect is like money. It’s the currency of our “underground music scene.” We aren’t gonna give out some of the mixes we have very easily. It’s not about hogging or having power over you. If you work hard at your job, cash your pay check and someone asks you to give the entire thing to them, will you? No. Why? Because it’s yours and you worked hard for it. Is it because you want “power of them” or you’re a “hog” or you want to be “cooler” than them? No. After all, it’s “just money”.
I know that I am good at what I do. I've been around long enough to know the tips and tricks and when I set out for a mix, I can usually find it in a week, if not less. It's taken years to acquire the mixes, tools and relationships I've built. Maybe to you it's not that important, but to me, it's just as much as a passion of mine as cheerleading is itself. So, the next time you complain about us “being selfish” and telling us it’s “just music”, think of the effort we put into getting it. If you really want that mix, then go out and work for it like the other traders do.

P.S – Just realize what we traders really do for you guys. All that good music up on the library? Like Senior Elite, World Cup Shooting Stars, Generals, etc, yeah, a lot of us had a part in getting it there so you all could have it FOR FREE with no credit to the work we've done for you all (not taking credit away from the people who paid for the music and made the music). Thanks for reading my not-so-little rant, I’m done now.

But youre nice about it! Like for instance, youll give people mixes for mixes you dont have like say an 04 mix for an 11 mix. But then there are those who are rude about it like telling people the only way theyll get a mix is if they have another mix that the person wants. Some people are stubborn and arent willing to trade fairly or work out a deal

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