All-Star Stealing Kids???

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Jan 21, 2010
This is more of a recent kinda thing some of the kids at our gym have been complainingabout other coaches trying to recuirt(not the best speller) them for their gym...and its been an issuse for a while and the girls have told them they arent coming to their gym for anything other than high school practice... and they asked for a lil advice and I havent had to deal with this issue since I got older...what are you thoughts about that???:rolleyes:
If I had a high school team come in to practice at my allstar program, I'd try to recruit. However - if coach XYZ says to Susie "hey you should check out XYZ Allstars' competitive program," and Susie says "I'm sorry, I already compete for ABC Athletics," then coach XYZ needs to leave the kid alone. Susie isn't going to want to even think about cheering for coach XYZ if he keeps pestering her. Although I have seen coaches promise kids everything under the sun if they join the program. "Oh you'll be on our level 5 team!" "Oh your tuck is only a little janky. I'll have you fulling in no time!"
i agree with ilikebigbows but what if there is feud at the 2 gyms or with that specific coach? wouldn't it be awkward going to their gym?/ would ppl from your gym start to question?
these are just what if questions

If they are going for a required practice they will have to hold their own, if one of the coaches from the other gym is trying to recruit them they need to tell them thanks for your interest but I already cheer for another program and have no intentions of leaving, once this is said they should be left alone. If not then maybe the parents should get involved.
Hmmm, this is an unfortunate title after all the recent discussion on online privacy and creepers :O

If they're there for required HS practice, perhaps their HS coach can have a word with the recruiting gym coaches/owners and sort it out. It's hard sometimes for a kid to speak out and ask an adult or authority figure to stop harassing them.
Responsibly recruiting is okay, it is a business after all. If they don't keep bugging the kids or badtalking their gym etc it's okay within limits IMO. After all they are a paying customer to the other gym. However if it stays an issue the KID(and parents of said child) needs to talk to the owner and say something along the lines of I really like coming here for xyz (even of it is a mandatory practice and you hate, kind words can get you far) but coach suzy keeps pressuring me to come cheer when she knows I'm at Suzy elite all stars already, and that's just not cool. If the owner knows how to run a half decent business, it'll stop.
I wouldnt really call it stealing kids considering the athlete in question is making the choice to go to the new gym. Chances are, the athlete will be either better off at the new gym or they will come back to their old gym. This is no different then a professional sports player being offered more money to move to a different team.
I agree. Having a lot of kids in our program from all over means we have lots of high and middle schoolers practicing at other gyms. That is just part of cheerleading. If we do our job, make our customers happy, they wont leave. And if someone can be lured away with big hopes and dream and promises this early in the season they might have left in the middle (unless it was a Worlds team... see how that rule helps out now?).
I wouldnt really call it stealing kids considering the athlete in question is making the choice to go to the new gym. Chances are, the athlete will be either better off at the new gym or they will come back to their old gym. This is no different then a professional sports player being offered more money to move to a different team.

But they arent offering them any incentive they are just saying come here cause we think we're better
I agree. Having a lot of kids in our program from all over means we have lots of high and middle schoolers practicing at other gyms. That is just part of cheerleading. If we do our job, make our customers happy, they wont leave. And if someone can be lured away with big hopes and dream and promises this early in the season they might have left in the middle (unless it was a Worlds team... see how that rule helps out now?).

I Do now
We have the same issue... except the recruiting has gotten so bad it's almost become harassment. Bottom line is if your pulling a child who is under 18 into a private room with no other adults and telling them they will never ammount to anything at their current gym and constantly calling/texting/facebooking even after the child has repeatedly said "no" it's not ok and it's not "just business" anymore.
We have the same issue... except the recruiting has gotten so bad it's almost become harassment. Bottom line is if your pulling a child who is under 18 into a private room with no other adults and telling them they will never ammount to anything at their current gym and constantly calling/texting/facebooking even after the child has repeatedly said "no" it's not ok and it's not "just business" anymore.

very true and I agree whole heartedly
stealing indicates ownership....we are customers....Kingston hit it on the your best and be good and most wont want to leave and the ones who will prolly be a blessing.....I love Starbucks...I am perfectly fine to see peets, dunkin donuts and other competitors trying to lure me away....but a good and faithful CUSTOMER will not leave...I do not like the "new" rule that was SLIPPED in last year....cuz in the end.....why would ya want someone who doesnt want you.....I believe in capitalism...not big government to tell me where I HAVE to take my kids......IMO

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