All-Star Restricting Tumbling To Your All Star Gym Only??

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Could someone at least delete the gym's name out of the original post? I have zero affiliation with them but it seems like this entire thread is made just to call them out and look bad :/
@kingston ?

I could but when you send emails out they are then public (we dont honestly think this is the only place these things are posted, right.) that's the way it is. Deleting this thread (which. Just read for the first time) won't change who's seen it.

And as long as the email is true then I'm afraid there isn't too much to be done about it.
rules like this generally come from something happening causing them to think the rule is a good idea. Whether that was something like a lot of their kids were tumbling somewhere and then all left for that gym or another gym messed up some of their kids tumbling, I don't know.

Its not an issue we have, but if kids were tumbling somewhere else(just cause its closer or whatever other reason) and it was messing up their technique then we would strongly suggest that they not tumble there.
I am opposed to someone bullying anyone.... especially a gym owner bullying thier parents and cheerleaders. It seems to me that maybe this ECN is afraid some other tumbling instructors might have skills they dont possess. Bullying usually has more to do with a hidden fear of the unknown....... Let's all think about that! I believe the email was important to post..... it truly shows who these gym owners are.... no more hiding behind the barbie smiles.

soooo was the point of this thread to "expose" the owners, or discuss the policy?

what exactly is there to expose. maybe im just not sensitive but if i got that email i wouldnt have a problem...or even consider it bullying.
Our gym allows kids to tumble outside and also takes in outside kids for tumbling. I am a strong proponent of personal rights so I probably wouldn't patronize a gym that limited my personal freedoms like that...unless it was the most awesome gym on the planet...then I would consider it.

On another note - wow, the senders actual email address is listed on that forward. I feel just a little bit badly for stephanie...
I could but when you send emails out they are then public (we dont honestly think this is the only place these things are posted, right.) that's the way it is. Deleting this thread (which. Just read for the first time) won't change who's seen it.

And as long as the email is true then I'm afraid there isn't too much to be done about it.

That's what I figured but it's unfortunate that this thread is pretty much meant to bash this gym by the way it was written :/
That's what I figured but it's unfortunate that this thread is pretty much meant to bash this gym by the way it was written :/

Yes, but the email wasn't written in the best way either. I understand the point AND why some gyms would not allow it. But how you present your rules and ideas is as important as the rules and ideas themselves.
regardless of the delivery of the issue or any agenda anyone responding may have, many of the people on here simply want to debate the policy and have no attackutory statement they are trying to make. taking the time to cool off or think before you fire off an angry email, or before you say something mean to someone while you are mad, or post something haterish on the boards should be on one of those mastercard commercials as "priceless". if there is a rule regarding posting emails with gym or people names in them, then please cyber punish meanj. if not, drop it. his name says he's mean duh and let's just debate the issue.
A few years back I was called into the coaches office. I thought they were going to ask my child to double team but instead they fussed at us for going to another gym that didn't even have an all-star tea at that location. They said it was a safety thing and no other big gyms would allow that type of "unfaithfulness". I guess they thought I would apologize and promise to never do it again but I was a little miffed and told them until they could provide the same type of training as the other gym I would continue to go there. I was monitoring what she did there and I would not let her or the coaches do something I did not feel she was ready for. It is not a written policy- I check every year before I renew- but I know the coaches don't like it and don't want the kids to ever mention that they have been there. What I hate is this other gym has $5 open gyms 2 times a week and a 24 hour tumbling camp in the summer for $75. Our gym offers nothing close to those prices but our coaches make the girls feel really guilty if they go to another gym so now my child won't do it. If she wants more tumbling time we have to pay for privates. She doesn't need the constant coaching she just needs a place to practice her running tumbling over and over again. So even though it is not written policy, out of guilt, we are not doing it :(
I am personally confident enough in my own abilitys and those of my coworkers to not care, and as far as I know our gym feels the same.
It's never been a big deal though, because there are only a few coaches in the area who can match our level of instruction (or at least come close I'm a lil cocky and happen to think we have the strongest overall staff in my area, every weakness of one our coaches is the strength of another and from level one to five we have the ability to coach any skill and do it well) and no cheer gym can match our equipment and facilities. Only one gymnastics gym in the state comes close. Every time one of our kids takes a tumbling class or private or camp from another gym, all we hear is how good we were compared to the others and how much more professional our gym is.

While I do have kids that take privates with someone else that I have to tweak to make sure they do it our way (sometimes they use correct technique that isn't the way we choose too, other times it's just horrendous tho) it's not an issue.
If we started worrying about what other gyms do or getting jealous of when our kids leave we wouldn't be half the business we are. ( and for what its worth we only lost two sisters (notorious gym hoppers at that) to another gym, and gained well more than that) we know what we do, we do it well, and we don't let @$&" get to us, and it works. More gyms should think like that and cheer would be a much more positive experience for the customers.
Legally the only person responsible for the publishing of the email is meanj. If the email was deemed confidential and he posted it knowing it was confidential then that gym has grounds to go after him OR if the email is falsified (i would have to believe it ia real). So to all the meanj on here that want to post emails just know you are persoanlly liable for your actions.
As well, our TOS state if something is not supposed to be published then you can contact an admin to have it reviewed.

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It would honestly be a situation basis for me on what gym the child was tumbling at besides mine. Last year we had a family who came in and asked if they could attend open gym at another allstar facility because it was closer, and they could car pool with a classmate who cheered there. Her daughter was a level 3 and JUST (Im talking the day before) JUST got her layout and this was like a week prior to tryouts and wanted to let her daughter tumble extra because they couldnt make open gyms at our gyms scheduled times. We told them that it was fine, but that the gym they were going to progresses their tumbling entirely too fast. We warned her that if someone (meaning the staff) saw her layout, that told her to start working fulls, to say no. Sure enough, they came back in and explained that a staff memeber saw her (janky, because it was new) layout and wanted her to work fulls on tumble track.

Sometimes its not MY insecurities of my facility, but a true concern of the safety for my athletes. I appreciated the parents talking to us so we COULD warn them, and sure enough, we were right. We know our kids are friends with kids from other gyms, and its hard to patrol what they do. I think making a public statement about not allowing it sounds a little insecure, but thats just me.

If I were to send out an email in regards to my last gym (which I wouldnt, but just hypothetically), I would have addressed it in an educating parents on proper progression vs. saying youc ant tumble elsewhere.

ETA: Is MeanJ on their mailing list?
It would honestly be a situation basis for me on what gym the child was tumbling at besides mine. Last year we had a family who came in and asked if they could attend open gym at another allstar facility because it was closer, and they could car pool with a classmate who cheered there. Her daughter was a level 3 and JUST (Im talking the day before) JUST got her layout and this was like a week prior to tryouts and wanted to let her daughter tumble extra because they couldnt make open gyms at our gyms scheduled times. We told them that it was fine, but that the gym they were going to progresses their tumbling entirely too fast. We warned her that if someone (meaning the staff) saw her layout, that told her to start working fulls, to say no. Sure enough, they came back in and explained that a staff memeber saw her (janky, because it was new) layout and wanted her to work fulls on tumble track.

Sometimes its not MY insecurities of my facility, but a true concern of the safety for my athletes. I appreciated the parents talking to us so we COULD warn them, and sure enough, we were right. We know our kids are friends with kids from other gyms, and its hard to patrol what they do. I think making a public statement about not allowing it sounds a little insecure, but thats just me.

If I were to send out an email in regards to my last gym (which I wouldnt, but just hypothetically), I would have addressed it in an educating parents on proper progression vs. saying youc ant tumble elsewhere.

ETA: Is MeanJ on their mailing list?

I agree that honesty is always the best policy! When gas got so high last year and funds got tight and we couldn't justify driving 3 hours round trip for a 1 hour tumble class, we were up front with our coaches and told them we were not "skipping out" on tumbling but had found somewhere local to tumble. We told them where and with who and while they preferred that we tumble at our allstar gym they didn't tell us we couldn't tumble there (it was a gymnastics facility, not allstar). They also gave us tips on what to watch for and be careful about and we were fortunate. Got great instruction! Seems extreme to me to have a hard and fast rule that you can't tumble anywhere else no matter what. There are always honest reasons why people would choose to or need to...
After reading the posts, I am very shocked at some of the "how dare you tell me where I can take my kid" attitude. This sport isn't all about your kid. It is about a team! If you are a member of the gym that sent this, I would hope the coaching staff would have already discussed the reason why they have this policy. They may have a very good reason. And if you don't like the policy, maybe this isn't the gym for you.

This is a TEAM sport! All members of the team are vital! If you have ever had an injured child you should understand this. When my daughter got hurt, she felt horrrible! More for letting her team down than for physical pain. She was an emotional wreck just thinking about someone else in her stunt group. At practices when the stunt didn't hit (with her just watching), she would come home a mess! If she had gotten injured at another gym trying a tumbling pass that wasn't in the routine...well I can only imagine how guilty she would have felt. And as a parent I would feel responsible for letting 35 other kids and familes(that have time and money invested) down. And I am aware that everyone is replaceable on a team, but during the compitition season, bringing in a replacement sometimes isn't so easy on a higher level team.

I understand this policy but do think that there should be an open door for kids who live far away and just want to perfect current skills and get some mat time. And before the season starts, have at it! Try new skills whenever and where ever, but when the routine is set, you owe it to your coach and your team to be responsible when and where you try new skills. I just look at this policy as to protect all involved.
To clarify my comment from a previous post - I believe that a gym has the right to set rules for their athletes, and if you agree to send your child to that gym you accept that you can follow those rules. You don't get to say "Well, I don't think that's a fair rule so I'm not going to follow it" and not expect there to be consequences.

That being said, do I think the rule is a bit harsh? Maybe. I don't know the area that surrounds this particular gym, so I don't know if the issue is more about having kids in other all-star gyms or kids going to gyms with substandard or dangerous coaching, which the parent gym then has to fix. I'm sure, as suggested above, this this policy came about after an incident or series of incidents.

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