All-Star Best Excuses To Miss Practice...

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This has happened multiple times... and each time I have walked up to the girl and said, "I'm glad your back (insert injury/excuse here) was better in time for you to go snowboarding last night, those were great pictures...." Then I inform them how much conditioning they need to do in order to make up for the conditioning they would have received at that practice, and a little extra to bring them up to speed. I never EVER friend a kid on facebook, I tell them that if they want to friend ME they are more than welcome, but they should know that by doing this they WILLINGLY open their world up to me.... I'm actually thankful when kids mess up like that, i'd rather they be slightly 'stupid' by throwing themselves under the bus than have them be sneaky and get away with their lies.
As you should Mom! (PS- Can I call you Mom Wildcat now?? :D)
God I love this thread. I'm sore from shimmying haha

I've had two (yes TWO) girls not come to practice bc they were afraid of rain. Not the thunder or lightning, just the rain. We live in Louisiana so it rains a LOT.

One actually had a drs excuse for it (psychiatrist) bc she would panic and have anxiety attacks and cower in the corner. The other one got over her fear pretty quickly once she realized how much she missed cheer more than she was afraid of the rain.

Thankfully they're both over it now. Hopefully.

My sister coaches at a college and one day she was on her way to practice and got a text from a girl that said "my dad said that the weather is to bad for me to go to practice"!! It was only raining
I hope this thread goes on forever and everyone updates it with new excuses they hear.

I keep remembering more and more. An hour before our first baskeball game of the season a mom texted me "is it required for the girls to cheer basketball?"
Um. Yes.
Haha, the HS team at my school refuses to cheer at games for the varsity girls basketball team because they always lost.
I could be mistaken, but I think there is a girl on SE who has never missed a practice and she's been w/CEA since she was little. Kudos to you for your dedication! I know there are some people who will say, "it's just cheerleading for god's sake", but I believe sometimes that those types of things are some of the very things that separate the good from the great (think elite/pro athlete versus an amateur).
Molly G was the girl on SE. In one of the 2by2 vids when she go hurt last year she said she has never missed a practice or competition in all 11 yrs she's been cheering there.Thats dedication.
As for Facebook statuses that "tell on" favorite thing to do with these is "like" the status. When i was managing in a restaurant and people would call in sick and then post on Facebook, I would like it and comment something like "oooooh! Looks fun! ;)" They usually came back to work already knowing they were busted so it was easy to bring it up. Usually a week off the schedule did the trick. Our old gym you would be moved to the back of the routine.
My mom was getting married, I was maid of honor....we planned her wedding JUST FINE around my practice time later that night. i hopped in the car, my aunt drove me the 45 minutes to my car pool, and we continued to drive another hour to practice. I made it on time and my mom wouldn't have planned it any other way. missing a practice right before showcase would be unheard of and unacceptable in my family, sorry we are dedicated.
My birthday also falls on a competition pretty much never fail just about every year....why would i want to spend my birthday anywhere else than with all my cheer people and performing? seriously, what could be better???
I know its not the same as my mom getting married but i missed my cousins wedding to go to a competition and got back in town for like the last hour of the reception and showed up in my makeup and uniform and hair up because i was not about to attempt getting changed in a car full of people and in the dark!!!! yet there was a person who almost didn't go to this competition because she had a basketball game. I also drive 45 minutes to practice and theres people that live farther that never come because they dont feel like sitting in the car so they say their sick. If you dont wanna make the drive dont cheer or go somewhere closer!
I know its not the same as my mom getting married but i missed my cousins wedding to go to a competition and got back in town for like the last hour of the reception and showed up in my makeup and uniform and hair up because i was not about to attempt getting changed in a car full of people and in the dark!!!! yet there was a person who almost didn't go to this competition because she had a basketball game. I also drive 45 minutes to practice and theres people that live farther that never come because they dont feel like sitting in the car so they say their sick. If you dont wanna make the drive dont cheer or go somewhere closer!
The original post re: "my mom was getting married" was by my daughter. It's true, I planned my wedding around her practice schedule, but that's because I was a h.s. coach & all-star coach for years and there is no way I would want her to miss practice the week before her showcase. In order to be successful the dedication has to come from both sides, the coach/cheerleader and the parents as well!!

As a side note: I had two girls (from a different cheer gym) come to my wedding in full uniform & make up, bows and all! I was thrilled to have them there. It's about the person inside, not the wrapper!! :)
Three girls from my dance team (of about 10) missed the very last practice before a competition to go and watch some sort of Twilight marathon at the cinema right after Breaking Dawn was released :mad: At least they were honest about where they were going...
Three girls from my dance team (of about 10) missed the very last practice before a competition to go and watch some sort of Twilight marathon at the cinema right after Breaking Dawn was released :mad: At least they were honest about where they were going...

When Twilight came out one of our team moms called and said her daughter was not going to be at practice because she was going to the midnight showing.....they practiced from 7-9 and it was the week before a competition!!! When we told the mom that her daughter would not compete she said that will break her daughters heart but understands....she still took her daughter to the movies.

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