All-Star Usasf Major Changes

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as far as the uniform thing - i really don't get how they can tell you what you can wear......
the whole thing is kind of crazy - way to many restrictions all over the place. a lot of dumb age things.
when making these rules they really need to take into account how it affects different sized gyms. some small gyms are really gonna be in trouble with a lot of this. and even some medium sized gyms.
What? I think if anything it's going to even the playing field for small gyms that may have good stunts but sketchy tumbling.... It just takes everything that so many people devote their entire life to away from them in the matter of a day... that's why I'm so mad.
The rules for tumbling were obviously made for safety reasons. We can either pitch a fit about it, which wont do anything, or just accept it and enjoy the rest of this year! The rules are implemented for a reason and we have to respect the boards decisions.

I think all the image rules are also beneficial. It will make Cheerleading look better from the outside, with no more bikini sized uniforms and short short butt hanging out bottoms. The board is thinking about how people view Cheerleading and is trying to improve it!

We may not like all the changes, I sure don't. But I respect them! And I know that they are going to prevent lots of injuries and craziness.

Uh, actually, since the USASF is a business, their success is incredibly dependent on their users. Harsh outcries/protests are part of exactly why businesses change things. USASF isn't God, why on earth should we respect every decision they make?
As a gym owner I have a ton of devestated athletes! This does not help the growth of our sport! Eliminating the skills that set teams apart from another is not going to fix the problem! Investing in the growth of knowledge and proper education to coaches and programs would! I truly believe this will take the enthusiasim out of our sport, and it will stunt our industries growth! It doesn't seem the USASF thought this through. Gym owners need to rise up for the sport and the athletes!
The uniform thing has been being discussed for years and we were told about 2 years ago that the usasf wanted to go to full length or amended versions of uniforms for a while , so that would not be a big surprise to most of us.
Did they really just tell boys to not act "too gay"? So wait a minute, it's ok for a girl to shimmy and make facials, but not boys bc they're boys? Hello discrimination USASF - You have some 'splaining to do

*also, to whomever mentioned the issue about WCSS girls being on board, etc...besides the tumbling issues already mentioned, I'm assuming their curled hair is gonna have to go bc it's not "natural" and can be perceived as distracting.
It may just be the fact that I am a statistics major, so seeing things in numbers honestly helps me to comprehend things, but I would love to see the stats taking from competitions that showed when athletes do get injured performing, what skills they were attempting when this happened. I feel like if we could see it put into perspective like this it would help to decide what skills really needed to be eliminated, and not what skills USASF thinks needs to be eliminated.
The rules for tumbling were obviously made for safety reasons. We can either pitch a fit about it, which wont do anything, or just accept it and enjoy the rest of this year! The rules are implemented for a reason and we have to respect the boards decisions.

I think all the image rules are also beneficial. It will make Cheerleading look better from the outside, with no more bikini sized uniforms and short short butt hanging out bottoms. The board is thinking about how people view Cheerleading and is trying to improve it!

We may not like all the changes, I sure don't. But I respect them! And I know that they are going to prevent lots of injuries and craziness.
There is a reason this post has no shimmys
The rules for tumbling were obviously made for safety reasons. We can either pitch a fit about it, which wont do anything, or just accept it and enjoy the rest of this year! The rules are implemented for a reason and we have to respect the boards decisions.

I think all the image rules are also beneficial. It will make Cheerleading look better from the outside, with no more bikini sized uniforms and short short butt hanging out bottoms. The board is thinking about how people view Cheerleading and is trying to improve it!

We may not like all the changes, I sure don't. But I respect them! And I know that they are going to prevent lots of injuries and craziness.
False, these rules were made because of speculation, not facts. Yes, we will go on but it doesn't mean that people should sit quietly and let the "rule makers" just do whatever they want. It was going to take something DRAMATIC for people to wake up and get heard and hopefully this will be it. I don't respect these decisions because I sat and talked to these "powers that be" and this was mentioned and shot down (the tumbling portion) so NO I have NO respect for paying money to attend coaches conferences, voicing my opinion, reaching agreements and out of no where BAM here, deal with it. That is what I have a problem with. If there were facts based on research that would show this would DECREASE injuries and it was agreed upon I'd be all for it, but it wasn't. I specifically remember hearing Debbie Love speak on this (which I think we can all she is the most respected tumbling person in our industry) that limiting these skills is not the solution. I'm sorry but standing fulls/dubs and whip/full punch skills are NOT the skills people are getting injured doing. Horrible coaches teaching 3/4 or 1 3/4 are were injuries are coming from. Also lack of conditioning. This is stupid and just proves that decisions are made just because not because of anything specific. I call LIES on those saying this was done to reduce injuries because it won't.

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