All-Star What Do You Think About Cea's New Location In Charlotte?

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Forgot to post about recruiting...many more gyms recruit than you think. this is to to anyone specific BUT just because you are not aware of it at your specific gym does not mean it does not happen. Especially those of you who state that it does not happen at your gym...
AMEN but any chance she gets to bash CEA and/or Courtney she takes it.........

You do say that all your statements are true and that is absolute LIE!
Remember the old saying, "If you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth." ...

Unless you have had a meeting with Courtney and got all of your information, then please do not come on here and talk about her intentions and reasons for opening a location in Charlotte. Unless you have had a meeting with the so called parent you claim to be leading the crusade......Do not come on here and point fingers at parents and kids for things that you do not have factual information about! Unless you know exactly for sure who created the fake FB account, do not come on here and pretend that you do. The reasons that kids left CAC, is ABSOLUTELY NONE of your business so that should not have even been brought up in your little bash session. Have you sat down and had a meeting with the parents and kids that left to know exactly the childs reason for leaving? Then please do not come on here and claim that you know but are being respectful in not saying! You are going by what you are hearing through the rumor mill and that does only one thing, cause more drama and start more rumors.

If it wasnt for some of the parents, the relationship between CEA and CAC might be just fine!

The best thing to do is to go and promote the gym you love and support. Do not waste energy in trying to bash the one you obviously do not support.

Is this directed at me or Susan?
you can't say you expected more from a program when you don't even know who started the fake facebook. it was probably a 12 year old. if Courtney herself made the facebook... then sure. But she didn't, so don't judge CEA off one anonymous (most likely a kid's) actions.
True and for the record i never said a coach or owner did it. I don't know who did and am really not interested to find out.

However, when I wear Aviator attire, what I do and say reflects on my program (and what I say here reflects on the program) even though I'm not Keith or Ashley Bagwell. Unfair...yes. True. Yes. That's why I chose what I comment on, and how I comment carefully. That's something the Bagwells have trained in the Aviator family since the day they opened the doors three years ago.

What my students do, dressed in my uniforms, or when they do something dumb and end up in the paper associated as a "---- high school student" reflects on my school whether I want it to or not. Unfair, yes. True. Yes. It's just the way it is.

Unfortunately, even if it was a 12 year old kid, it still reflects on the program. And if it's happened multiple times as folks have indicated here, that only continues to reflect on the program if obvious, public efforts havent occured over the instances to stop it from happening again. Or at least establish an official gym statement and/or response to anyone who would think to disrespect their program that way (cause lets face it, you can't control your fans as much as you wish you could).

I think that's unfortunate, but I also think its the program's responsibility to address it, privately, publicly and/or with the gym owners that it happened specifically to. Even if they are not involved (again, not saying they are) that's the thing leadership has to do to deal with these things out of their control and try to fix them. As a high school principal I do a lot of damage control and apologizing or directly addressing things that happened that I had nothing to do with. It's what you have to do as the "chief of state" when something reflects poorly on your organization.

Again, I'm nobody important so I wouldn't know specifically if the leadership of CEA has reached out to the effected gyms to offer their explanation and or apology or response for the recruiting issue last week. I have a lot of respect for CEA so I'm just going to assume that's happened, which is why I'm basically over this entire thing.

What I'm ready for is invigorated competition in the city of Charlotte!
I think the comments about recruiting are pretty funny when everyone in cheer hears about a random tweet or Facebook post in 33 seconds. I just don't think that exercise has much of an impact. Cheer is about passion and dropping the next news. No one needs to recruit, everybody knows when someone sneezes, much less if they open a new gym. Having been through this myself on the other side 14 years ago and watching what happens with the athletes and parents multiple times, the most interesting thing to see is who is in the CEA gym in 2 years. All this banter sounds the same as it ever was, if you remeber that song. You'd be surprised, we were once part of the anti CEA crowd in a local gym and never regretted the move. I could tell you some things people have claimed as fact that would make your toes curl up in an attempt to paint a bad picture. Don't worry, the doors will be open soon.
So how do you suggest they handle new markets?
I don't think there could be any valid argument against starting a gym in an area as large as Charlotte. But setting up shop on the same block as opposed to across town in a market with *limited* commodities, I can see where it paints a less than pretty picture. This issue by itself makes it seem unnecessary (key word here), but in conjunction with all the other issues being brought up (true or not), makes it seem even worse.
I think the comments about recruiting are pretty funny when everyone in cheer hears about a random tweet or Facebook post in 33 seconds. I just don't think that exercise has much of an impact. Cheer is about passion and dropping the next news. No one needs to recruit, everybody knows when someone sneezes, much less if they open a new gym.
Totally agree with this. That's why I don't understand the recruiting thing. I know it happens, I just don't know why. This is the only industry where you don't need to advertise. Is on FB, twitter and the boards before you could pay an ad agent.
Once again an argument is being started revolving around 1 gym and it isn't the coaches or gym owners doing the fighting. Am I the only one that can see this as a problem? No one from either side is making either program look good in this. Once again it is parents, fans, and athletes that run their mouths and make people not involved look bad. If you know the truth then that is what matters, not coming on a message board and pointing out that everyone is a liar and that they don't know what they are talking about. The true reason Courtney and the other involved started this gym is known by them and only them.

Cities on my list to never move to and involve myself in cheer: Chicago (IL) and Charlotte.
I really have no idea how I feel about this. I love both gyms and don't want to see one gym go down because of another. I know if a big name gym decided to move into my town, I would be upset so I feel for the CAC people. I guess I am confused on the whole gym. Are their actually going to be teams at this gym? Most the athletes that travel from Charlotte are on SE or CE am I right? Do you really think they are going to quit being one those teams to go to this new gym? So in the long run they are still driving 2 hours from Charlotte. Do I have this all wrong?
I was just thinking exactly this, Being from NJ it certainly does not affect me in any way but My guess is the majority of CLT people traveling that far are level 5's that want to be on SE or another 5 team. (If you're not a level 5, get yourself to a dr and have your head examined for driving 2 hours each way when there are many programs in your area!) Unless they shift practices all around the state and a practice for SE is hosted in CLT one night those kids will still drive the 2 hours. That being said, if they want to open a gym they can.
and I thought Illinois cheer was bad...

Oh it is....and even after reading all of this thread I'd still say Illinois is worse. :eek:

Cities on my list to never move to and involve myself in cheer: Chicago (IL) and Charlotte.

God if I'd only known before I moved here. These people are certifiably insane. :help:
Most of the people and I mean at least 95% of the people who left CAC and went to CEA left because they were not put on the team that they wanted (TEAL) or they were not given the opportunity to fly even though they deemed themself worthy. I am not going to speak to specifics, it doesn't matter. Obviously, if they leave CAC for this reason, chances are that they have to find a program that's large enough to give them what they want. Courtney has the desire and ability to double and triple team her kids so they can pretty much get what they want of they are willing to travel for it. Most of those kids who didn't make TEAL and went to CEA were put on a newly created team that was conveniently created by Courtney to compete with TEAL last year. Coincidence that the "704" kids were competing against their former teammates? I think not.
I am not going to elaborate on additional things that CEA has done that have caused me to shake my head but I will say that even if CEA was the only gym in the area, my child would not be going there.
Does CAC have anything to worry about? I hope not-I like to see the good guys win!
I once cheered at a VERY anti CEA gym where we were told some "horror stories" about Courtney.. after cheering for her for one year I can say it was the best year of my cheerleading career, not only when it came to winning but personal growth as well. As it's been pointed out... she knows what she's doing. Athletes and parents can see that as well and if they choose to make the switch, more power to them! I love healthy competition, and it's also been pointed out that maybe the proximity will benefit both gyms... I know of two certain ACC teams roughly 8 miles apart and IMO it makes for the best rivalry in college basketball. Can't wait to see how this all plays out and best of luck to both gyms!
Most of the people and I mean at least 95% of the people who left CAC and went to CEA left because they were not put on the team that they wanted (TEAL) or they were not given the opportunity to fly even though they deemed themself worthy. I am not going to speak to specifics, it doesn't matter. Obviously, if they leave CAC for this reason, chances are that they have to find a program that's large enough to give them what they want. Courtney has the desire and ability to double and triple team her kids so they can pretty much get what they want of they are willing to travel for it. Most of those kids who didn't make TEAL and went to CEA were put on a newly created team that was conveniently created by Courtney to compete with TEAL last year. Coincidence that the "704" kids were competing against their former teammates? I think not.
I am not going to elaborate on additional things that CEA has done that have caused me to shake my head but I will say that even if CEA was the only gym in the area, my child would not be going there.
Does CAC have anything to worry about? I hope not-I like to see the good guys win!
I know what team you are talking about and that team competed in the semi-limited division, not large limited coed
That's what it all boils down to...

While there is nothing illegal or against the rules going on here, even an outside spectator in the whole situation, knowing the just the SMALL backstory that has been on this thread so far (which is the tip of the iceberg), surely has been left with a sour taste in their mouth...

I have no fear that Charlotte will continue with their success in this, their 3rd decade of operations. They are handling this situation as they always do: with the upmost class, respect, and resilience, which only adds to their sterling reputation that they have in the industry.

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