All-Star Confessions Of A Cheermom

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I'm relieved that I'm not alone!

Ok...I grew up during the 80's. Back in the day, I could do a mile high mullet. Why is the "poof" my hair nemeses? Aqua net and a blow dryer = problem solved! #anothercheermomfail

I have put my daughter's friends in cheer bows to cover entrance fees. I'm going to pay $85 for them to eat lunch. Nope, I'm not going to feel guilty. Hey, at least I didn't wear a cheer bow and try to pass as a competitor. (Yes, I've seen it happen!)
Did I mention how cp learned to swallow a pill? Why that would be the time we went to US Finals in Virginia Beach and younger cp who was probably 6 was just getting over Fifth's Disease. No more fever, but a crazy rash that acted up every time she went out in the sunlight and then itched like crazy. Looked lovely too. Needless to say, she learned very quickly how to swallow that little pink Benadryl pill.
While my cp does her own hair now (and does a pretty impressive pouf) I must confess that I am PAYING for a cheer hair god to do it for her for her competition this weekend. Check out the link for Spirit of Texas Hair. You have to see the finished result...he is amazing!

You may just have officially boarded the crazy train. Who am I kidding though because if we were at the same gym I would be riding it with you.
I have worn a cheer bow to a competition:oops: Cp gets very superstitious during the season, I wore it once as a dare and they won so she made me wear it again. Never again...
I never poofed my cp's hair, even though I was supposed to. I think after the one time I tried it and it was a tragic mess they were thankful I never did it again. I am always the mom that is putting my cp's makeup on at the last minute even though the "rules" said for them to arrive competition ready. I always had a fear of her getting her eye makeup everywhere so I would wait.
When cp was little she was on a tiny team and potty training...I totes put her in a Pull Up so we wouldn't have to run her from warmups to the bathroom.:oops:
I have been known to move blankets and bags when people aren't looking. I have never wished for a team to fall but have let out a breath of relief when they have. I can't video performances because I shake to much and scream (proof can be seen on my youtube of the Cheer America comp).
I was a psycho cheer mom at one point and ran my oldest dd out of the sport. I had to learn the fine line of pushing and pushing to much.
If people want my worst one they will have to pm

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