All-Star Whoadeedle???

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Jul 12, 2012
I am still new to the fierceboard and I have absolutely no idea what is going on with Whoadeedle. From what i understand she is linked to a twitter account(s) and befriended a lot of people on here. I keep getting alerts from the Fake Social Networking Accounts 2 and nobody is telling anyone new anything. Is anyone willing to message me and share?
I brought up whoadeedle the other day as a case study for another (non cheer) board and they were amazed. I wish I was there for the whole thing.
Long story short... She was a nasty con artist... I was personally one of the biggest victims, most of what she did to me I've never told anyone. If the same person ever does resurface, there's a lot that she owes to a lot of people.
well, good to know! I guess I'll be more cautious!
Megan:)-I'm going to do my best to answer your question. But, please understand that like most of us on this board, I don't have the full back story because those that do are very cryptic in their telling of the account.

-Some are secretive because they were directly involved and hurt by this person. Recounting the whole fiasco is just to painful to revisit.

-The rest are immature. Knowledge is power. These guys will hold on to anything that makes them feel like they are better than the rest of us. It's not like this whole thing is classified information or anything, they just love feeling special and like the kid in elementary school who breaks his arm and suddenly becomes Mr. Popular because everyone wants to sign his cast :rolleyes:. Yeah, I went there.

Moving on...I present to you....


Our story begins, I believe, during the ProX days (the original fierceboard). Back then the boards were much smaller and more intimate. Plus, cautionary Catfish and cyber bullying tales were not common knowledge. Because of this, many were much less hesitant to trust those they met on the internet.

A girl who went by the name of Amanda (fairly certain this is real name too?), posted on the boards under the aliases Whoadeedle and Appledrinkyum. Not a clue which came first. People on the boards became very close friends with Amanda, even having lengthy conversations on the phone with her.

Unfortunately, Amanda had a very troubled life--or so she claimed. She went to Louisville studying to become a nurse, came from a troubled home, had a boyfriend who was abusive (may have been engaged?), had multiple dead family members who died under tragic circumstances, and for one reason or another, was about to/had donated a kidney??

I have no idea how (maybe the cracks in her soap-opera-of-a-life started to show), but at some point her facade was revealed and sh!t hit the fan. People felt betrayed, insulted, confused, and, even terrified. Instead of behaving like an adult and apologizing/owning up to her wrongdoings, Whoadeedle disappeared out of thin air--just like that. One of luxuries only the internet can provide.

From what I understand, Whoadeedle resurfaced once or twice more over the next couple years and was, once again, outed. But, in much less dramatic/shocking ways.

Fast forward to June 2012. Around this time, Ztaprincess had become a fairly seasoned and fan-favorite poster on the boards. Her posts were always informative and she was an avid crusader for justice in the name of cheerleading. She frequented the "Fake Social Networking" thread outing fake profiles (oh, the irony). Overall, She did not reveal too much information about herself. Just tidbits here and there. So, while some of the veteran posters had realized Zta was, in actuality, Whoadeedle, most kept their mouths shut. Only replying sarcastically to Zta when she ever-so-innocently asked, "Who is this Whedoodle you speak of????"

Somehow, DJ (now banned and running the Cheerupdates twitter) caught wind of Zta's true identity and called her out--Intervention style. Demanding he see some identification as if he worked for Border Control or something. The audacity...Lord help us all.

Madness ensued and eventually an Admin confirmed that the IP addresses of the two posters did indeed match. Zta denied, denied, denied until she could deny no more and did what she does best-disappear.

Since Zta had managed to dupe a whole new generation of fierecboarders, this exposé was a whole production and rehashed throughout the summer time and time again. Posters were left incredulous; their beloved Zta was no more than an illusion. It was as if someone had ruined Santa for us.

This newest Whoadeedle development is a bit raw, but I'll take a stab at it. Amanda/Whoadeedle/Appledrinkyum/Ztaprincess is behind the twitters Nicolle_Says & FierceSport. This "Nicolle" girl claims to be filthy stinking rich and a World Cup Shooting Star. Isn't that every little girl's dream?

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Cinderella, how can you be so sure these twitters are THE Whoadeedle and not just some other impostor?" Good question! I have no idea. That is top secret, highly classified information. Only the CIA, FBI and a select few who just so happen to be the very-most-coolest-specialest-better -than-you-pretty-kicka$$-cheerleaders around are authorized to such information! (sarcasm fully intended).

And that's all, folks. Hope I helped shed some light on the subject, while not boring you completely to death with what just may be the world's longest post. :)

*Disclaimer--While I think I got my facts straight, it's entirely possible I made few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me! Also, I hope I didn't offend anyone who was directly involved in this whole scandal. Just trying to set the record straight once and for all.
Megan:)-I'm going to do my best to answer your question. But, please understand that like most of us on this board, I don't have the full back story because those that do are very cryptic in their telling of the account.

-Some are secretive because they were directly involved and hurt by this person. Recounting the whole fiasco is just to painful to revisit.

-The rest are immature. Knowledge is power. These guys will hold on to anything that makes them feel like they are better than the rest of us. It's not like this whole thing is classified information or anything, they just love feeling special and like the kid in elementary school who breaks his arm and suddenly becomes Mr. Popular because everyone wants to sign his cast :rolleyes:. Yeah, I went there.

Moving on...I present to you....


Our story begins, I believe, during the ProX days (the original fierceboard). Back then the boards were much smaller and more intimate. Plus, cautionary Catfish and cyber bullying tales were not common knowledge. Because of this, many were much less hesitant to trust those they met on the internet.

A girl who went by the name of Amanda (fairly certain this is real name too?), posted on the boards under the aliases Whoadeedle and Appledrinkyum. Not a clue which came first. People on the boards became very close friends with Amanda, even having lengthy conversations on the phone with her.

Unfortunately, Amanda had a very troubled life--or so she claimed. She went to Louisville studying to become a nurse, came from a troubled home, had a boyfriend who was abusive (may have been engaged?), had multiple dead family members who died under tragic circumstances, and for one reason or another, was about to/had donated a kidney??

I have no idea how (maybe the cracks in her soap-opera-of-a-life started to show), but at some point her facade was revealed and sh!t hit the fan. People felt betrayed, insulted, confused, and, even terrified. Instead of behaving like an adult and apologizing/owning up to her wrongdoings, Whoadeedle disappeared out of thin air--just like that. One of luxuries only the internet can provide.

From what I understand, Whoadeedle resurfaced once or twice more over the next couple years and was, once again, outed. But, in much less dramatic/shocking ways.

Fast forward to June 2012. Around this time, Ztaprincess had become a fairly seasoned and fan-favorite poster on the boards. Her posts were always informative and she was an avid crusader for justice in the name of cheerleading. She frequented the "Fake Social Networking" thread outing fake profiles (oh, the irony). Overall, She did not reveal too much information about herself. Just tidbits here and there. So, while some of the veteran posters had realized Zta was, in actuality, Whoadeedle, most kept their mouths shut. Only replying sarcastically to Zta when she ever-so-innocently asked, "Who is this Whedoodle you speak of????"

Somehow, DJ (now banned and running the Cheerupdates twitter) caught wind of Zta's true identity and called her out--Intervention style. Demanding he see some identification as if he worked for Border Control or something. The audacity...Lord help us all.

Madness ensued and eventually an Admin confirmed that the IP addresses of the two posters did indeed match. Zta denied, denied, denied until she could deny no more and did what she does best-disappear.

Since Zta had managed to dupe a whole new generation of fierecboarders, this exposé was a whole production and rehashed throughout the summer time and time again. Posters were left incredulous; their beloved Zta was no more than an illusion. It was as if someone had ruined Santa for us.

This newest Whoadeedle development is a bit raw, but I'll take a stab at it. Amanda/Whoadeedle/Appledrinkyum/Ztaprincess is behind the twitters Nicolle_Says & FierceSport. This "Nicolle" girl claims to be filthy stinking rich and a World Cup Shooting Star. Isn't that every little girl's dream?

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Cinderella, how can you be so sure these twitters are THE Whoadeedle and not just some other impostor?" Good question! I have no idea. That is top secret, highly classified information. Only the CIA, FBI and a select few who just so happen to be the very-most-coolest-specialest-better -than-you-pretty-kicka$$-cheerleaders around are authorized to such information! (sarcasm fully intended).

And that's all, folks. Hope I helped shed some light on the subject, while not boring you completely to death with what just may be the world's longest post. :)

*Disclaimer--While I think I got my facts straight, it's entirely possible I made few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me! Also, I hope I didn't offend anyone who was directly involved in this whole scandal. Just trying to set the record straight once and for all.
I cant EVEN with this lol, it was like you were Little Sarah Crew and I was the poor orphan girl listening to this intense story !
Megan:)-I'm going to do my best to answer your question. But, please understand that like most of us on this board, I don't have the full back story because those that do are very cryptic in their telling of the account.

-Some are secretive because they were directly involved and hurt by this person. Recounting the whole fiasco is just to painful to revisit.

-The rest are immature. Knowledge is power. These guys will hold on to anything that makes them feel like they are better than the rest of us. It's not like this whole thing is classified information or anything, they just love feeling special and like the kid in elementary school who breaks his arm and suddenly becomes Mr. Popular because everyone wants to sign his cast :rolleyes:. Yeah, I went there.

Moving on...I present to you....


Our story begins, I believe, during the ProX days (the original fierceboard). Back then the boards were much smaller and more intimate. Plus, cautionary Catfish and cyber bullying tales were not common knowledge. Because of this, many were much less hesitant to trust those they met on the internet.

A girl who went by the name of Amanda (fairly certain this is real name too?), posted on the boards under the aliases Whoadeedle and Appledrinkyum. Not a clue which came first. People on the boards became very close friends with Amanda, even having lengthy conversations on the phone with her.

Unfortunately, Amanda had a very troubled life--or so she claimed. She went to Louisville studying to become a nurse, came from a troubled home, had a boyfriend who was abusive (may have been engaged?), had multiple dead family members who died under tragic circumstances, and for one reason or another, was about to/had donated a kidney??

I have no idea how (maybe the cracks in her soap-opera-of-a-life started to show), but at some point her facade was revealed and sh!t hit the fan. People felt betrayed, insulted, confused, and, even terrified. Instead of behaving like an adult and apologizing/owning up to her wrongdoings, Whoadeedle disappeared out of thin air--just like that. One of luxuries only the internet can provide.

From what I understand, Whoadeedle resurfaced once or twice more over the next couple years and was, once again, outed. But, in much less dramatic/shocking ways.

Fast forward to June 2012. Around this time, Ztaprincess had become a fairly seasoned and fan-favorite poster on the boards. Her posts were always informative and she was an avid crusader for justice in the name of cheerleading. She frequented the "Fake Social Networking" thread outing fake profiles (oh, the irony). Overall, She did not reveal too much information about herself. Just tidbits here and there. So, while some of the veteran posters had realized Zta was, in actuality, Whoadeedle, most kept their mouths shut. Only replying sarcastically to Zta when she ever-so-innocently asked, "Who is this Whedoodle you speak of????"

Somehow, DJ (now banned and running the Cheerupdates twitter) caught wind of Zta's true identity and called her out--Intervention style. Demanding he see some identification as if he worked for Border Control or something. The audacity...Lord help us all.

Madness ensued and eventually an Admin confirmed that the IP addresses of the two posters did indeed match. Zta denied, denied, denied until she could deny no more and did what she does best-disappear.

Since Zta had managed to dupe a whole new generation of fierecboarders, this exposé was a whole production and rehashed throughout the summer time and time again. Posters were left incredulous; their beloved Zta was no more than an illusion. It was as if someone had ruined Santa for us.

This newest Whoadeedle development is a bit raw, but I'll take a stab at it. Amanda/Whoadeedle/Appledrinkyum/Ztaprincess is behind the twitters Nicolle_Says & FierceSport. This "Nicolle" girl claims to be filthy stinking rich and a World Cup Shooting Star. Isn't that every little girl's dream?

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Cinderella, how can you be so sure these twitters are THE Whoadeedle and not just some other impostor?" Good question! I have no idea. That is top secret, highly classified information. Only the CIA, FBI and a select few who just so happen to be the very-most-coolest-specialest-better -than-you-pretty-kicka$$-cheerleaders around are authorized to such information! (sarcasm fully intended).

And that's all, folks. Hope I helped shed some light on the subject, while not boring you completely to death with what just may be the world's longest post. :)

*Disclaimer--While I think I got my facts straight, it's entirely possible I made few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me! Also, I hope I didn't offend anyone who was directly involved in this whole scandal. Just trying to set the record straight once and for all.
You forgot to mention she was the awkward cow QUEEN. She cow'd people left and right!
Megan:)-I'm going to do my best to answer your question. But, please understand that like most of us on this board, I don't have the full back story because those that do are very cryptic in their telling of the account.

-Some are secretive because they were directly involved and hurt by this person. Recounting the whole fiasco is just to painful to revisit.

-The rest are immature. Knowledge is power. These guys will hold on to anything that makes them feel like they are better than the rest of us. It's not like this whole thing is classified information or anything, they just love feeling special and like the kid in elementary school who breaks his arm and suddenly becomes Mr. Popular because everyone wants to sign his cast :rolleyes:. Yeah, I went there.

Moving on...I present to you....


Our story begins, I believe, during the ProX days (the original fierceboard). Back then the boards were much smaller and more intimate. Plus, cautionary Catfish and cyber bullying tales were not common knowledge. Because of this, many were much less hesitant to trust those they met on the internet.

A girl who went by the name of Amanda (fairly certain this is real name too?), posted on the boards under the aliases Whoadeedle and Appledrinkyum. Not a clue which came first. People on the boards became very close friends with Amanda, even having lengthy conversations on the phone with her.

Unfortunately, Amanda had a very troubled life--or so she claimed. She went to Louisville studying to become a nurse, came from a troubled home, had a boyfriend who was abusive (may have been engaged?), had multiple dead family members who died under tragic circumstances, and for one reason or another, was about to/had donated a kidney??

I have no idea how (maybe the cracks in her soap-opera-of-a-life started to show), but at some point her facade was revealed and sh!t hit the fan. People felt betrayed, insulted, confused, and, even terrified. Instead of behaving like an adult and apologizing/owning up to her wrongdoings, Whoadeedle disappeared out of thin air--just like that. One of luxuries only the internet can provide.

From what I understand, Whoadeedle resurfaced once or twice more over the next couple years and was, once again, outed. But, in much less dramatic/shocking ways.

Fast forward to June 2012. Around this time, Ztaprincess had become a fairly seasoned and fan-favorite poster on the boards. Her posts were always informative and she was an avid crusader for justice in the name of cheerleading. She frequented the "Fake Social Networking" thread outing fake profiles (oh, the irony). Overall, She did not reveal too much information about herself. Just tidbits here and there. So, while some of the veteran posters had realized Zta was, in actuality, Whoadeedle, most kept their mouths shut. Only replying sarcastically to Zta when she ever-so-innocently asked, "Who is this Whedoodle you speak of????"

Somehow, DJ (now banned and running the Cheerupdates twitter) caught wind of Zta's true identity and called her out--Intervention style. Demanding he see some identification as if he worked for Border Control or something. The audacity...Lord help us all.

Madness ensued and eventually an Admin confirmed that the IP addresses of the two posters did indeed match. Zta denied, denied, denied until she could deny no more and did what she does best-disappear.

Since Zta had managed to dupe a whole new generation of fierecboarders, this exposé was a whole production and rehashed throughout the summer time and time again. Posters were left incredulous; their beloved Zta was no more than an illusion. It was as if someone had ruined Santa for us.

This newest Whoadeedle development is a bit raw, but I'll take a stab at it. Amanda/Whoadeedle/Appledrinkyum/Ztaprincess is behind the twitters Nicolle_Says & FierceSport. This "Nicolle" girl claims to be filthy stinking rich and a World Cup Shooting Star. Isn't that every little girl's dream?

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Cinderella, how can you be so sure these twitters are THE Whoadeedle and not just some other impostor?" Good question! I have no idea. That is top secret, highly classified information. Only the CIA, FBI and a select few who just so happen to be the very-most-coolest-specialest-better -than-you-pretty-kicka$$-cheerleaders around are authorized to such information! (sarcasm fully intended).

And that's all, folks. Hope I helped shed some light on the subject, while not boring you completely to death with what just may be the world's longest post. :)

*Disclaimer--While I think I got my facts straight, it's entirely possible I made few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me! Also, I hope I didn't offend anyone who was directly involved in this whole scandal. Just trying to set the record straight once and for all.
Well, now based on the types of people listed above, they made sound like something everyone should know and it seemed like everything was in fragments. I got really desperate and created this. Now that I know the hurt that it caused people I'm kinda glad I wasn't there... And I always wondered who ran CheerUPDATES!
While it might seem cool to be "in the know," a lot of people were very deeply hurt by her. I don't think you would have wanted to be around for the suffering they experienced.
Now that I have heard at least a majority of the story and here it from you I take back what I said and I am kinda glad I wasn't! I did not mean to offend you in anyway if I did!
It didn't happen on the happened on Imissthexboards (which was the board immediately after prox died). I, for one, never liked her. I couldn't tell you what it was about her that I didn't like, but there was something. I will NEVER forget the day it all came out. For those of you who weren't here, it was like nothing I have ever experienced on the boards before, or since. I think Nancy (yellaribbon) called the cops. I know a bunch of us added the girl who's identity she stole on facebook.

I knew for awhile that ZTA was whoadeedle. It was fun poking her with sarcastic comments whenever she'd claim to not know the whole deedle drama. I'm also the one who let DJ in on the secret. I thought he knew, but apparently not lol.

Oh...and I believe, if memory serves my correctly, that Appledrinkyum came first, but she openly used both accounts at the same time. It wasn't all that uncommon back then for whatever reason.
I cant EVEN with this lol, it was like you were Little Sarah Crew and I was the poor orphan girl listening to this intense story !

YOU ARE MY NEW FAVORITE PERSON RIGHT NOW. Just for using that reference. And because I am currently reliving my childhood.

From what I remember (yes, I was on the boards during the happenings of woahdeedle and before that as well) Woahdeedle had become very close to some of the Fierceboarders around at that time. And I know some of them had told her some very personal information and formed a very tight bond with her. You have to realize that at the time of woahdeedle, the boards was a small, close-knit community where everyone knew everyone and everyone was there for everyone. It wasn't how it is today. It was much like an online family. When one of the "family members" turned out to be someone they were not, it was a very scary, sad and surreal situation for those who were closely involved with her. If you were involved with it, I'm sure it would be hard on you too.

Please realize that the reason the story is not told in full detail is for a few reasons. 1. It was a tough situation and has probably left a few deep scars for some people and they would not like to talk about it, especially on such a public place.
2. Some people who were around during that time still don't know all the details so they can't tell you everything that happened. When it all went down, nothing was "exposed", it was all swept under the rug. Most of us were left to piece together what had happened just like many of you now have to do.
3. The people who were on the board during that time don't really use the board as much anymore. Many of them have left and only lurk once in a while. Most of us have grown up a lot and found other things to do in our spare time.
4. When the woahdeedle situation came to light, I remember the Admin mentioning that FBI/some government agency was involved and I'm sure people were "sworn to secrecy" on what had happened out of privacy for all those involved. The admin told us they weren't allowed to talk about. From what I remember, it wasn't just a Fierceboard thing, it was a Facebook thing too. She had been stealing pictures and information from another woman on Facebook and posting it to her own "Amanda Profile" when she was caught.
5. It was a long time ago and facts have been forgotten.

I highly doubt people are withholding information just to feel "cool" and "powerful." There are many other circumstances to why there is not a lot of information available to the public.

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