All-Star Whoadeedle???

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A Message From Apple:
i usually don't really keep up with the boards, but occasionally ill check up to see what people have to say about me. After hearing multiple accusations towards me, i think i'd use a friends account to justify myself.
First things first, since people have multiple things to say about "Apple Graceffa" it came about as a fun nickname "Apple" originated from jokes at the gym amongst my coaches and I calling me "The Apple Of Their Eye" Or "If You'd Be A Fruit You'd Be An Apple" Apple stuck instantly around California All Stars, now "Graceffa" came about when me and Amanda became really close Amanda being one of MY personal big inspirations the year of 2011 we would play around as "Brother & Sister" later on as a joke i changed my name to "Apple Graceffa" on Facebook and instantly the name caught on in the cheer world and stuck ever since. ITS NOTHING AS SERIOUS AS EVERYONE MAKES IT. It started off as a harmless joke, now i use the name Apple Graceffa as an alter ego for cheerleading it's my "Be Fierce, So Fierce" mentality, i'm a cheerleader who loves and enjoy the thrill of the sport & i just love performing more than anything.
NOW.. Back to the Nicolle_Says twitter, i atleast try to give everyone a chance at talking to me or being a friend of mine, i've never turned my nose up towards someone or thought i was better than someone. So every once in awhile ill give someone a "Follow Back" "Retweet" or "Favorite" its the least i can personally do, to show all the young ones the gratitude i have for them looking at me as a "role-model" or "inspiration" now, of course not really knowing whether the girl is "Real" or "Fake" of course i'm interested and fascinated with this materialistic life she has, as so was everyone else, so i wanted to become friends with the girl and had her text me. I was probably within the first 200 followers she has, and her probably knowing who i was of course i'd probably be a target for her to talk to. Noticing several, very odd things that didn't add up i was starting to question shortly that day i realized i wasn't the only one who had a feeling from close friends of mine that also had been talking to her they noticed something was up.
I was used as a double agent, or bait to keep making/creating a friendship with Nicolle was she was in Bora Bora & thats when things really didn't add up when i asked "Where Is Bora Bora" she had sent me a screenshot of her iphone maps but i noticed that the current location was located on Bora Bora. "Selfies" (self images) being the popular thing in text messages nowadays i sent one, saying " i need a goodnight selfie :) " i never got a response back. Immediately i cut off friendship with Nicolle knowing i was being CATFISHED.
Lastly, before anyone ever has accusations or wants to make a comment about me i would appreciate it if you got the full story first from the source instead of putting out what you ASSUME is true, and if you have a negative remark about me keep it to yourself.
Words hurt, and whether people wanna claim me as a "high profile cheerleader" "Cheerlebrity" or put a title on me at all or WHATEVER i'm still human im still built the same as you and feelings get hurt. Thank You SO Much
XOXO Love Always & Forever
Apple <3

p.s stay fierce ;)

Wow, this is creepy.. why in the world do people want to make a fake twitter..
Since it's like 5 am over here on the east coast and I can't sleep, I thought I'd might as well give my two cents on the whole Nicolle situation. I know it's very interesting and almost exciting to play detective and try to piece together all of her inconsistencies but I feel as if we should just leave this girl alone. By following her on twitter and creating this frenzy of speculation and interest surrounding her (potentially fake) lifestyle, we are giving her EXACTLY what she wants: attention. Clearly this girl is crying for attention and praise. I feel as if feeding into it will just create a bigger monster, similar to that of whoadeedle, with an intricate web of lies that'll just end up with someone getting hurt or embarrassed. I know it's important to "call out" these fake accounts to prevent people from this, but I feel as if what Apple did kind of unintentionally made the situation a little bit worse. I know he was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and be a friend to a fellow cheerleader, but by continuing the friendship for the sake of playing double agent and trying to prove this girl is a fake kind of backfired. Having such a talented and high profile friend publicly interacting with her, it led naive people to believe she is credible. Even some of us on the boards thought, "oh if Apple knows her she must be real"

So in short, I'll pull a Chris Crocker and say LEAVE NICOLE ALONE!!
A Message From Apple:
i usually don't really keep up with the boards, but occasionally ill check up to see what people have to say about me. After hearing multiple accusations towards me, i think i'd use a friends account to justify myself.
First things first, since people have multiple things to say about "Apple Graceffa" it came about as a fun nickname "Apple" originated from jokes at the gym amongst my coaches and I calling me "The Apple Of Their Eye" Or "If You'd Be A Fruit You'd Be An Apple" Apple stuck instantly around California All Stars, now "Graceffa" came about when me and Amanda became really close Amanda being one of MY personal big inspirations the year of 2011 we would play around as "Brother & Sister" later on as a joke i changed my name to "Apple Graceffa" on Facebook and instantly the name caught on in the cheer world and stuck ever since. ITS NOTHING AS SERIOUS AS EVERYONE MAKES IT. It started off as a harmless joke, now i use the name Apple Graceffa as an alter ego for cheerleading it's my "Be Fierce, So Fierce" mentality, i'm a cheerleader who loves and enjoy the thrill of the sport & i just love performing more than anything.
NOW.. Back to the Nicolle_Says twitter, i atleast try to give everyone a chance at talking to me or being a friend of mine, i've never turned my nose up towards someone or thought i was better than someone. So every once in awhile ill give someone a "Follow Back" "Retweet" or "Favorite" its the least i can personally do, to show all the young ones the gratitude i have for them looking at me as a "role-model" or "inspiration" now, of course not really knowing whether the girl is "Real" or "Fake" of course i'm interested and fascinated with this materialistic life she has, as so was everyone else, so i wanted to become friends with the girl and had her text me. I was probably within the first 200 followers she has, and her probably knowing who i was of course i'd probably be a target for her to talk to. Noticing several, very odd things that didn't add up i was starting to question shortly that day i realized i wasn't the only one who had a feeling from close friends of mine that also had been talking to her they noticed something was up.
I was used as a double agent, or bait to keep making/creating a friendship with Nicolle was she was in Bora Bora & thats when things really didn't add up when i asked "Where Is Bora Bora" she had sent me a screenshot of her iphone maps but i noticed that the current location was located on Bora Bora. "Selfies" (self images) being the popular thing in text messages nowadays i sent one, saying " i need a goodnight selfie :) " i never got a response back. Immediately i cut off friendship with Nicolle knowing i was being CATFISHED.
Lastly, before anyone ever has accusations or wants to make a comment about me i would appreciate it if you got the full story first from the source instead of putting out what you ASSUME is true, and if you have a negative remark about me keep it to yourself.
Words hurt, and whether people wanna claim me as a "high profile cheerleader" "Cheerlebrity" or put a title on me at all or WHATEVER i'm still human im still built the same as you and feelings get hurt. Thank You SO Much
XOXO Love Always & Forever
Apple <3

p.s stay fierce ;)
I obviously don't know who you are. The only thing I was remarking on was the names in common. If you took anything I said to you as being snarky or judgmental or accusatory then you are mistaken but I do sincerely apologize. I was one of the people who Amanda Appldrikum Whoadeedle Peanut Ztaprincess hurt on a personal level. My radar went into over drive when someone inferred that Nicolle_says was Amanda. That is really all I have to say on the subject.

I really hate that this crazy person: Amanda Appldrikum Whoadeedle Peanut Ztaprincess and now maybe Nicolle_Says is just the gift that keeps on giving...she really just needs to go away forever.
I was one of the people who Amanda Appldrikum Whoadeedle Peanut Ztaprincess hurt on a personal level. My radar went into over drive when someone inferred that Nicolle_says was Amanda. That is really all I have to say on the subject.

I really hate that this crazy person: Amanda Appldrikum Whoadeedle Peanut Ztaprincess and now maybe Nicolle_Says is just the gift that keeps on giving...she really just needs to go away forever.
i understand what you feel. i also have the same experience with yours. once, i had bestfriend who betrayed me and really hurt me to the point that i couldn't think that i would ever forgive him. but then i realize one thing. it's useless for me to be always bitter about it. so i decide to forgive him and everything he had done to me. i believe that he will get the payback someday. what goes around, comes around :)
the same thing will happen to this person who hurt you cheercurl. you better believe that, my friend :)
i understand what you feel. i also have the same experience with yours. once, i had bestfriend who betrayed me and really hurt me to the point that i couldn't think that i would ever forgive him. but then i realize one thing. it's useless for me to be always bitter about it. so i decide to forgive him and everything he had done to me. i believe that he will get the payback someday. what goes around, comes around :)
the same thing will happen to this person who hurt you cheercurl. you better believe that, my friend :)
This is so true. Someone once told me that resentment and holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Since then I just try to let things go, because I know that eventually, somehow/someday, that other person will be in a head-on collision with the karma bus.
sorry i meant to write her current location WASNT on bora bora.
And she drank an apple martini by the pool.. Maybe apple is Nicole dun dun dun... JK I watch too much gossip girl lol

I hope you can sense my sarcasm with this post.. I am with cheercurl where I hope I wasn't one to offend you in any way. As they said "I obviously don't know who you are. The only thing I was remarking on was the names in common. If you took anything I said to you as being snarky or judgmental or accusatory then you are mistaken but I do sincerely apologize. " I was trying to poke fun at all the investigators & the "what ifs." With how long all of this has been going on and is continuing to develop you have to start throwing in some sarcasm so you don't loose your mind over it.
SNARK ALERT: Full J-a-M snark ahead. :oops:

-The rest are immature. Knowledge is power. These guys will hold on to anything that makes them feel like they are better than the rest of us. It's not like this whole thing is classified information or anything, they just love feeling special and like the kid in elementary school who breaks his arm and suddenly becomes Mr. Popular because everyone wants to sign his cast

I could shimmy this over and over. :shimmy: People love to be "in the know" and point out that they've been on the boards since "before (insert dramatic moment here)" I'm not really sure why it's such a feather in people's cap to know a "secret", but maybe that's because I can't keep a secret for 5 minutes. :oops: (So everyone make note - don't tell me anything.) And whenever something does come out, everyone lines up to say "Oh, just in case you all didn't catch it in my veiled post earlier, I already knew this. Before. You. Did." :rolleyes:

I just don't see the hush hush that you speak of. I'm sorry. I think some of us are just tired of rehashing it year after year after year. She comes and goes and will keep doing it. I guarantee you she is reading this thread right now. I don't know what her sign on is here but if I ever figure it out you'll be the first to

Sorry, I'm just now getting around to reading this thread. I just have to ask (and I only quoted you because you said it so clearly, but I think many others have said basically the same thing)...if y'all are so tired of rehashing it, WHY WHY WHY do y'all keep referencing it??? No one joins Fierceboard and just randomly asks about whoadeedle. They sign up and then someone who was around back then makes some veiled, inside-joke-like comment about it, and then the person asks "Um...what?" I just don't get it - if everyone is so tired of talking about it, why is it brought up at least once a day?

(which is why I hadn't read until now - I was trying to ignore it, but every time I log on, there's this thread, staring at me O_O )
Too late to edit. mstealtoyou I do realize that you don't really bring up whoa/appledrink/whoever - I mostly just used your post as a jumping point because you said what everyone always says when people ask for the story. :kiss:
This is so true. Someone once told me that resentment and holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Since then I just try to let things go, because I know that eventually, somehow/someday, that other person will be in a head-on collision with the karma bus.
HAHAHAH they always crash and burn on their own- just sit back grab the popcorn and wait....
I think he should have named the show Gar or something like that. A catfish is actually a good catch. Name it after a worthless fish you have to just throw back. :cool:
what the heck is catfish??

You should watch the movie (posted above) - it's really good! I found it and watched it after reading this thread and thinking the same thing as you when we got up to the "catfish" references haha :p

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