All-Star Cutest Little Flyer Ever....

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for some reason all I could think about while watching this was the hysteria in the media when MJ held his kid over a balcony. this is not any different imo
I do feel that that was risky, but Michael did it so that the kid could wave to the crowd below, not b/c he wanted to scare anyone.
some of y'all posting pics in this thread stunting with kids/siblings/whoever is another reason i hate this being so big. not actually referring to anyone in this thread - you know cheerleading and you're like holding the kids back too and you probably know what you're doing (oh, and no one is upside down.) my concern is the people who saw this viral video with NO knowledge of stunting and safety who are going to be inspired to try the flip toss out with their own little susie. that's a scary thought.
I honestly thought this whole thing of being desperate to be famous in this industry was just a teenager thing, and I felt like it might someday go away but my GOD the thirst of this man. Someone get him a gallon of Sit-The-F***-Down-And-Re Evaluate-Your-Life Juice. He could claim till he's blue in the face that all of this is not for his own attention but that would be a flat out lie. I can't think of any other explanation behind him endangering his child's life. My god.
people are doing things like this and i'm too afraid to hold my god son because i'm afraid of how fragile he is :confused:

once they can hold their own heads up, it gets better. i promise! then they'll fall asleep in your arms and you'll be afraid to put them down for fear of waking them. then they learn how to use their legs and they're fun! i kind of hate babies. like i'm the youngest in my family (well, was) until my godson was born... so 23 years difference. and because I was always the youngest theres never been a baby around for me to hold or be comfortable with.

now i'm a pro. they leave me alone with the kid and everything ;)
What the f*******ck!!! Honestly, no words. I had to turn it off, I feel extremely nauseous. How is this woman not in jail? I can't even right now...

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Dang! I had to turn it off after 22 seconds. Absolutely broke my heart. You are right on. She should be in jail!
people are doing things like this and i'm too afraid to hold my god son because i'm afraid of how fragile he is :confused:
For real my boyfriend holds my cat in the air where he can't scratch anyone when he's being mean and like I'm too afraid to do that because I don't want to drop him. (Obviously your godson's actually fragile and my cat's not but the point of all this is I can't imagine ever doing this with an animal, let alone a child.)

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I believe the reason she may be getting all this media attention is that she is the niece (or cousin) of Brooklyn Decker. Laney and her dad and the UA cheerleader didn't get half the media attention... even after being on AGT. Either way still disturbing watching a father launch his 2 year old daughter upside down.
My cousin's baby has his own hashtag. It's #firstnamemiddlename2013
He just turned 6 months old.

Stepping in (because I'm guilty) but I do this because it keeps all my kids pics in one place for friends and family. If they use it, I can easily look up pics of her that I didn't save. I thought it was silly until we did it for our wedding and I could see everyone's pics that I otherwise missed. I don't want my kid to be a celebrity, I just want to have picture of every single thing she does... ;)

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All I could think of was this "baby swinging yoga" videos.

i dont know what's most disturbing, the throwing around of the baby or the fact they were filming it when it was naked and the lady was sniffing his naked butt?
Stepping in (because I'm guilty) but I do this because it keeps all my kids pics in one place for friends and family. If they use it, I can easily look up pics of her that I didn't save. I thought it was silly until we did it for our wedding and I could see everyone's pics that I otherwise missed. I don't want my kid to be a celebrity, I just want to have picture of every single thing she does... ;)

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I completely understand. My CP is graduating on Friday. I have spent several days going thru pictures on my computer, discs, and regular pictures. So far, I have 1600 that she is in. That doesn't count the other 1600 or so pictures that are in a big plastic container that she's not in. I literally have filled 4 albums that hold 400 pictures each and have about 600 more to put in albums. Of the pictures on my computer, I think I only printed about 1/4 of the ones she is in. And the best part is that I'm not done. I am doing a separate album of cheer, and haven't even started that one. I think I'm a little obsessed with pictures. lol

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