OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Ugh I totally am queen of the impulse buy and now have a silver sparkle, black sparkle that's barely used and I just ordered the princess one! Darn them and their cute designs'
same here, i have a solid black, silver sparkle and cheetah one and i am debating the teal one or a red one. our colors are def not teal so it actually would make no sense at all but it's so pretty -.-
I really need to sell the silver one
I gotta shout this out... I am starting to feel like a Momma GROUPIE! This is the 2nd week I've been dragged along with my now 13y.o. and co-horts to underground band concerts- It seems the big boy band rage with my daughter's peers is called the The Bomb Digz...Are they the next Jackson 5? Maybe! If, no one decide they are bigger than the band...haha!
In my defense this is the longest election period we've had in 40+ years.

I don't know how y'all can handle a year of all that campaigning.

Only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them.
I live in Iowa so until our caucus it's constant campaigning. I swear as soon as the elections last November were over, presidential campaigning started. Its madness. We actually had multiple candidates at the Iowa/Iowa st tailgate(GO HAWKS) a couple of weeks ago, it was really strange.
I've noticed a few cheer related things in my local thrift store recently - someone from Pro Athletics and Spirit Central must have donated some jackets, hoodies, etc. Today I came across the barely used Spirit Sports national champion backpack they donated. If you're on the boards, please know it now has a good home. I've been looking for a new backpack to use for the gym since mine has seen some better days and was having such a tough time deciding on one and this is absolutely perfect. Like there's a pouch for my shoes and my MP3 player and everything. I love you so much.

Also you left 29¢ in it.
In my defense this is the longest election period we've had in 40+ years.

I don't know how y'all can handle a year of all that campaigning.

Only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them.

why do you think I spend so much time on here? haha

(I work in political journalism)
A welcome dose of "sanity"?

I may have to avoid facebook for a while, especially after a girl posted something about how we shouldn't vote for the NDP because they messed up the province. The last time they were in power was 1996. They've also never had full control of the government. And that she will probably vote for Justin Trudeau because of what his father did (ignoring what Christy Clark, who's the leader of the BC Liberal party has done).
Don't even complain... I personally know people who think Donald Trump is the best choice to run our country.
Just got home from seeing Beyoncé at Global Citizens Festival and it was amazing, first time seeing her live and I received so much life. Her performance was literally flawless and I was so impressed I love her even more than I did before now [emoji30][emoji7]

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Any advice or ideas from moms/parents is welcomed--

My 3 week old has recently started vomiting after probably 50% of her feedings. At first I thought it was a case of over eating because she would literally eat all. the. time. So I started pumping and feeding her with a bottle so it was easier to monitor how many ounces she was eating in a day. I've since realized that my supply is hit or miss and I've had to supplement with formula on the days where I'm not making enough. I'm trying to make sure I'm eating the foods to help production and avoiding things that could be irritants to her. However she has started vomiting more frequently. It's random as to whether it's after eating breastmilk or formula so I can't narrow down if it's something I'm eating or needing to change the formula. She gets hiccups after almost every feeding as well. I'm trying gripe water to ease the gas, but she spits almost the entire syringe worth out. She doesn't have anywhere near a fever, and other than the vomiting she's just fussy and likes to be held--which I'm starting to think is because of the vomiting because the times she's really fussy are right before she's throwing up.

I am going to go get a soy based formula to try but I don't know if that's the problem--at this point I just want to rule things out. My other thought is that she's eating too fast but I don't really know how to slow her down other than just pulling the bottle out of her mouth every few minutes to make her breathe? We have a doctor appointment Wednesday but I just feel so bad.

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I know, this sounds like your baby is maybe colic... My son who is now 28y.o., started having those same symptoms around a month old and I was switching him over from breastmilk to formula. My son's doctor told me to take a thermometer and swirl it around his anus and he released alot of gas (farts) and then change his formula from cows milk to soy milk. Hope you find your answer with your baby...
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@Twinklestars I did see a bunch of things talking about reflux which seemed like a good possibility. I usually put her in her swing after she eats but maybe that's too reclined. Guess princess is getting the bouncy chair I found at target (that coincidentally matches her play gym!! ;) ) today.

@Pebbles49 I actually had to do that with her a couple times because she was constipated. Worked like a charm and she felt so much better. And once I thought about it, I had eaten/drank a lot of dairy those days which is partially what led me to think maybe switching to soy is a good option. At that point can I no longer pump/breastfeed her, or is there something I can add to the milk? Or just be super careful about not eating dairy myself?

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