All-Star No Tolerance For Underage Drinking At Worlds?!

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I am not going to mention any names bc first and foremost I would want to speak w/this gym's coach prior to just "running my mouth", but I saw a young person (not sure of her age, but she had on her gym's shirt and was standing next to other cheerleaders in uniform) take a bottle of alcohol, look around, take a quick swig, then chased it with her soda and put the liquor back in her bag.

Now even if this person was of age, please people...we are attending a sporting event where most of the spectators are either athletes or parents of athletes and often bring our little ones with us to watch these amazing teams bc we look up to them. I won't look down at an entire gym bc of one person's bad judgment either, but they are a gym I like very much :/

This was INSIDE the arena itself btw (in the lower stands at that)
the last time i was at worlds, pretty much EVERYONE was drinking. i think its outright dumb. it really shows that you don't care about your team's reputation. it doesn't help the sport's reputation either. dispicable.

I guess what surprises me most is how many hours and training these kids do to make it to Worlds then they go and fill their bodies with alcohol. Is this after they have finished performing for the weekend? I would think the coaches would not tolerate their athletes doing this. There is no way to think they can perform up to the same standards if they are hungover. Cheerleading is dangerous and I know I would want everyone on my team to have the fastest reflexes possible.
I have no idea. I was just saying that (for ample) in canada if you're 18, you can drink publicly I believe. I'm not sure, so don't take that as fact. But what it comes down to, to me at least, is more of a thing chalked up to cultural differences.
Cultural differences did not save my friends from being ticketed and fined in Greece because they didn't realize that if they were taking the metro to the airport, they needed another ticket. Never mind that the English translation for the metro-ticket dispenser wasn't too great. Granted I'm not sure if that's exactly 'cultural differences', but it's in the 'laws' thing. No matter what country you go to, YOU CAN AND WILL be arrested if you break their laws, even if you 'knew' about them or not. Too bad. I actually believe, if I recall correctly, that there's even a warning about it (knowing a country's rules/laws before you go) on an American passport. If my brain wasn't splitting open via migraine I'd go check..
I don't understand how these people had the energy to go out and drink after a weekend like this. All I wanted to do Sunday night was lay in bed and sleep forever.
Same. And I wasn't even IN FLORIDA..I was monitoring chat with @cheerislove8 and defending the boards honor from CreepyCoach and FakeNineYearOldBay..

I was in HS no more than 5 years ago, so I get the whole underage drinking thing. You wanna feel 'cool' and 'adult.' But consuming alcohol doesn't make you an adult (There's a man I watch on the corner of my street every weekend sit down to a bottle of mouthwash. SUPER adult :( ). Responsible choices do. The choice to take care of that one body you get a chance with. You really only get one liver and so many brain cells, and you've probably destroyed a hefty chunk of them already. Why ruin them? Besides, you're there to compete. Sure, for some it's a 'vacation', but like somebody said: if you can't go a weekend without alcohol, you've got bigger problems than holding your stunt hungover. You're staring in the face of a debilitating condition that will affect you the rest of your life. As an actress, and for many of you as athletes, your body is your instrument. For me, my body is my tool for work. If I'm not in shape and eating healthy, I'm essentially showing up late and unprepared for work. And every time you toss back that beer or that shot of jack on a competition weekend, you're putting in a nutritionally deficient substance in your body that is affecting your instrument long after the liquid's gone. The damage vomiting does to your esophagus, the excess strain putting on your liver and blood vessels to filter the toxins and the debilitating effects on your cells don't matter to you now 'cause you think (like I used to) that you'll live forever and your body is a supermachine. But like any machine/instrument/tool, it needs to be functioning at optimum efficiency. With alcohol, you're not.

Side note: I wonder if limiting the at-large bids might help this out too. Less kids on 'vacation' and the more serious, driven ones there to compete might take things down a wee bit. Or not. You wanna compete with the best? Think like the best. I DOUBT a large senior finalist was even looking at a bottle of anything besides water/juice/gatorade.
Side note: I wonder if limiting the at-large bids might help this out too. Less kids on 'vacation' and the more serious, driven ones there to compete might take things down a wee bit. Or not. You wanna compete with the best? Think like the best. I DOUBT a large senior finalist was even looking at a bottle of anything besides water/juice/gatorade.

amen, and also helps the over packed venue issue
kristenthegreat said:
Side note: I wonder if limiting the at-large bids might help this out too. Less kids on 'vacation' and the more serious, driven ones there to compete might take things down a wee bit. Or not. You wanna compete with the best? Think like the best. I DOUBT a large senior finalist was even looking at a bottle of anything besides water/juice/gatorade.

I was thinking it's possibly the kids that were there with no chance at finals more so than those that were there to really compete. If they know it doesn't matter how badly or how well they do then it's just a party.
I thought the athletes were there to compete in one of the most prestigious competitions of their sport .. my bad.

I was there as a spectator with my sister, both of us are well over 21 years of age.. we managed to have one of the best weekends ever without a single drop of alcohol (and boy do we love a good margarita every once in awhile).
Legal Drinking age doesn't mean you can be drunk and unruley in public, Disneyland has such strict policies on this, why are there less rules because it's a private event, Disney police should've stepped in. I wouldn't let my young teenager attend alone, but some do thinking their kid will be safe, especially if it's their 1st time attending, I saw many drunk people as I waited to pick up my daughter, it was pretty disgusting. I also feel the gates should close at a certain time. I bet the rules are much different on Grad Night.
When we entered Hollywood studios they cop was chasing a girl and the dropped a whole bottle on the ground (shattered everywhere!) It was a big group of them too... so sad . Block party should be done with !
Honestly this is where parents and coaches need to start being responsible for their cheerleaders. I know a lot of teams travel together without parents... But I know I've had coaches talk to my teams before big competitions and let us know if we were caught drinking, etc.during the weekend they would make sure our parents were informed, police were called, and we would be on the very next flight home and done for the season. Maybe if the coaches enforced gym policies like this then kids would think twice about ruining worlds for the rest of their team and gym.
i as a coach would find out who is going to the block party then search them for alcohol & then have mandatory parents to go to the block party with them and have random search's troughout the night.. even i were to even have a guess that they would have alcohol.... ADIOS!
How did the UNDERAGE KIDS get ALCOHOL is my question!?:confused:
is this a joke? what year is it now? anyone can get anything if they want to!! it takes a small amount of effort... you will learn this if you go to a college campus for a weekend.
international teams cannot make the excuse of the drinking age is different, the drinking age in my country is 18 but I knew i was too young to drink in america. As everyone has said who in their right mind would get wasted the night before finals... REALLY! But don't disney search peoples bags as they enter the park?? how are they getting drink in... and if they are buying it inside the park then for the bloc party/ park open later make it an alcohol free zone! if adults want to drink go to a bar !
i was not a big fan of this either. when i was getting on the bus to go to hollywood studios i could honestly smell the alcohol on the bus, it was rediculous. although, i guess you could say the park tried to prevent some of this because i had a bottle of water in my bag when i was walking into the park and they told me to drink it or dump it. so i had to throw away my bottle of water.

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