All-Star Super Spin-off: Priorities

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how long has cheer canada been around ive never even heard of it :s

I know it's quite recent. I only heard of it this year (not that I'm always 100% in touch with Canadian cheer stuff), but I think it's only a year or two old.

Cheer Evolution uses their own score sheets, so it hasn't been adapted fully yet.

That's what I thought. Cheer Evolution's usually reflect whatever scoresheet Varsity is using from what I've seen, so I was confused seeing that one.
That's what I thought. Cheer Evolution's usually reflect whatever scoresheet Varsity is using from what I've seen, so I was confused seeing that one.[/quote]

Yeah, Cheer Evolution's score sheet doesn't favour stunts as much as Cheer Canada's does
Yeah, Cheer Evolution's score sheet doesn't favour stunts as much as Cheer Canada's does

I see what Cheer Canada's doing. I think they're trying to make a similar scoresheet to international divisions at Worlds. That's what it looks like at least, which is fine and good for level 5/6, I just don't think I like that score sheet for lower levels. It encourages advancement in an area that Canada is actually quite well known for (stunting), and discourages athletes from pushing as hard as they can for tumbling, the main place I think that Canada falters in comparison to America.
I know it's quite recent. I only heard of it this year (not that I'm always 100% in touch with Canadian cheer stuff), but I think it's only a year or two old.

That's what I thought. Cheer Evolution's usually reflect whatever scoresheet Varsity is using from what I've seen, so I was confused seeing that one.
i figured it would be something new as of this year or late last year as i havent been involved in cheerleading this year lol
parent, former owner

1. transparency in scoring, universal score sheet
2. accountability in everything (EP's upholding governing body rules, owners/ coaches following rules, judge's scoring, etc...)
3. Athlete registration to establish a baseline. Athlete photo IDs with date and registered cheer level.
4. Athletes best interests come first, before gym profits.
5. Limits on crossover levels... EX Athlete should only be allowed to cross up 1 level from registered usasf level.
When people are saying that USASF is getting close to being a universal governing body, don't they mean Varsity? I am just going off of information seen in the Penn and Teller episode, but Varsity owns USASF correct? (sorry if this is a dumb question)

I was just having the same thoughts about the USASF and whatever tight relationship it has with Varsity.

I would like for the governing body (whoever it is) to be independent of any of the groups (Varsity, Jam Brands, etc.). I have no clue how it would work but I like the idea of competition between the EPs but still with some sort of governing body above them (is it even possible to have the best of both worlds?).
Sometimes I just wish that people would leave their egos at the door, stop being so damn greedy and money-hungry (and no one should bother telling me that it's not about making money) and get together and do what is best for the betterment of the sport.
I'm adding a question to the discussion (Because this is MY thread and nobody eats my casserole):
Since a main priority seems to be straightening out the USASF, what is it you would like them to do? Be more like USAG or a comparable governing body? Just deal with Worlds and we create a different governing body (USCF- US Cheer Federation lol).. Also- would you be willing to pay more in membership fees (not sure how much is paid now, if anything) if it meant more people would be hired and more would be accomplished?

IMO cheer should be modeled after the USAG... It is time tested and the sport is similar in regards to at least a portion of their scores are subjective. I would gladly pay to have my daughter become a member of the usasf if it meant that the cheer world would be a level playing field for all and her best interests were at hand.
Absolutely NO!!!!
We are not gymnastics and if you think that the USAG has it all figured out you are crazy!!! Gymnasts just don't know anything else.
We should not be looking to model ourselves after others we should use the expertise and creativity of OUR community to make what fits our sport. Again WE ARE NOT gymnastics and do not want to be!!!!!
Absolutely NO!!!!
We are not gymnastics and if you think that the USAG has it all figured out you are crazy!!! Gymnasts just don't know anything else.
We should not be looking to model ourselves after others we should use the expertise and creativity of OUR community to make what fits our sport. Again WE ARE NOT gymnastics and do not want to be!!!!!
I see what your saying HOWEVER, the USAG has MANY positives. Do I think we need to 100% adopt the USAG NO, do I think "we" should take what they do RIGHT and apply it, YES. The USAG is doing a lot to help with the NCATA and helping them be legitimized as a sport, (scoring, registrations, etc). The International recognition of the USAG is RESPECT. And to me that it huge. Again, are they perfect, no, are they doing a better job than the USASF, YES!
It is not the USAG that is doing anything. Gymnastics has been a recognized sport for decades and the USAG had nothing to do with that. The sport of All-Star Cheerleading is still young and we need to make our own path not follow in the footsteps of others.

How can gymnastics people be helping with the development of our sport??? I am a strong proponent of A&T but not because it has anything to do with the sport of All-Star Cheerleading but for the college opportunities it gives to our female athletes. A&T is not our sport and it is not gymnastics.

I know that the All-Star Cheer community can and will fix the problems we have and we will do it in a way that lifts us all to the next level. Do we need scoring and judging changes yes. Do we need athlete registration yes. Do we need others that do not love our sport telling us how to do it NO
It is not the USAG that is doing anything. Gymnastics has been a recognized sport for decades and the USAG had nothing to do with that. The sport of All-Star Cheerleading is still young and we need to make our own path not follow in the footsteps of others.

How can gymnastics people be helping with the development of our sport??? I am a strong proponent of A&T but not because it has anything to do with the sport of All-Star Cheerleading but for the college opportunities it gives to our female athletes. A&T is not our sport and it is not gymnastics.

I know that the All-Star Cheer community can and will fix the problems we have and we will do it in a way that lifts us all to the next level. Do we need scoring and judging changes yes. Do we need athlete registration yes. Do we need others that do not love our sport telling us how to do it NO
Gymnastics CAN and IS helping. Gymnastics whether you like or dislike it IS recognized as a SPORT. All-star, high school, college and A&T are NOT recognized as a sport. The USAG can help guide and show the necessary steps to become a sport. Because whether you like it or not there is just "more to it" and just blindly trying to figure it out isn't working. Again, should we adopt the USAG, no, do they obviously have a clue, yes. I know TONS of gymnasts and gymnastics coaches the despise cheerleading so I understand where you resentment may come from but why is ANY help to be legitimized a bad thing?
But my point is WE can do it.

First I LOVE gymnastics. I started as a gymnastics coach.
Gymnastics is not a sport because of the USAG it is a sport because of its international participation and simply because of it's history.
All-Star Cheerleading has many great minds and can and will make te changes needed. Sometimes those changes will come fast and sometimes the change will take longer and need to be discussed longer but in the end it will be OUR sport.

The NBA dosent make rules for the NHL...the NFL dosent direct the growth of the MLB
Why??? Because they neither know the sport nor do they love it like those that are apart of it.

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