All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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Absolutely agree!
Also, while you can never look into ones Head and 100 % know what they are feeling, i think it goes a little far to bring up suicide here. Gabi seems like a very grown up, stable and supported Person Who Has been in the public eye since she was a Child. This is most probably not the First time someone has said something mean to her and she obviously knows how to handle it. Someone who commits suicide because of bullying can't really be compared to this Situation. I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion. Also Sorry for my spelling, i'm on my Phone
Do you know how many children kill themselves every day because of bullying? Really! Please do the research. My daughter was on a team where a girl took her own life because of this! She was a precious 16 year old daughter, sister , friend. You never know what pushes someone over the edge, so why even allow this behavior at all??? This man bullied a child! A grown man !

I work in trauma, I see it, it's traumatizing every time and never gets easier watching the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces of someone elses cruelty. Please dont down play this. Please stand against it
Do you know how many children kill themselves every day because of bullying? Really! Please do the research. My daughter was on a team where a girl took her own life because of this! She was a precious 16 year old daughter, sister , friend. You never know what pushes someone over the edge, so why even allow this behavior at all??? This man bullied a child! A grown man !

I work in trauma, I see it, it's traumatizing every time and never gets easier watching the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces of someone elses cruelty. Please dont down play this. Please stand against it

Did you know people ages 25 and over kill themselves at higher rates than teenagers, specifically the 45 and up age groups because they're being faced with their own mortality by watching their parents die? As a child of a parent who has committed suicide, trust me when I say, I get suicide like some would never believe---I was eight when I opened that garage door, 8! The anniversary is not far off and it has tainted every single Christmas and Birthday (go me for having them back-to-back) since. I appreciate your passion for it, but becoming the dislike police because people said something you don't like is a little much. Bullying is very different than being called out by someone---bullying is a repeated pattern. It's the base definition of the word.

My heart breaks for your child's teammate, but this wasn't a case of bullying which is why the majority of this board condemned the man's actions without going after him with fire and stones. It's not as if the man was agreed by many, if any, on this board while these messages were current.
I agree that the world ''bullying'' shouldn't be taken lightly. I also agree that stating one's opinion doesn't necessarily count as bullying. However, when you have an adult calling a child names like "punkass"...well I'm not sure how that doesn't count as bullying. JMO.
100% agreed! He was cruel! Not to mention this man is surrounded by young , receptive children and coaches who follow his lead, despite the fact it may lead to ignorance and future atrocities.
Denigrating, yes. Bullying, no.
Just want to point out the similarity between the two..... Then remember it was a child versus adult.
bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, diminish, dis (alsodiss) [slang], discount, dismiss, disparage, kiss off, minimize, play down, poor-mouth, put down, run down, talk down, trash, trash-talk, vilipend, write off
Bully ; Definition a person who teases, hurts, plays down, denegrates or threatens smaller or weaker persons,
implies reduction to a state where the spirit is broken,
Synonyms; bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, denegrate, depreciate, derogate, diminish, dis (alsodiss) [slang], discount, dismiss, disparage, kiss off, minimize, play down, poor-mouth, put down, run down, talk down, trash, trash-talk, vilipend, write off
Websers Dictionary. (2015) Retrieved from
Did you know people ages 25 and over kill themselves at higher rates than teenagers, specifically the 45 and up age groups because they're being faced with their own mortality by watching their parents die? As a child of a parent who has committed suicide, trust me when I say, I get suicide like some would never believe---I was eight when I opened that garage door, 8! The anniversary is not far off and it has tainted every single Christmas and Birthday (go me for having them back-to-back) since. I appreciate your passion for it, but becoming the dislike police because people said something you don't like is a little much. Bullying is very different than being called out by someone---bullying is a repeated pattern. It's the base definition of the word.

My heart breaks for your child's teammate, but this wasn't a case of bullying which is why the majority of this board condemned the man's actions without going after him with fire and stones. It's not as if the man was agreed by many, if any, on this board while these messages were current.

my heart just broke for you when I read this @SL&AM . Hugs
Did you know people ages 25 and over kill themselves at higher rates than teenagers, specifically the 45 and up age groups because they're being faced with their own mortality by watching their parents die? As a child of a parent who has committed suicide, trust me when I say, I get suicide like some would never believe---I was eight when I opened that garage door, 8! The anniversary is not far off and it has tainted every single Christmas and Birthday (go me for having them back-to-back) since. I appreciate your passion for it, but becoming the dislike police because people said something you don't like is a little much. Bullying is very different than being called out by someone---bullying is a repeated pattern. It's the base definition of the word.

My heart breaks for your child's teammate, but this wasn't a case of bullying which is why the majority of this board condemned the man's actions without going after him with fire and stones. It's not as if the man was agreed by many, if any, on this board while these messages were current.
Well, I empathize tremendously for your situation as well as the parents and families I pick up off the floor when I see these suicides. This man continuously behaves like this...aka bully. He appears to be a toddler who doesn't like the odds against him and strikes with venom. This is a repeated patters, that he unfortunately is teaching to the future generations and we simply should have zero tolerance for even one ugly word out of his mouth that directly targets children. Iv'e seen other coaches do this at well, sadly. We, as I know you can understand, have no Idea what will push someone over the edge. Too many people on this board have excused what he did because he is famous ( don't know him for anything other than the ugliness I have seen posted about him) I"m not sure what the "dislike police" statement is for? But again, your entitled to your opinion. I've seen too much from these coaches and simply HATE that anyone, could give this man a pardon or anyone acting cruel. And for God's sake she was a kid, please note my daughter was put in a similar situation. Why should it be permissable for these coaches, owners, hell, anyone behaving cruel ,simply because of all the reasons (and more) Mr Butler listed. Thats all i'm saying...
my heart just broke for you when I read this @SL&AM . Hugs

Thanks :) This time of year is hard. I went through a period where I really thought I had fully moved past it but I swear, as CP creeps up in age and I see her; who is my carbon copy at that age, it's like a kick in the stomach at how life should have been and wasn't.

Well, I empathize tremendously for your situation as well as the parents and families I pick up off the floor when I see these suicides. This man continuously behaves like this...aka bully. He appears to be a toddler who doesn't like the odds against him and strikes with venom. This is a repeated patters, that he unfortunately is teaching to the future generations and we simply should have zero tolerance for even one ugly word out of his mouth that directly targets children. Iv'e seen other coaches do this at well, sadly. We, as I know you can understand, have no Idea what will push someone over the edge. Too many people on this board have excused what he did because he is famous ( don't know him for anything other than the ugliness I have seen posted about him) I"m not sure what the "dislike police" statement is for? But again, your entitled to your opinion. I've seen too much from these coaches and simply HATE that anyone, could give this man a pardon or anyone acting cruel. And for God's sake she was a kid, please note my daughter was put in a similar situation. Why should it be permissable for these coaches, owners, hell, anyone behaving cruel ,simply because of all the reasons (and more) Mr Butler listed. Thats all i'm saying...

No, I think you're saying a lot more than that, but being frank, I have neither the time nor energy to light myself up about this. All I'll say is this, until his post about Gabi I had no clue who he was so any pattern he may or may not have had was not something I had or have had any knowledge about. He's famous? Who knew, I certainly didn't and still don't really know who he is.
Do you know how many children kill themselves every day because of bullying? Really! Please do the research. My daughter was on a team where a girl took her own life because of this! She was a precious 16 year old daughter, sister , friend. You never know what pushes someone over the edge, so why even allow this behavior at all??? This man bullied a child! A grown man !

I work in trauma, I see it, it's traumatizing every time and never gets easier watching the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces of someone elses cruelty. Please dont down play this. Please stand against it

I never said Teenagers did not kill themselves. Never even said that. And i did not down play it. I think you absolutely misread my post and took it out of context
I am sorry for your daughters loss, it's terrible, but you most probably can not compare her friends situation to what happened here. Again, i am not downplaying suicide among teenagers, never did and never will and i am actually slightly offended atm. In the case of what happened in this thread we will just have to agree to disagree because clearly you are seeing the situation very differently.
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I think that's Mr. Butlers point. It's not cool to call people names and use derogatory language. The internet tends to take the sting out of words at times but if JP was standing over Gabi and saying his hashtags, it would be a different story. He'd clearly be bullying her. Especially considering he's said things about her before.
Shimmy x 100! Thank you, this is the point I am trying to make as well! It's wrong anyway you look at what this man did
OK, now I'm confused. Please define... How did she "act out"? That one has me baffled. Not to mention, you are completely missing the point.

My daughter could care less about the comment. Do you honestly think this is the first time she has had negative comments on social media? I only commented on this thread because there was a lot of deflecting and defending of the comment because others felt he had the right intentions. My only point, that I continue to try to impress, is that intent does not excuse insulting a child publically on social media, especially if you are a coach. Coaches are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard, just like doctors in patient care or lawyers with respect to upholding the law. When you are a teacher, you cannot behave this way. You are teaching these impressionable young athletes that it is ok to behave that way. They turn around and call a kid at their school a "punka##" and think it's ok because their coach did it on Twitter. I coached diving for 7 years. During that time, I learned very quickly that when you are a coach your opinion of your athletes is very important to them. Many take your comments to heart.

This continues to be the drum I am pounding on. I don't expect anyone to apologize, especially a repeat offender who has done this many times in the past. History tells me he thinks he has the right to insult children even though he is a teacher regardless of the situation. What I'm simply saying is this position is wrong. We can either minimize it or identify it and seek to change it. Change can occur in the form of us changing ourselves or as us not tolerating or minimizing it. The choice is up to you. It's very possible that I stand alone on my belief that a child should never be insulted on a public social media platform by any coach and if that's the case, I'm happy to stand firm by myself in this belief. My grandma always taught me, stand for something or you'll fall for anything!
You do not stand alone, unfortunately you cant educate everyone, especially when these people seem to think she deserves it simply because she is succesful and young girls look up to her or "adore her". Sad, but the "admiring fans" may back away from success simply because they dont want coaches to treat them so poorly as this man did. I am simply shocked and disgusted by the opinions of so many of these people. It's no wonder our country is in thie condition it is. I teach my children to build their peers up every time they achieve success, never tear them down or belittle them. Apparently many on this site are taught it's ok to act like an a## and defend an idiot when the person he is belittling has acheived success??? Insane. There is just no educating these people. Just pray for them, that they are lousy at everything they do (other than defending bullies, which have have mastered), so they never have to feel angst or see a grown man belittle, bully, call names.... it is what it is unfortunately.
1. There was no point brought up in the insulting tweet made toward my daughter.
2. I never asked for an angry mob with pitchforks. Only for the recognition that public insults from a coach on social media are unacceptable. If you recognized this, then we are on the same side.
3. You're darn right I was affected by it. We all should be. It was unacceptable behavior and should not be tolerated by any coach in cheer or any other sport.
4. Agreed. However, we can stand together in not tolerating this behavior. I saw many coaches encouraging the behavior with comments on the ASGA thread. Additionally, being indifferent to this type of behavior only seeks to encourage it.

Anyone who has a child in any sport , team or craft, should agree with this statement versus defending the media uglies simply because these children, or others have worked their bottoms off to earn the success they have. We must stop condoning this behavior! I'm only assuming, but it seems Gabby and other kids who become famous for being incredible, simply want to share their love for this sport & share what they know?? She doesn't go on these sites and bash other teams with talent, she encourages the competition, as I have seen firsthand with other kids. Let's nurture this behavior and shame the hostility JP and others spread. It really is a simple behavior. kindness, encoragement , empathy....

My CP went up against this incredible team who they beat, by a hair of a point. She walked up to the team and praised them for how incredible they were and "what an honor it" was to compete with them. She even went as far as to say " you all should have won, you were more fierce" I was incredibly proud of her at that moment. She always congrats the teams that beat her... She lifts them up for the teams success versus being snide and derogative.
Whooo! I clutched my pearls reading the last few pages. Maybe it's just me but my response to the last page or two is that someone is missing the point so John took the words right out of my mouth. I just don't see how what he is trying to get across is getting lost in translation. Can someone explain to me what was said on Twitter from the Butler end of things because I must've missed something and the Twitter world confuses me so I don't even bother. What was said on Twitter that made the fact JP felt it was fine to direct foul language to a child on social media no big deal? Because whether she owns one business or ten, she's still a minor. We're not talking about someone that is unhappy with a product or service here (since that argument about having thick skin being in business has been tossed about). We're talking about an adult that can't seem to articulate even valid points in a manner in which others are not offended and appalled. So Please help me understand because from what I'm reading, that's all @John Butler is trying to address.
you are my queen! thanks for trying to help educate against this appalling behavior!
no, simply because He is portraying a behavior...I did not now nor ever called him an a## as he did a child. You really have love for this man... kudos
sorry but this is hilarious, oh but no wait, it's not
I dont even know him and actually also dont care to
Also , if you had read all i have said throughout this entire discussion you would know that i have never even come close to defending his behavior or even Directly said anything about him at all. That's why right now, i am pretty angry, because you come on here basically yelling at everyone you can find, quoting stuff out of context and trying to make it look like we are all lunatics who think teenagers dont committ suicide and support every adult out there who assaults children. That is just not cool sorry
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