OT Hoverboard/flyboard's + Cheerleading

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May 12, 2012
Does this scare anyone else...?

I have no problem with them (they aren't as big over here as in the us but we still have them) but it seems to be a new trend to be doing handstands, body positions and stunts on them.
It scares me that this appears a very easy way for injuries to the cheerleaders to occur but more so for the regular pre teen/teenager who sees these videos on Instagram and tries it themselves

Anyone else?

Edit : to say that aside from karmareturns cheer updates and Robert scianna I have nothing cheer on my Instagram so I've seen these videos on similar terms to someone who doesn't know what cheer is would
I'm not a fan of these hover boards to begin with. I see them as a way to promote human laziness. If you have one, I'm not saying you're lazy. But I see these things transforming into hover chairs and hover beds so that people don't even have to move anymore.

But yes, the latest issue is that the boards are at high risk of exploding. Amazon put out a notice alerting customers of the boards and I think they suspended sales of the boards too.
California has banned them for children under 16 starting January 1st.
NYC has made them illegal for all ages to be used on sidewalks and streets.
I do think that most of the kids who got them for the holidays will be pretty bored with them after a few weeks once the novelty wears off.

And @Beans100 I agree. My 11 year old has a ripstik and that requires ongoing balance, agility and coordination.
CP and her friends are not bored yet. They love them. I have to ride in the morning when she is asleep. They are also called balance boards because you truly have to keep your balance on them or you're coming off. Those kids pulling heel stretches on those things are seriously skilled. I know if I tried to lift one foot and stay balanced personally, I would be on the ground. I was giving DH the hard side eye when he bought CP one for Xmas. I was betting she played with it for an hour and would feel like she didn't even get a big gift. She loves it so much that when the second board arrived that Santa ;) didn't get it here in time for Xmas, DH is keeping that one for himself and her friends that come over. I think one of her friends is going to cry when I insist her mother pick her up today. Day 3 at our house for that one and that kid loves the hoverboard, too.
I'm not excited about the chances of cheerleaders zooming around competitions on them. I'm sure that will be a thing in January.

I don't think I will let CP attempt to take it to comp. I am not lugging that 40 lb thing around for her while she is in warmups or running with her friends. Now to the hotel, probably until they tell us no. Our entire gym stays together at one hotel. I think the owner seeing how many have them at our first hotel comp, we'll get an email quickly or gymwide text saying, Parents, no.....
I don't think I will let CP attempt to take it to comp. I am not lugging that 40 lb thing around for her while she is in warmups or running with her friends. Now to the hotel, probably until they tell us no. Our entire gym stays together at one hotel. I think the owner seeing how many have them at our first hotel comp, we'll get an email quickly or gymwide text saying, Parents, no.....

I think most people won't, but the amount of scooters I saw last year convinces me many will.
Our neighbor got hers in October and has already sold it. She said most places haven't posted signs yet but, she was told she wasn't allowed to use it almost everywhere she took it.

@amy1k Airlines have banned them so, hopefully that will stop the majority of them coming into the big comps.
A bunch of our girls got them for Christmas and their parents are posting video's of them wiping out while learning how to use them. Already had one athlete from a senior team go to the ER to get 8 stitches on Christmas day....

Also, I hope that any smart parent would realize that a $400 hot-ticket item will most likely get stolen and that a competition is probably the dumbest place to bring one.
I'm not excited about the chances of cheerleaders zooming around competitions on them. I'm sure that will be a thing in January.
A lot of places here already have them banned. I expect to see more of that in convention centers soon, just like the ban on wheelies when they were popular.
I told CP "No way! Thats a broken arm waiting to happen. If you didn't kill yourself on it you would have coaches and dance instructors waiting in line to do it"

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Cam Newton sure flies around Charlotte on his. I've seen him twice myself and several pictures. (He seriously goes super fast) I'm surprised his coach still lets him ride it during the season.

He lives like 10 blocks from the practice fields, so he rides it there and back usually.

A lot of places here already have them banned. I expect to see more of that in convention centers soon, just like the ban on wheelies when they were popular.
Still bitter I never had a pair of those.

But seriously this will fade so fast once the places you can ride them diminish and there will be a new must have next Christmas
CP and her friends are not bored yet. They love them. I have to ride in the morning when she is asleep. They are also called balance boards because you truly have to keep your balance on them or you're coming off. Those kids pulling heel stretches on those things are seriously skilled. I know if I tried to lift one foot and stay balanced personally, I would be on the ground. I was giving DH the hard side eye when he bought CP one for Xmas. I was betting she played with it for an hour and would feel like she didn't even get a big gift. She loves it so much that when the second board arrived that Santa ;) didn't get it here in time for Xmas, DH is keeping that one for himself and her friends that come over. I think one of her friends is going to cry when I insist her mother pick her up today. Day 3 at our house for that one and that kid loves the hoverboard, too.
This is my cp!! OMG...she LOVES this thing! I cannot believe how quickly she got the hang of it. She & her friends LOVE them. It does take muscles & balance to use, it's not like you are just standing there. Seriously, it was worth every penny we paid for it. It made her so happy on Christmas morning. :) I am worried about the d@mn thing catching on fire, though. I only let her charge it when it can be supervised and never overnight.

Oh, and I am very grateful for the flight ban bc she was saying how much she wanted to take it to big comps (after seeing all those kids on scooters at Cheersport a couple years ago.) yeah, not lugging that heavy thing to Dallas or Summit (I don't think it would even be feasible to use it at ESPN, anyway.) Sorry, Charlie! It's staying home!

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