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im confused did large senior and large coed not alternate back and forth while competing at finals this year. why is there no one crying foul over large coed having to compete in the same conditions, ive only heard people raise concern for large senior.

(( i was at work all day during finals, so i could be completely out of the loop, if this is incorrect))
I think the conditions got worse as the night progressed. (Like the condensation/dew on the rubber part of the mat). Think of how grass is sometimes wet in the early mornings, that stuff sets in overnight. As the mat stayed out and the competition went later and later, the water started building up. Also how late the All Girl teams were competing. Large Coed went a little late but was still wrapped up around 9:45 or so, not unheard of for a big competition. It was 11pm and the big 5 in All Girl were still waiting to take the mat.

But as to why they didn't rotate, no idea. Probably do drag out the grandeur of the event and have other ceremonies/exhibition performances. Pretty silly.
im confused did large senior and large coed not alternate back and forth while competing at finals this year. why is there no one crying foul over large coed having to compete in the same conditions, ive only heard people raise concern for large senior.

(( i was at work all day during finals, so i could be completely out of the loop, if this is incorrect))

Large Coed went back to back (interspersed with dance team winners which were very good but precious time wasted). Large All Girl went back to back to back (interspersed with dance team winners) until after SE came off the floor where CSP approached the officials at which point Orange was waiting. We had it awful but that delay only made it worse for them!
I think the conditions got worse as the night progressed. (Like the condensation/dew on the rubber part of the mat). Think of how grass is sometimes wet in the early mornings, that stuff sets in overnight. As the mat stayed out and the competition went later and later, the water started building up. Also how late the All Girl teams were competing. Large Coed went a little late but was still wrapped up around 9:45 or so, not unheard of for a big competition. It was 11pm and the big 5 in All Girl were still waiting to take the mat.

But as to why they didn't rotate, no idea. Probably do drag out the grandeur of the event and have other ceremonies/exhibition performances. Pretty silly.

I think someone said in the main thread that they shared a singular judging panel---I'm not sure why that would affect the order in which the teams performed though. That night really was a blur in retrospect so someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
@mstealtoyou @SheCheers Reading both of your kid's experiences is heartbreaking and infuriating in the same breath. I know nothing can be done for this season as it's already done, but I do truly hope that this lights a fire under whoever it needs to, to ensure changes are done for the future. The fact that no one was seriously hurt is a miracle in of itself and I'm so sorry neither of your kids were able to find out their cheer season the way they deserved to.
I'm so sorry. :( They put their heart and soul into this. They're trained athlete's ready to give it their all and not having that chance to do so because of circumstances beyond control, that's the heartbreaking part. Parents having to line up and wait for 7hrs is ridiculous. The seats have numbers, how hard is it to assign tickets or have a priority entrance for families. These are common practice in other minor sports.

You're so right, one night doesn't define them. The kids on the teams that performed Sunday night (and all of the kids in general over the weekend) have much to be proud of. Know that those of us watching from home were with them in spirit and cheering them on. The same goes for the parents. You guys were just as invested with your time and money, supporting your kiddo's dream and passion. You have every right to grieve for the loss of a missed opportunity.

Well, now I'm crying again. Thank you for understanding what I'm saying! Nobody works harder than anybody else. Every kid and team worked tirelessly to be at the top of their's why I can say with 100 percent certainty that no way the top teams all fell apart (F5 excluded) is a coincidence.

I'm a huge believer in the best team out Final's deserves to win. Hands down that was F5!!!
So clearly USASF didnt learn the mistake last year by making all the other division winners compete in between teams, so instead they just put the dance teams in instead...

like im sorry but the people running USASF/WORLDS are complete idiots for doing that, i mean they clearly dont bother to listen to coaches/programs concerns. Did people not complain last year when large coed/all girl ran late.
There are things I don't love about Varsity's level of influence. However, in terms of event logistics, NCA is usually a Ferrari and USASF is always a Pinto.

(I'll grant you that there are few people I like more than JC. The rank-and-file people working both events are actually all pretty likable.)
I love the Ferrari/Pinto analogy. I agree NCA is a class event. However, speaking as a parent, in recent years NCA has been increasingly a turnoff. The cost associated with it especially. Sure I want to be forced to stay in a hotel in Oklahoma and commute in. You know that Ferrari analogy is perfect here ;)
Coaches and/or athletes- what is the longest that you feel comfortable waiting between warmups to perform?
I can't give you an exact time because when I'm backstage time seems to go by really fast but I can say that I like to have two maybe three teams infront of our team before we go onstage. Just because it gives us enough time to go through our rituals and hype ourselves up to go on the floor but it doesn't give me enough time to pet the nerves get to me.

I don't think it would truly start affecting my performance until upwards of 30 minutes.
@mstealtoyou @SheCheers Reading both of your kid's experiences is heartbreaking and infuriating in the same breath. I know nothing can be done for this season as it's already done, but I do truly hope that this lights a fire under whoever it needs to, to ensure changes are done for the future. The fact that no one was seriously hurt is a miracle in of itself and I'm so sorry neither of your kids were able to find out their cheer season the way they deserved to.

Thank you! I really appreciate it! You're so right about the injuries and that was the best thing about Sunday night for me
I'm sorry @mstealtoyou , I didn't mean to sadden you again. :oops: I'm sorry for's a dang Canadian thing and once I get going I can't stop!

Okay...time for roses, unicorns and rainbows. Happy thoughts. Wine o'clock (or cranberry vodka bliss for those of age). End of season slow pace and summer.

I'm trying. :cheering::cloud9:
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Varsity/USASF has a 4.7 TRILLION dollar pocketbook. Every mega gym in the sport could ban together and boycott and that's not even a drop in their bucket.

That number is INSANE!!! Makes me angry that I am struggling to keep my kid in this expensive sport when I see numbers like that.

I think that the megagyms refusing to go, would not accomplish anything. I bet that many smaller gyms would be thrilled to sign if the big name gyms weren't making an appearance.
That number is INSANE!!! Makes me angry that I am struggling to keep my kid in this expensive sport when I see numbers like that.

I think that the megagyms refusing to go, would not accomplish anything. I bet that many smaller gyms would be thrilled to sign if the big name gyms weren't making an appearance.

The first problem is parents (as consumers) thinking they have no rights in youth sports issues. You are consumers paying membership fees and signing liability waivers. There is much you can do to be the voice to various report to agencies to evoke change. It is happening in many sports across the country from football to hockey and beyond. Many senators have taken this up as their platform. The NYT reported on the NFL (and change is happening)... and I think their pockets are pretty deep. Three years of past 11 PM is crazy.
The first problem is parents (as consumers) thinking they have no rights in youth sports issues. You are consumers paying membership fees and signing liability waivers. There is much you can do to be the voice to various report to agencies to evoke change. It is happening in many sports across the country from football to hockey and beyond. Many senators have taken this up as their platform. The NYT reported on the NFL (and change is happening)... and I think their pockets are pretty deep. Three years of past 11 PM is crazy.

It is too bad no one can complain for fear of retaliation to their gym or athletes during the comp season. This has been ever so apparent when the parent/athlete/coach does not have the pull of a massive gym behind them. I do believe other posters on this board have alluded to this. So everyone keeps their mouth shut. For example, when my kid was younger our gym reported an age violation of a competitor. Our gym was made to feel like we were the offenders. Were right in reporting absolutely. Did we have evidence absolutely. In addition girls on my daughter's team knew the other girl and had been to her birthday party. It was a mess. I could go on and on. Junior athletes driving practice etc. It is too bad something we pay massive amount of money and freely give our precious time to is so unyielding.
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Well, it's been 2 days since this mess and still no statement from USASF.

I think boycotting Worlds is less about hurting USASF/ Varsity and more about making a statement. These premier gyms are not unheard of. Other gyms and athletes will hear about this because people talk and owners will wonder why big gym A isn't attending. If little gym X still wants to go to Worlds, fine, let them. They can go knowing that they are supporting a whack organization.

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