OT I'm Supposed To Be Getting Braces :(...ugh...

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No gum allowed for CP, either. CP's orthodontist gave us a refrigerator magnet with a list of the "No's" while she is on the braces diet. I think the most difficult thing for her has been finding fruits and veggies that she is allowed to eat and don't get stuck in her braces. She used to love oranges, apples, and carrots. All three times she broke her brackets were while eating one of those three things (well, she broke her bracket trying to pick the orange strings out of her teeth). She also used to hate cooked veggies because of the texture. But now she has gotten over her distaste in salad and most cooked veggies. And she has found that cuties are better than regular oranges.
All true. We also had to find an alternate Hummus Delivery System since pita chips are a no. We found some pretzel chips she can eat that aren't as hard.
My advice would be don't take them off before they say you're fully ready! They kind of drug me along and kept promising only a few more months each time I went back towards the end (I wore them about three years). Then it transitioned to "next time!" and I heard that about four times. My mom and I got so sick of it (and her sick of paying) that she basically told them it was time to take them off. Now I'm 25 and while my teeth are fine and straight, I wish I would have kept them on longer to get rid of the crossbite I have. I would rather kept them on longer in middle school than get them again in my 20s!
My advice would be don't take them off before they say you're fully ready! They kind of drug me along and kept promising only a few more months each time I went back towards the end (I wore them about three years). Then it transitioned to "next time!" and I heard that about four times. My mom and I got so sick of it (and her sick of paying) that she basically told them it was time to take them off. Now I'm 25 and while my teeth are fine and straight, I wish I would have kept them on longer to get rid of the crossbite I have. I would rather kept them on longer in middle school than get them again in my 20s!
I'm the same way!!! I wanted to get mine off at the end of 8th grade instead of waiting so I did.. My teeth look fine but I have some that definitely still are crooked even though I've been wearing clear retainers to keep my teeth in like since I got my braces off lol
My advice would be don't take them off before they say you're fully ready! They kind of drug me along and kept promising only a few more months each time I went back towards the end (I wore them about three years). Then it transitioned to "next time!" and I heard that about four times. My mom and I got so sick of it (and her sick of paying) that she basically told them it was time to take them off. Now I'm 25 and while my teeth are fine and straight, I wish I would have kept them on longer to get rid of the crossbite I have. I would rather kept them on longer in middle school than get them again in my 20s!

This x1000! The orthodontist I went to opted to take mine off early and "finish with a retainer" aka insurance was covering my braces 100% and we had to pay out of pocket for the retainers. At least that's my opinion on the situation, because otherwise it makes no sense. So he took them off, molded an old fashioned metal and the pink plastic palate retainer and it never fit me from day 1. And instead of him rectifying the situation, he yelled and I cried and now my teeth are crooked. and now I have to pay for my own invisalign whenever I can budget that in. adult life sucks.
This x1000! The orthodontist I went to opted to take mine off early and "finish with a retainer" aka insurance was covering my braces 100% and we had to pay out of pocket for the retainers. At least that's my opinion on the situation, because otherwise it makes no sense. So he took them off, molded an old fashioned metal and the pink plastic palate retainer and it never fit me from day 1. And instead of him rectifying the situation, he yelled and I cried and now my teeth are crooked. and now I have to pay for my own invisalign whenever I can budget that in. adult life sucks.

I had braces as a kid and now I'm having to do Invisalign as an adult. Almost done! And I WILL be wearing the retainer like I should since I didn't as a child. Oops.
My friend never got braces growing up. She found out towards the end of high school she would have to get a jaw procedure done eventually (within the next 10 years or so) to keep her from having intense jaw issues when she was older. She opted to wait until after college, which I would have done too. Now she's 24 and working so her time's coming. The bad part is, it involves six months of full braces (NOT Invisalign, full metal braces) then removal and a procedure in which they break your jaw, realign it and wire it shut for a few months afterwards.

I don't blame her for putting this off, haha. She's going to wait another year or two and get the insurance straightened out and then go for it. At least in your mid-late 20s people are not as judgey as they are in college/high school. Braces won't be the worst thing in the world, even though I've said I'm going to call her brace face- lovingly of course. She's just holding out hope that she'll lose weight on the liquid diet she'll be confined to for a few months, lol
This x1000! The orthodontist I went to opted to take mine off early and "finish with a retainer" aka insurance was covering my braces 100% and we had to pay out of pocket for the retainers. At least that's my opinion on the situation, because otherwise it makes no sense. So he took them off, molded an old fashioned metal and the pink plastic palate retainer and it never fit me from day 1. And instead of him rectifying the situation, he yelled and I cried and now my teeth are crooked. and now I have to pay for my own invisalign whenever I can budget that in. adult life sucks.

I'm lucky that my current dental insurance pays for half of orthodontics for adults, and I can pay for the rest with my FSA. Maybe your company or future company will offer an FSA? It's money you put aside pretax for health things, so it's like getting a 25% discount.

I had braces for 4 years when my orthodontist told me it would only be 2. As I was going into my senior year, I wanted them off for senior pictures, so he put me in Invisalign. I wasn't a big fan, they would hurt my teeth to put back in (and were kind of gross after being in your mouth) and then stopped wearing them. But I think I'd be a lot better now as an adult and I might look into it again.
I had braces as a kid and now I'm having to do Invisalign as an adult. Almost done! And I WILL be wearing the retainer like I should since I didn't as a child. Oops.
What has your experience been like with Invisalign? I read that people have bad breath and diction issues with it, but I want to get insight from another source.
My friend never got braces growing up. She found out towards the end of high school she would have to get a jaw procedure done eventually (within the next 10 years or so) to keep her from having intense jaw issues when she was older. She opted to wait until after college, which I would have done too. Now she's 24 and working so her time's coming. The bad part is, it involves six months of full braces (NOT Invisalign, full metal braces) then removal and a procedure in which they break your jaw, realign it and wire it shut for a few months afterwards.

I don't blame her for putting this off, haha. She's going to wait another year or two and get the insurance straightened out and then go for it. At least in your mid-late 20s people are not as judgey as they are in college/high school. Braces won't be the worst thing in the world, even though I've said I'm going to call her brace face- lovingly of course. She's just holding out hope that she'll lose weight on the liquid diet she'll be confined to for a few months, lol

i had jaw surgery similar to this done back in highschool (2006) the worst part which i dont even know if they do anymore is when they put on a large plastic retainer covering either all your tops or bottoms, and you cant eat anything but liquids for 2 months. it was horrible, plus you basically couldnt talk for two months because no one could understand what they heck i was saying 90% of the time. not an experience i want to ever re live.
i paid the consequences years later by not wearing the invisalign retainers 24/7. had to have my 3 back teeth on each side removed due to bite issues. and my front four bottom teeth are slightly crooked again.
im considering doing invisalign again in the future to correct it.

moral of the story for anyone who gets braces, is when they tell you to wear the retainers, DO IT.
i had jaw surgery similar to this done back in highschool (2006) the worst part which i dont even know if they do anymore is when they put on a large plastic retainer covering either all your tops or bottoms, and you cant eat anything but liquids for 2 months. it was horrible, plus you basically couldnt talk for two months because no one could understand what they heck i was saying 90% of the time. not an experience i want to ever re live.
i paid the consequences years later by not wearing the invisalign retainers 24/7. had to have my 3 back teeth on each side removed due to bite issues. and my front four bottom teeth are slightly crooked again.
im considering doing invisalign again in the future to correct it.

moral of the story for anyone who gets braces, is when they tell you to wear the retainers, DO IT.
They honestly might still do that. She was talking about how miserable she was going to be on all liquids for a pretty long time and how she will have to take like two full weeks off work. It do not envy her at all.
What has your experience been like with Invisalign? I read that people have bad breath and diction issues with it, but I want to get insight from another source.

They've been doing their job for sure. It's just a pain to have to take them out every time you want to eat or drink.
I think the only reason you would have bad breath is if you're not cleaning the Invisaligns. I have to brush them every time I brush my teeth. That's sort of a pain also.
They honestly might still do that. She was talking about how miserable she was going to be on all liquids for a pretty long time and how she will have to take like two full weeks off work. It do not envy her at all.
i had it done right before senior year, i think i missed the first three weeks of school because of swelling. hopefully she doesnt have a job where she has to speak a lot, because if they still do the hard plastic retainers she'll basically be SOL. Ive had a friend who had his mouth wired shut for a few weeks, and although it was hard to speak he was easy to understand for the most part, compared to what i had you couldnt understand a word that came out of my mouth.

but i wish her luck.
What has your experience been like with Invisalign? I read that people have bad breath and diction issues with it, but I want to get insight from another source.
Two of my kiddos had invisalign. Yes diction was an issue at first (similar to retainer) but they figured that out pretty quickly. No issues with bad breath but those trays do get gross. I hated invisalign with both of them though... the nagging to wear it was just ugh! And they are 2 of my most compliant kids too! Anyway, if you know you will wear it faithfully then I think it is a great choice....but as a mom of teens... boo!
Two of my kiddos had invisalign. Yes diction was an issue at first (similar to retainer) but they figured that out pretty quickly. No issues with bad breath but those trays do get gross. I hated invisalign with both of them though... the nagging to wear it was just ugh! And they are 2 of my most compliant kids too! Anyway, if you know you will wear it faithfully then I think it is a great choice....but as a mom of teens... boo!

And don't leave them lying around where your dog can get them! My dog ate mine. Twice. :banghead:

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