All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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I know a few people, some cheerleaders included ...that a struggling A LOT mentally with the isolation. I know one that can’t even get out of bed, is used to seeing help regularly ... is starting to not respond to group chats. We are very worried. I had an old high school friend who I have not talked to in YEARS randomly reach out to me via Instagram direct message about how she just needed someone to talk to and was Having a hard time... and reached out to me (of all people) because of a conversation she remembered we had in a calculus class our senior year. People have too much time on their hands...not enough person to person socialization, things to keep them occupied and their brains busy and bustling- it’s concerning.
I agree with you saying it’s a circle and neither is sustainable. I think we keep thinking that “self isolation” is keeping us “Safe”... I guess I feel it’s just buying us more “time” in sort of a COVID Purgatory... and regardless of when we return to some form of freedom we will see a resurgence. This awful Virus will get who it wants to get, we have no control over who, when where-
...I agree with flattening the curve and not overwhelming the healthcare system and I also believe we are taking the measures we need to right now- but like you said, it’s unsustainable for too long. When that is... I don’t know - I guess that has to be measured on how long people and business can “hold up”...I think isolation going too far into May you’re going to see a very scary side of society.
I also agree the entire COUNTRY regardless of their outbreak status should have been on a shelter in place order for 4 weeks off the bat and all parks and recreational areas should have been immediately closed... I do think inconsistency is part of the problem. People are confused, don’t know what shelter in place means, don’t know who’s enforcing it- they see on TV some states are still doing life as usual... I look at it like how I run my team: I can’t tell kids to wear their hair in pony with a bow in their hair and not expect some to show up with their gold bow, white bow a low pony a high pony side part... some are asking my assistant coach how she wants it and others are asking their captains how they want it... if we all don’t collectively decide and inform: low slick backed pony, right part with gold skinny bow or you’re getting a demerit - you’re going to have chaos.

P.S. Camp in May is ridiculous to even say out loud right now.

Yeah it is TOUGH. I basically work from home now, and have been sleeping into the afternoon because I don’t fall asleep until about 5 am. I’m just not tired enough to fall asleep earlier because of the lack of exercise/stimulation. It’s super depressing and a hard cycle to break. Because why would I get up at a reasonable hour when I’m tired and there’s no urgency anyway?

My wedding plans are pushed back indefinitely, as are my plans to have kids. Which might be an issue later since I’m a little older (early thirties) so now I’m carving out money to put aside for fertility treatments, if necessary. It’s just A LOT.
all of the above- I think people forget
Varsity is legally bound by contracts and obligations as well as venders then Disney is mutually legally bound to their obligations. Right now the “legal jargon” for operations and compliance is so complicated with what’s been implemented at the Local, federal and state level that many are left not knowing exactly how they CAN proceed or how they should proceed. My husband -for his company, is on conference calls from very early in the morning until late at night just trying to sift through what all the levels of government want- everyone has implemented contradictory directives for employment, procedures and protocols ... it’s a mess
Yeah it is TOUGH. I basically work from home now, and have been sleeping into the afternoon because I don’t fall asleep until about 5 am. I’m just not tired enough to fall asleep earlier because of the lack of exercise/stimulation. It’s super depressing and a hard cycle to break. Because why would I get up at a reasonable hour when I’m tired and there’s no urgency anyway?

My wedding plans are pushed back indefinitely, as are my plans to have kids. Which might be an issue later since I’m a little older (early thirties) so now I’m carving out money to put aside for fertility treatments, if necessary. It’s just A LOT.
- everyone is just going through these just HUGE unfathomable life jolting changes- and almost no outlets or resources...
I know a few people, some cheerleaders included ...that a struggling A LOT mentally with the isolation. I know one that can’t even get out of bed, is used to seeing help regularly ... is starting to not respond to group chats. We are very worried. I had an old high school friend who I have not talked to in YEARS randomly reach out to me via Instagram direct message about how she just needed someone to talk to and was Having a hard time... and reached out to me (of all people) because of a conversation she remembered we had in a calculus class our senior year. People have too much time on their hands...not enough person to person socialization, things to keep them occupied and their brains busy and bustling- it’s concerning.
I agree with you saying it’s a circle and neither is sustainable. I think we keep thinking that “self isolation” is keeping us “Safe”... I guess I feel it’s just buying us more “time” in sort of a COVID Purgatory... and regardless of when we return to some form of freedom we will see a resurgence. This awful Virus will get who it wants to get, we have no control over who, when where-
...I agree with flattening the curve and not overwhelming the healthcare system and I also believe we are taking the measures we need to right now- but like you said, it’s unsustainable for too long. When that is... I don’t know - I guess that has to be measured on how long people and business can “hold up”...I think isolation going too far into May you’re going to see a very scary side of society.
I also agree the entire COUNTRY regardless of their outbreak status should have been on a shelter in place order for 4 weeks off the bat and all parks and recreational areas should have been immediately closed... I do think inconsistency is part of the problem. People are confused, don’t know what shelter in place means, don’t know who’s enforcing it- they see on TV some states are still doing life as usual... I look at it like how I run my team: I can’t tell kids to wear their hair in pony with a bow in their hair and not expect some to show up with their gold bow, white bow a low pony a high pony side part... some are asking my assistant coach how she wants it and others are asking their captains how they want it... if we all don’t collectively decide and inform: low slick backed pony, right part with gold skinny bow or you’re getting a demerit - you’re going to have chaos.

P.S. Camp in May is ridiculous to even say out loud right now.

I've noticed that our provincial and federal government have really tried to cut down on the use of phrases like "social distancing" and "self isolation". They've modified the messaging to "physical distancing" because truly, with the technology available, we don't need to be socially distant, but rather physically.

Our provincial government just put 4.5 million into in a new program called Be Well that is specifically to provide CBT digitally to those who are suffering with anxiety and depression as a result of the pandemic. I'm not a fan of our current governments handling of health and mental health generally, but this was a good move on their part.

We're also expecting physical distancing measures until summer here. I don't anticipate going back to work before mid May and will be surprised if it is sooner. Our federal government is pouring money into programming for people who are laid off, businesses who are closed or losing money. And yea, we're all going to pay out the wazoo for it in taxes in the long run, but, thats a socialist leaning society for you.
For everybody wondering about dates for Summit and Worlds, I think the biggest tell you can look at is the schools and what they're doing. Most states have declared that there will be no physical school, just distance learning, for the remainder of the year, which means most states are expecting this isolation to go into May. There is no winning here - in fact, almost every single person is losing something, whether it be finances, career, major life events, cheer, etc. - and there's no way giant corporations like Disney or Varsity can predict what's going to happen. As much as the higher ups may guess, there's literally no way to know how long we need to try and flatten the curve to ensure everywhere doesn't end up like NYC, so there's no way to know when some sense of normalcy can continue.
Maryland Twisters just sent out an email that the season is over, not going to participate in any rescheduled events including Summit or Worlds. I have a lot of respect for them making that decision. I hope every other gym follows suit and takes it out of Varsity’s hands.
There have been several big name gyms that have made the same announcements over the last week or so (Woodlands, Prodigy, and SOT at least). I'm sure we will see several more follow.

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I get it, we have no idea if they will be let out of contracts, and there are people who feel like they’ll benefit from still competing: be it seniors, or cheer enthusiasts, or even a sense of facing adversity. And small gyms especially might not survive having to absorb competition fees, and going even one month without tuition, or classes or fees. And like it or not, Varsity has partnered with multiple other corporations and industries that depend on them, and can hold them to contract. But I just don’t think it is safe. Athletes trying to make up for a month of training, travel, large gatherings, body to body contact?Going to a state that was inundated with travelers in March which has largely ignored CDC guidelines? None of that sounds like a very good idea. And then to eradicate all of their efforts to establish more fair competitive guidelines on top of that? It just doesn’t feel right. I think it will hurt next season more than it will help.

If this even reschedules, winners are basically going to be whichever is/are basically the Last Gym(s) Standing and holds out long enough to participate.

Which, if 80-90% of your competition has backed out, it's kind of an asterisk.
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If this even reschedules, winners are basically going to be whichever is/are basically the Last Gym(s) Standing and holds out long enough to participate.

Which, if 80-90% of your competition has backed out, it's kind of an asterisk.

Ex: A ring is a ring, but how much of a win is say, Large Coed if Cheetahs, TGLC, Steel, etc. drop out?
I read a report today that the suicide hotline calls are up over 300%.
wow- awful
Also funny how it's buried what looks like the normal FAQ in red and not posted where they're posting everything else COVID19?



1. No Wildcards. Everyone will compete Semis.
2. Must stay in the division you qualified in.
3. You can ADD NEW KIDS kids up the max # for your size. So if you were Small and you had 15, you can add 22.
5. Roster replacement rules don't apply.

Exception to #2- If you were Coed and you can't be Coed anymore, you can switch to All Girl.


I'm kind of surprised people seem surprised by this, but I'm not going to disrespect either side of the argument. For some, cheer is very low on the priority list with illness, death and job loss. For others, cheer is the last hope to get some type of closure to the loss of many things. I tend to be of the "you owe no one an explanation for your decision" camp right now, this isn't about Varsity, or "OMG cheer looks like a joke," this is about survival mode and it isn't the same picture mentally and monetarily for every person or every gym.
There have been several big name gyms that have made the same announcements over the last week or so (Woodlands, Prodigy, and SOT at least). I'm sure we will see several more follow.

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I saw that ICE - Barrington is also out.

I don't know which Worlds teams are part of that location though.

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