All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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We will be closed for at least another 3.5 weeks. That was the information we received today. Somethings will be reopening, which I'm happy about, but I'm devastated that all sports/recreation/fitness entities must remain closed.

And from the comments on the stories, a lot of people are also unhappy with today's information. Most citing the mental/physical health aspects of allowing youth activities to resume.

I understand that they're being cautious, and I understand that we can't just be normal, but I was just really hoping for a better outcome for out athletes who are desperate to get back into the gym.
We will be closed for at least another 3.5 weeks. That was the information we received today. Somethings will be reopening, which I'm happy about, but I'm devastated that all sports/recreation/fitness entities must remain closed.

And from the comments on the stories, a lot of people are also unhappy with today's information. Most citing the mental/physical health aspects of allowing youth activities to resume.

I understand that they're being cautious, and I understand that we can't just be normal, but I was just really hoping for a better outcome for out athletes who are desperate to get back into the gym.
A lot of gyms here decided to put an end to this season already. I honestly cannot see gyms open before april (and I am generous). So, what's the point of pretending?

I wish it were different, truly. I miss my job so much. But our health system is so fragile, people are already dying waiting for a surgery.
I figured once they made that tumbling event virtual (the arena battle thing) that this was coming.
Yes, and what really stinks is Jan. 18 was another deadline where some hotel $ would not be refundable. Hope those people can get some money back since event not happening.
Sorry to double post, I've been offline for a bit and boy has a lot changed. Just want to add for a virtual NCA, I really hope/wish they reach out to the CheerMatch people to use that technology. You get two chances and that is it. Also somehow they have managed to deal with the music rights issues because most teams I have watched on repeat still had the music.
I'm so sorry for all those who are disappointed about the NCA change to virtual. I really really really feel awful for the athletes who are high school seniors. This is not fair for them at all.

For Spirit of Hope, I saw parents take and post selfies with their kids in the waiting/viewing/other areas without masks. I saw a few gyms post team pictures publicly without masks on. I also know of a few gyms with positive cases of athletes who came and competed anyways. I know of parents who are positive who came anyways. This happened in quite a few gyms. The families, athletes, gyms, and coaches did not follow the guidelines. I'm not going to name names or gyms or teams because there's just no point anyhow.

I'm not surprised that NCA decided that it's not worth the liability or the effort if people are not going to follow the guidelines.

It's not too much to ask that people be honest, actually stay home when sick, and follow the guidelines set up so that things can remain open and running. Gyms, owners, and coaches need to lead by example and not put pressure on the athletes and families to break these policies.

If you truly care about the economy, senior athletes, other people, or keeping the small amount of things that are open, follow the bleeping rules. This is starting to feel like a class project that's 80% of your grade and you're stuck with people who just don't care.
On January 5th, there was an article in the Dallas Morning News that stated Dallas was looking for "Mega" vaccination sites and Kay Bailey Hutchison was being looked at to be one of the sites. <article>

"Possible locations for a mega site include Fair Park, the University of North Texas Dallas and the Forester Athletic Complex. The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas is also under consideration."

@quietmom While I understand and respect you don't want to name names, I know of several parents, and athletes, that are reporting situations they witness to both the offending gym and Varsity. It is my understanding from a couple of parents from our old gym that situations are being addressed behind the scenes if they were not witnessed in person.
Sorry to double post, I've been offline for a bit and boy has a lot changed. Just want to add for a virtual NCA, I really hope/wish they reach out to the CheerMatch people to use that technology. You get two chances and that is it. Also somehow they have managed to deal with the music rights issues because most teams I have watched on repeat still had the music.
You have to have your music approved with cheer match. If it wasn’t there was a generic cheer match sound track that played over your routine. Honestly I didn’t notice until about 40 mins!
For Spirit of Hope, I saw parents take and post selfies with their kids in the waiting/viewing/other areas without masks. I saw a few gyms post team pictures publicly without masks on. I also know of a few gyms with positive cases of athletes who came and competed anyways. I know of parents who are positive who came anyways. This happened in quite a few gyms. The families, athletes, gyms, and coaches did not follow the guidelines. I'm not going to name names or gyms or teams because there's just no point anyhow.
Reading this just makes me sick. Even more so that I was there. I went above and beyond to make sure that the 23 girls in my care were safe. Masks supplied and hand sanitizer applied frequently. Is it too much to ask that people just do the bare minimum to ensure that others don't get sick?

After reading this I'm even more concerned with how Cheersport will go.
You have to have your music approved with cheer match. If it wasn’t there was a generic cheer match sound track that played over your routine. Honestly I didn’t notice until about 40 mins!
Oh wow, I didn't realize that at all! We haven't done one yet but a friends daughter did and I watched a couple of teams. In that case I will say I really prefer watching a routine with any background music vs. silence!
There's no level playing field with virtual competitions, it's frustrating. I've seen multiple gyms have their camera set up way too close to the floor (likely because there is a wall there), and it cuts off the corners of the mat entirely and you miss literally half of the tumbling (yet the judges still give these teams a score as if they could see the whole routine). I've also seen gyms filming from too far overhead or from more of a diagonal angle, which makes the stunts look weird.

To have a major competition like NCA determined by virtual video is so disappointing, but I suppose it's better than leaving these kids with absolutely nothing.
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I'm so sorry for all those who are disappointed about the NCA change to virtual. I really really really feel awful for the athletes who are high school seniors. This is not fair for them at all.

For Spirit of Hope, I saw parents take and post selfies with their kids in the waiting/viewing/other areas without masks. I saw a few gyms post team pictures publicly without masks on. I also know of a few gyms with positive cases of athletes who came and competed anyways. I know of parents who are positive who came anyways. This happened in quite a few gyms. The families, athletes, gyms, and coaches did not follow the guidelines. I'm not going to name names or gyms or teams because there's just no point anyhow.

It shouldn't be that hard for event producers to enforce mask wearing. Staff should be located throughout the building to make sure everyone is complying. You will never get 100% of the people to follow the rules if there's nobody bothering to enforce the rules. More people follow the speed limit when they know cops are looming. Competitions can't be a free-for-all.

There also should be a place to turn to when you have evidence of people breaking rules and showing up at competitions after testing positive. You seem to have all this info of people doing unsafe things, and it's too bad there was nothing you could do with it. If competitions warn teams that they will be disqualified if they're caught breaking rules, suddenly everyone will be following the rules.
There also should be a place to turn to when you have evidence of people breaking rules and showing up at competitions after testing positive. You seem to have all this info of people doing unsafe things, and it's too bad there was nothing you could do with it. If competitions warn teams that they will be disqualified if they're caught breaking rules, suddenly everyone will be following the rules.

It's called contacting the the EP and gym owner and their contact info can be found on the internet. The real issue is Karen versus an actual concerned person with evidence. Karen see's or hears about someone that tested positive shortly after a comp, decides they have proof that person knew they had it, creates their own narrative, and people take it as gospel. At this point, everyone is well aware that 80% of all C-19 cases are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. To accuse a person with no or mild symptoms they "knew" is not understanding the most basic issue with the spread of C-19.

Fact: Someone that is truly concerned and has actual evidence is going to notify the EP, or masses, while the comp is going on. Are we actually believing all of these Karen's and anons that "know" of all of these offenders at comps, but yet wait until the comps are over to spill that tea? :rolleyes:

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