All-Star Killing Small Gyms?

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Best Overall Female Newbie
Cheer Parent
Jan 5, 2011
Sorry this is soooooo long, but I'm trying to make a point.

I see on here a lot of posts from gym owners and coaches about how new rules hurt small gyms and how this, that, and the other thing is "killing the small gym". Well, I've figured out what is actually killing some of these gyms. And as heartless as I may sound, I have a philosophy: if you don't run your business well, you shouldn't have a business.

As many people on here know I moved to Chicago a few months ago and have been searching for a new gym for my 2 daughters since then. You're probably thinking "Why on earth would it take a few months to find a gym? They're businesses...just walk in with your credit card in hand and sign up!" HA! That's what I thought. Well, we don't actually live near any gyms, so we're going to have to drive at least an hour. So before just randomly signing up, I wanted to get as much info as I could so I could weed out a few gyms before we go driving all over Illinois looking at gyms. And I certainly don't want to get a zipcar, drive an hour, and have them not be open. So I'd like to talk to someone first.

Since October, I have called and emailed (some more than once) NINE cheer gyms. Would you like to guess how many returned my calls? Three. So that's SIX businesses that essentially were like "Nah...we're good. We don't need anymore money."

Every single one of these businesses got the same from me [basically this-->:"I understand the season has already started and if we have to just tumble the rest of the season that's fine. If you have a team you can put them on, great. If not, we'd like to take some privates and tumbling classes to get the girls skills up." ] This was in October! The only gym to reply to me in October was ICC. Well, we all know where that ended.
So I tried again this month--again explaining that I understood that the season is well underway and that they are in the heart of comp season. but that I'd like to sign up for some tumbling classes and maybe privates ASAP--and of course if they have a team that needs people and they can fit my girls in, great. If not I understand. many replies? TWO. One of which I'm still waiting on them to call me back with a time we can come out there. The other is UA--huge gym. point? I think there's a reason these huge gyms are huge gyms. It's because they respond to people who want to give them money. I understand if you're a smaller gym you may not have the manpower to return phone calls day and night. But it's been months. I think a week is enough time to return a call. Or don't have a website that says "Teams still forming!!! For information, email or call us!"

Food for thought: Is it really the new rules from the USASF and all the huge gyms killing the small gyms??? Or are they killing themselves?
Lol...we moved FROM the east coast! I think that's what I was used to--those gyms want business. We couldn't even visit one without them trying to start my girls that night!
Here's the thing. People are cheerleaders in college, and are great at it. They love cheering and they are good coaches. So they decide to open up a gym. What could be better? Your job is the sport you love!! The problem? They don't know how to run a business. A love of cheer will not balance the books, it won't pay the bills and it won't grow your business. The successful gyms are successful because they have a balance of both (business and cheer). It may be that the gym owners got business degrees when they were in college. Or maybe the wife runs the cheer side and the husband runs the books (or the other way around). Some gyms even hire someone who doesn't have a cheer background, but is very strong in business/marketing.
Lol...we moved FROM the east coast! I think that's what I was used to--those gyms want business. We couldn't even visit one without them trying to start my girls that night!
I hear ya girl! It's just like family around these parts!!!! People are crazy not to have a great front desk staff!
That's what I think. But everytime someone says something about business everyone jumps in with "ARGH! You're killing the small gyms!!!" I just wanted to point out that a well run business is a well run business, large or small. And I'm not overly sympathetic to the "plight of the small gym" when I'm sitting here trying to basically just hand them money--and they won't take it. It's very frustrating also because we've lived here 4 months now and my girls haven't set foot in a gym. They already were only Level 2/3 cheerleaders. Now they've been sitting on the sofa for 4 months--I can only imagine how many tumbling classes they need. So now the people I do get on the phone are like "Eeeewwwwww...they can't tumble???? No thanks!"

Hey gym owners...<hint> who need tumbling classes are your bread and butter. Some families will spend a few hundred extra dollars a month on tumbling. So even a kid who can't tumble very well can be a great asset--partly because their poor mom will pay tons of money to get them to tumble, and partly because they're probably pretty good at some other stuff that your awesome tumblers/flyers are too busy tumbling and flying to do--like base.
That's what I think. But everytime someone says something about business everyone jumps in with "ARGH! You're killing the small gyms!!!" I just wanted to point out that a well run business is a well run business, large or small. And I'm not overly sympathetic to the "plight of the small gym" when I'm sitting here trying to basically just hand them money--and they won't take it. It's very frustrating also because we've lived here 4 months now and my girls haven't set foot in a gym. They already were only Level 2/3 cheerleaders. Now they've been sitting on the sofa for 4 months--I can only imagine how many tumbling classes they need. So now the people I do get on the phone are like "Eeeewwwwww...they can't tumble???? No thanks!"

Hey gym owners...<hint> who need tumbling classes are your bread and butter. Some families will spend a few hundred extra dollars a month on tumbling. So even a kid who can't tumble very well can be a great asset--partly because their poor mom will pay tons of money to get them to tumble, and partly because they're probably pretty good at some other stuff that your awesome tumblers/flyers are too busy tumbling and flying to do--like base.

this is what King means when he says that tumbling classes are what keep the gyms running!
our small gym (the second of the acx family, only 3 teams) is constantly full of tumblers! without them.. i dont think we would have a gym!
but then again, we are in the south east ;)
That is unfortunate. Every gym that I have worked for would have found a place somewhere in their program for your daughters. Returning phone calls is not even a size issue. That is a simple courtesy issue. Even if it is to say we have no openings but you may want to check xyz gym.
this is what King means when he says that tumbling classes are what keep the gyms running!
our small gym (the second of the acx family, only 3 teams) is constantly full of tumblers! without them.. i dont think we would have a gym!
but then again, we are in the south east ;)

this is exactly what i mean!!!
those who understand will have a thriving business!
In both gymnastics and cheerleading, the lower the level the higher the profit. However, the higher the level, the bigger the marketing opportunity. To be successful, you need to balance both. Have a Sr L5 team at Worlds, or Elite level gymnasts that compete at Visa Championships or higher to use as your "showpiece", then have an amazing staff to teach the lower level gymnastics classes and tumbling classes. That's the Golden Ticket.
What killed my small gym was parents who did drive-bys. They made the initial payments and after that became drive-bys. They dropped their kid off for practice and never showed their face to pay. Small gyms rely on every athlete for choreography. The economy hit my small town hard, 19% unemployment rate. Parents thought they could make ends meet by not paying me. It lead to me closing the gym and being broke. It is amazing what some people will do to others. Do people not have a conscience?
What killed my small gym was parents who did drive-bys. They made the initial payments and after that became drive-bys. They dropped their kid off for practice and never showed their face to pay. Small gyms rely on every athlete for choreography. The economy hit my small town hard, 19% unemployment rate. Parents thought they could make ends meet by not paying me. It lead to me closing the gym and being broke. It is amazing what some people will do to others. Do people not have a conscience?

This whole thread should be required reading before anyone is allowed to open a gym.

Hate to seem a little heartless here, but how often did you let the kids continue to tumble/practice after the parents got behind? Would the video store do that? Bowling alley? Skating rink?

Sorry for your difficulties and I hope you land on your feet somewhere.
This whole thread should be required reading before anyone is allowed to open a gym.

Hate to seem a little heartless here, but how often did you let the kids continue to tumble/practice after the parents got behind? Would the video store do that? Bowling alley? Skating rink?

Sorry for your difficulties and I hope you land on your feet somewhere.

i do agree, at my gym when you miss a monthly payment, you dont practice till you pay! unless you can work out a situation with the owners.
good luck gymncheercoach though and im sorrry!
Yup. We can't all be enablers! If your account is past due, as in payment is due today-you dropped your kid off and no check, kid sits. I don't care if you bring a check at 9pm when her session is done. When you let people "the checks in the mail", you give them permission to do it every month. You also need to charge a late fee.
This whole thread should be required reading before anyone is allowed to open a gym.

This thread should required reading along with a clear understanding of the first 3 rules of opening any business:
1. Location
2. Location
3. Location

If potential gym owners would adhere to the above there would be no such thing as a "small gym".

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