All-Star Really? Can't A Parent Just Be A Parent?

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Only if we can get SPAAAAAAARKLY shirts and Uggs. The shirts have to say "I'm not one of those Moms...I swear..."
Of course! (I will need to put my foot down if you suggest wearing a cheer bow!) The back of ours will say..."Keep talkin! You're making me Famous!" (I stole that from a mutual friend, :oops:but I love it!)
I sure have a lot of shirts to wear next season! I gotta rock my Cephalopods shirt, designed by @Num1Stunta , I have to wear my "Not one of those moms" shirt, and I'm sure we've had others I can't think of right now... I gotta bling out my flask so I can share the vodka. Jeez, I'd better get to work making all these goodies. :eek:

Make two of whatever you're making! :D
We moms and dads of kids who cheer love the sport and our kids the way the soccer parents do. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Gossip?Happens everywhere - in all sports, at all jobs, etc. I do my best to keep out of it. I go to practice from time to time (I'm lucky to have an older child who I pay to drive cp most of the time). But when I go, I LOVE to watch - especially stunting. Afterwards (whether I'm there or not), I want to hear everything. I am friends with the coaches on fb- but they put themselves out there - clearly our coaches enjoy fb with their kids and parents. I have written to a coach privately -but never to tell him what to do. I wouldn't want a parent of a child in my class (I'm a teacher ) telling me how to run my classroom. That said, sometimes a child might have an issue that s/he is sharing with a parent and I need to know. That is when I talk to a coach- if I feel as though he needs to know something (such as a hurt foot).

I love the kids on our team. I video all teams - not just my child's - and put them on fb (yes, with our coach's permission) and the kids love it. I love the sport, my daughter, and all of fun parents I get to hang out with at competitions. I don't like the term cheer mom, because as others have said - it sounds negative. I'm a mom who cheers for her daughter's cheer team. How's that? :)
For the most part, I think the coaches can tell the difference between "those" moms/dads, and the supportive ones who just enjoy all aspects of cheer and being involved (and this goes for any youth sports)., especially if a coach has been coaching a long time - they have seen all types of parents, - I do think the "normal" cheer parents far outweigh the not so normal ones...

Hate to tell you, but, no, they don't always recognize which moms are "those" moms. I had a coach last year, that I had had one conversation with in 4 months, and one that is apparently very "loved" by many fierceboarders, tell me that my reaction to something was basically Susie's Mom-ish. When I politely told him he was mistaken about what he thought he saw from me, he informed me that he's been around long enough to know what "that reaction" looks like.

So, tell me, what would all the non-involved involved, Non-Susie's Moms do in that situation? Would you tell this beloved coach (who has a huge amount of control over what happens with your child at the gym and could probably make your child's life miserable if he wanted to) that they might have been around the block, but they've never met a mom like you? Or would you just say "OK, King Coach, whatever you like," for the sake of your child?
I sure have a lot of shirts to wear next season! I gotta rock my Cephalopods shirt, designed by @Num1Stunta , I have to wear my "Not one of those moms" shirt, and I'm sure we've had others I can't think of right now... I gotta bling out my flask so I can share the vodka. Jeez, I'd better get to work making all these goodies. :eek:
AHAHAHHAHAAAA!!! I'll soo join you for a crazy cheer mom craft session!!! Maybe we can bling out the uggs too, or attach last year's bows to the backs of them, that way we can incorporate everything! OMG the mental image is too much for me to bear!! :p
I really thought I started this thread and absolutely love the honesty here. I too am a die hard cheer mom because I love my cp who works so very hard, love and appreciate her teammates as well as their hard work and dedication to this sport. I educate myself by reading the USASF website as well as other resources too. We moms really are the support system not expecting a thing in return but quality training, love, growth and fairness, we DO NOT KNOW IT ALL and look to the coaches to assist us when asking questions at the appropriate time of course, i.e., via email, telephone call or text etc. 6 sparkly "I'm not one of those moms...I swear" shirts. Do you want the sparkly flasks too??? :p

I have to call my "bling lady" - although she is on here too (probably sitting here going " she really going to ask me to make all these shirts???":eek:)
Make that 4 please! :cheering: Wish y'all lived closer. I am too old to deal with some of the drama mamas around here! And you all seem so "normal"!
Come to Chicago! Weather isn't always so great, but I do know of this new awesome gym that opened up in the suburbs!:cheering:

(I'm going for the "Biggest fan" for next year's Fierce Board Awards1) 6 sparkly "I'm not one of those moms...I swear" shirts. Do you want the sparkly flasks too??? :p

I have to call my "bling lady" - although she is on here too (probably sitting here going " she really going to ask me to make all these shirts???":eek:)

Yes Sparkly Flask please!! :kiss: Oh How I am just enjoying this whole thread!

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