All-Star The Major's

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Happy with the results but I'm over everyone whining about the majors being a joke, lame, stupid, & such and such. It wasn't a joke to all those athletes, coaches, parents, and fans that went there, worked hard, and performed their hearts out was it? They were competing for an amazing opportunity and majority of the teams made major changed to their routines weeks before. How would you feel if you were one of the athletes on a team that lost scrolling down this thread, facebook, or twitter reading all the things some of you are saying? It's getting a bit ridiculous...just because someone won that you didnt want to win, doesnt mean that there isn't ANY more competitions, (NCA and Worlds) that most of these teams that competed at the Majors will compete against each other at (panthers, tsu, ss) (f5, se) Get over it. What's done is done. I've gotten no sleep, had a 4 hour practice today and Cheerlive was adding to my frustration, as is some of you that are being rude over fb and twitter, but I apologize if I come off as snappy, just keepin' it real. But congrats to everyone that competed at the first ever Majors!!!! Rant over*
Being at the Majors, it was a great experience. Yes, some teams had issues, but most of the teams gear their seasons around peaking 3 months from now. It is early in the season for most L5s. The atmosphere there was great.

Cheer Athletics looked amazing and it was great to see them out of their usual enviroment. Congrats to Panthers on their win and Cheetahs on that amazing routine and being the best "coed" stunting senior routine I have seen.
Do the girls on these teams not understand what saying these things does to their teams' reputation? And I know people will bring up the whole 'i'm allowed to say what i want on twitter' thing and while that might be true, when you're on a team like F5 you have to keep in mind everyone is watching you. People are looking for anything they can to make you look bad. Don't give them a reason to.
Exactly, and you are a world champion... have some class. I dont care if she didnt say it.. wether she said it.. retweeted it or what not .. its on her twitter.. you have FANS that see that.. F5's routine is amazing this year but .. they arent representing their gym well at all and I am actually quite disappointed :/
Maybe it was the teams for the most part for the let down... but i feel like this competition was deff. lacking something, i just cant putmy finger on it...

Lacking? Some of the best athletes and coaching staffs participating in an event where two of them move on to represent the sport in Europe. I would think we all would be excited for these kids to have a memory whether (in June or whenever) to have the experience of a lifetime.
Exactly, and you are a world champion... have some class. I dont care if she didnt say it.. wether she said it.. retweeted it or what not .. its on her twitter.. you have FANS that see that.. F5's routine is amazing this year but .. they arent representing their gym well at all and I am actually quite disappointed :/

F5 are not the only team to have had some bad apples do this and they won't be the last. There is talk of this from a different team after every compeititon. Everyone remember BUTBT just a month or so ago, same thing different team. Ignore them.
For the record, there is a HUGE difference in "just stating your opinion" and being downright hateful. Please don't justify being rude and unnecessary by saying "well that's my opinion."

And like your momma said "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." ....emphasis on that last part

That's all :)
Lol, i dont know where being nice people came into this discussion.

Anyways. Maybe i commented on the money because the economy is not good right now and they got absolutely nothing out of this fairly expensive trip to Indianapolis. Maybe they would have been better off either just competing in the normal competition and possibly getting a bid to worlds or keeping their money and going somewhere else where they could get something beneficial.
Do i have anything against Fame or Tsunami? Nope. MY BAD for stating my opinion.
Congratulations on being invited to this new thing and performing in it, but i just dont think it's worth it. Once again, i'm sorry my opinion was offensive but that's how it goes and it's not changing.
Well according to the score Supers were .21 behind Top Gun and 1.04 behind SE. I think the experience was worth it. Thanks for your opinion though!
If medium teams are capable of beating large teams then why are they separate divisions. So at worlds, if a medium team winner scores higher than the large team winner then that large team isn't really the "best" in the world, no?
We participate in a highly competitive sport that can sometimes bring out the worst in everybody. I think the sportsmanship needs to happen from the kids all the way up to the parents.

sorry if I'm getting off topic a bit lol :)
I think the Majors was a huge hit, and will just be better next year. So, for all of you who think it was a waste of your time, if you get invited next year, just pass it up. I'm sure the next team in line would kill for your spot.

IMO, it was a new, fresh experience for the cheerworld and I can't wait to watch next year. Congrats to ALL the teams for stepping up to probably the most nerve wracking performance of their lives. None other like it.
I'm sorry, but all the jealous wannabes who are kicking a young athlete when she is down should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. You are lucky I am not an admin, because you would no longer be posting on this board. We don't care what your opinion is. There has been some serious crossing over the line here, and it needs to stop.

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