All-Star Allstar Resort/block Party

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I've been a little busy lately, but right in the middle of this discussion since the night it happened. . .

First to what I know happened: The block party was not cancelled. It was going on just fine, but security was stepped up at the gate. Anyone that had alcohol lost it, and if you were already visibly drinking then they turned you away. Over time people got the word it was closed undoubtedly from so many drunk people getting turned back basically saying "no point of trying to go in there to have our fun." Plenty of people I know of got in and had a great time in a much quieter park.

When all the drunk people got the idea the party was closed to them they all ended up at the All Star Sports pool. I witnessed this personally and it got quickly broken up by Disney security to the football and other events that you have heard of. People were yelling "party in my room at music. . .room xxx"

The sad part was the prominent gyms that had entire teams of kids OPENLY misbehaving with the YOLO attitude. It was pretty shameful. I saw some entire world championship teams getting very rowdy and some 2d 3d place team athletes harassing others who had won and were proudly wearing their medals.

I can tell you that we may have had a straggler or two, but me and our other chaperones quickly corralled all 7 of our teams (a few parents took their kids from the environment) and they were all in their rooms reading about what was going.

If anyone saw (saw--not heard) anything different please feel free to correct me.
I separated my posts to post my reaction:

Everyone has to understand the relationships at play here:

1. The athletes are responsible for their own behavior. Nothing else should be stressed more than this IMO
2. Parents should parent, yes, but competitions are an activity where gyms take their athletes to represent their program. The moment they leave home or leave their room if they happen to be staying with parents, then the gym should be responsible for what behavior kids that represent their program do
3. The expectation of behavior kids AND parents have when representing a program (i.e. ANYTIME they leave home) needs to come from the program leadership and reinforced. If it's not, then you never know what you're going to get. . .but your name is still on those T-shirts, uniforms, and press releases
4. The USASF can have a standard of behavior, but they can't possibly police it. If everyone becomes a member they may one day be able to, but that is another discussion. I would rather the USASF concentrates on standardizing judging, safety, and competition rules.
5. On that last note. The USASF won't change anything they don't think needs changing. The membership needs to ask for change and make it happen from their governing body. BE A MEMBER!!!!
6. Once at the event, the event producer/host (i.e. in this case Disney security) is who is responsible for event security. I think they did a good job of controlling the situation from turning kids away at Hollywood studios to disrupting the pool/football field parties to calling county sheriff in and finally ordering all guests to their rooms. It's a shame they had to take all the steps they. That is a SEVERE black eye those who participate in our sport.
7. There is no amount of planning or rules to stop the behavior that happened that night. Athletes and gyms simply need to hold themselves accountable. That is simply not happening right now in the name of "fun" or "blowing off steam." In my book there would be a number of World Champion athletes who would not be cheering this year based on proof and personal admission (the kids who openly boasted on social media). Gym owners it only take a few clicks for you to find out who those kids are. . .if you really care.

All of this is my own opinion, and may sound a bit harsh. It comes from a sincere ambition to make this sport better, not allow it to continue down the disorganized path it is currently on.
Speak for yourself. I just killed it at worlds, I want to (responsibly) celebrate my season all night long!!

You can celebrate any way you want, but USASF doesnt need to provide that for you. My feeling is that the gym owners and usasf and disney are resp for anyone there until all activities are over, since people cant behave, if it was me I wouldnt want to take on the resp. People are resp for their own actions...... until they are looking for someone else to blame. Good for you for being resp=)
I've been a little busy lately, but right in the middle of this discussion since the night it happened. . .

First to what I know happened: The block party was not cancelled. It was going on just fine, but security was stepped up at the gate. Anyone that had alcohol lost it, and if you were already visibly drinking then they turned you away. Over time people got the word it was closed undoubtedly from so many drunk people getting turned back basically saying "no point of trying to go in there to have our fun." Plenty of people I know of got in and had a great time in a much quieter park.

When all the drunk people got the idea the party was closed to them they all ended up at the All Star Sports pool. I witnessed this personally and it got quickly broken up by Disney security to the football and other events that you have heard of. People were yelling "party in my room at music. . .room xxx"

The sad part was the prominent gyms that had entire teams of kids OPENLY misbehaving with the YOLO attitude. It was pretty shameful. I saw some entire world championship teams getting very rowdy and some 2d 3d place team athletes harassing others who had won and were proudly wearing their medals.

I can tell you that we may have had a straggler or two, but me and our other chaperones quickly corralled all 7 of our teams (a few parents took their kids from the environment) and they were all in their rooms reading about what was going.

If anyone saw (saw--not heard) anything different please feel free to correct me.

I just really love the usage of "the YOLO attitude"
The sad part was the prominent gyms that had entire teams of kids OPENLY misbehaving with the YOLO attitude. It was pretty shameful. I saw some entire world championship teams getting very rowdy and some 2d 3d place team athletes harassing others who had won and were proudly wearing their medals.

I was shocked seeing people who were visibly drunk stumbling around wearing their World Champion medals. Not only that, but disgusted. Way to represent your program with that slur and stumble.
I think that zero tolerance should be the rule for every gym. My gym always expects us to behave from our youngest team to our oldest, you need to behave and represent gold coast properly. If any of our owners finds out that you did something they will give you a SERIOUS YELLING AT LECTURE and if it's something like what was going on at worlds this year, you would be kicked out of the program. No questions, you would be out.
I've been a little busy lately, but right in the middle of this discussion since the night it happened. . .

First to what I know happened: The block party was not cancelled. It was going on just fine, but security was stepped up at the gate. Anyone that had alcohol lost it, and if you were already visibly drinking then they turned you away. Over time people got the word it was closed undoubtedly from so many drunk people getting turned back basically saying "no point of trying to go in there to have our fun." Plenty of people I know of got in and had a great time in a much quieter park.

just wanted to mention my experience at the actual block party because it was not fine it was not fun at all & there were still kids inside that were clearly intoxicated.

when we got there there was a huge crowd waiting to get in with a bunch of security with metal detectors. it took awhile to get everyone in since you would have to stand there while they scanned you. i was scanned then stood to the side to wait for my friends (who were right behind me) since there were a lot of people & we didn't want to get separated. the security guy told me to go ahead by myself then started yelling at my friend saying he was going to send her to the end of the line for cutting because some girl cut in front of her & he saw her trying to get back to where she was. i asked (politely) if he could please let her stay because we didn't want to get separated & she wasn't cutting. he yelled at me & said he really didn't care if we got separated because if we did it wouldn't be his problem. really nice.

we finally got into the park & realized they only had a couple rides open. we decided to do the tower of terror & after standing in line for hours with rude/intoxicated foreign teams (how do i know they were foreign? 1 was wearing whatever country he's from flag around himself & they were all being obnoxious & screaming in another language) we finally got on & it broke down while we were on it. yay. we were walking around trying to figure out what to do because there really wasn't anything to do & we heard a bunch of people yelling that the new block party was at all star & for everyone to go. since the block party really did suck we debated going over to all star but disney had already stopped the busses going over so we didn't.

basically had the actual block party not been so bad i don't think the all star party would've been so big. at the park there were a few rides open, "music" played out of a small speaker on the sidewalk, security was rude, & it just wasn't fun at all. most people that went to the block party saw how bad it was & then heard about the all star one & left to go there. if it had been good enough i don't think as many people would have left. i regret going & wish i went to magic kingdom or wherever had the extra magic hours cause that was a complete waste of $40.

ETA: it wasn't just foreigners who were rude, obnoxious, & intoxicated there were plenty u.s. teams as well. sorry if i didn't make that clear.
I think last year or the year before people brought up that the non-US teams were often times drinking because in their country it is legal, I want to remind them that it is illegal within the US and they can still get arrested for it. I don't know about passports for other countries, but on a US Passport it states that you are to follow the laws of the country you are visiting.
we finally got into the park & realized they only had a couple rides open. we decided to do the tower of terror & after standing in line for hours with rude/intoxicated foreign teams (how do i know they were foreign? 1 was wearing whatever country he's from flag around himself & they were all being obnoxious & screaming in another language) we finally got on & it broke down while we were on it. yay. we were walking around trying to figure out what to do because there really wasn't anything to do & we heard a bunch of people yelling that the new block party was at all star & for everyone to go. since the block party really did suck we debated going over to all star but disney had already stopped the busses going over so we didn't.
I know there was a bunch of english kids running around with their shirts off and their flags around their necks if that's who you're talking about
I know there was a bunch of english kids running around with their shirts off and their flags around their necks if that's who you're talking about
i saw them too when we were walking around afterwards but the people in line for the ride weren't english. only 1 kid had a huge flag around him & they were screaming in some language & reeked of weed..:confused:
Coming from someone who stayed at the Allstar resort and whose room looked over the football field and videotaped some of the rowdiness of the crowd, I DID NOT see any World Champion Medals hanging around anyone's necks and I have even gone and checked back on my videos that I took and have verified this. I am not saying that it didn't happen, but that I did not see it and it was not in the video that I took. Yes, they were obnoxious, yes they were out of control and COULD HAVE BEEN on drugs or alcohol, but I will say that there were athletes from our country as well as other countries involved in the rowdiness.

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