Sprained Ankle...missed Practice...yay-__-

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My professional advice as a nurse...do NOT self diagnose yourself. Go get it checked and then if you have a doubt about something like a sprain really being a break go get a 2nd opinion (or 3rd :p or 4th in my case). Many people do know their own bodies so they know when something is wrong but a doctor still should be seen.
We had a girl that self diagnosed herself all the time on my team. I was just like, Honey, you did not just tear all the ligaments in your hand when you hit my shoulder coming down from that show 'n go. You would be in tears....smh. There are many other stories like that about her lol :)
LOL I deal with girls I coach all the time over reacting but sometimes you just never know so I always tell them to get it checked..but then you have the girls who are like omgggg it hurts so they sit out the rest of practice but are joking around..makes me mad -_- lol I have had athletes tho seriously injure themselves and not think much of it and it be much worse than it felt if that makes sense...lol

I've broken stuff a few times to just scoff at and then find out later it was a bit of a bigger issue haha lol nothing was worse than my ankle breaking tho..I heard it snap and my coach said to get up and go stunt.......
We had a girl that self diagnosed herself all the time on my team. I was just like, Honey, you did not just tear all the ligaments in your hand when you hit my shoulder coming down from that show 'n go. You would be in tears....smh. There are many other stories like that about her lol :)
Haha we had a girl who "fractured her vertebrae", then changed it to a "slipped disk", then changed it to fracturing her lumbar? Like go to a doctor if it hurts!! Not only will it benefit you, but then you won't look stupid coming up with multiple excuses haha
Haha we had a girl who "fractured her vertebrae", then changed it to a "slipped disk", then changed it to fracturing her lumbar? Like go to a doctor if it hurts!! Not only will it benefit you, but then you won't look stupid coming up with multiple excuses haha
Hahaha she probably couldn't decide which sounded the worst! This girl on my team did pretty much the same thing as that one. We were working on full ups and first she popped her hip out, then the next full up she did she twisted her knee and then finally she twisted her ankle...our backspot was like "Girl, just pick one injury!" And she also hyper extended her ankle, or so she said. Fyi, thats impossible to do, we asked a mom who was also a nurse.

Oh and one more (of many) stories! This one is the greatest. So there was this girl on my team freshman year, and she apparently fell down the stairs at school and was on crutches all of a sudden. So then one night she was like "I'll be late to practice because I have to go to the doctor" so then we have practice and a game and she shows up for the game w/o the crutches. We ask her "Jessi where are your crutches" and she was like "my mom is making me cheer at the game" so she "limps" around the whole game and we decide to do a back handspring ripple at a time out and she does her tumbling so we go "Jessi, why are you tumbling?" and she is like "Brianna (our coach) is making me"
Okay, so then one of the moms goes to Jessi's mom "Hows Jessi's ankle? I heard she went to the doctor for it today" Jessi's mom: "What ankle? Doctors appointment? What are you talking about?" Turns out she was faking it only at school and at cheer...smh. Who does that?! Craziness...
My aunt is a nurse and she told me to stay on my crutches untill i feel comfortable with walking and alot of the signs(Swelling and redness) Go away and to stay off it. Its already feeling alot better after a day of resting it:) I should be back in the gym min no time! And ive only missed yesterdays practice because of it happening right before practice at home yesterday!
My aunt is a nurse and she told me to stay on my crutches untill i feel comfortable with walking and alot of the signs(Swelling and redness) Go away and to stay off it. Its already feeling alot better after a day of resting it:) I should be back in the gym min no time! And ive only missed yesterdays practice because of it happening right before practice at home yesterday!
Good luck, hope it heals quickly!!!
My aunt is a nurse and she told me to stay on my crutches untill i feel comfortable with walking and alot of the signs(Swelling and redness) Go away and to stay off it. Its already feeling alot better after a day of resting it:) I should be back in the gym min no time! And ive only missed yesterdays practice because of it happening right before practice at home yesterday!
I Had my aunt look at it today(shes a doctor) And she told me to stay off of it untill i was comfortable to walk and the sweeling and pain completley went away. Thats when Im gonna be able to participate in tumbling and stunting, But i do still conditon. After a lazy day my ankle already feel 100 times better but no healed enough. But its healing pretty fast so i should be back tumbling and jumping and stunting in no time!!:) Its just right now we are focusing on keeping the swelling down because it keeps swelling up!:( But I should be back next week I hope doing more than conditioning!
ermm...she's a doctor and a nurse? well technically you could be both but most people do not make that distinction ..is she a nurse or a doctor? lol
ermm...she's a doctor and a nurse? well technically you could be both but most people do not make that distinction ..is she a nurse or a doctor? lol
Lol She was A Peditrician then switched to nurse lol i got confused! :p
i would say go to practice anyways. ive had surgery twice and was at practice to watch the day after. You've made a commitment to your team so stick with it
Well Im Back to practices because my ankle has healed to the point where i can do running tumbling!:)

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