OT Tattoos & piercings

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So my plan for the past year and a half was to get 2:30 on my left wrist. I had planned to go with a friend so we could get our first tattoos together. Then it hit me. I dont miss cheer as much as I thought I did. Like Im not sure if its something I want on me for the rest of my life. How can something I was DEAD set on getting not mean anything to me anymore. I dont get it.

Thats such a great idea.... ive been looking for a cheer related tattoo to have, and i didnt want like a bow or something obnoxious... but that is perfect! I think i love it so much because the average viewer wouldnt understand.

I'd probably get it somewhere less conspicuous though, like the underside of my arm or the back of my neck.

Sorry it's huge... but it's brand new. I used to tell my parents... I love you infinity times infinity times infinity times infinity when I was little so that's what it comes from.
8 Piercings (belly button, tragus, rook, scaffold, septum, 2 ears), 2 flesh plugs, 7 Tattoos (Micky and minnie mouse on middles fingers, script on chest, stars on ribs, cross on neck, butterfly base of back, floral piece between shoulder blades)

I had 2 dermal anchors on my sternum but they grew out :(
What is a dermal anchor?

Dermal anchors are a piercing that only has an entry but no exit. A flat peice of jewellery is inserted under the skin as a sort of plug and then the jewllery pokes out of the skin via a tiny hole

Sorry it's huge... but it's brand new. I used to tell my parents... I love you infinity times infinity times infinity times infinity when I was little so that's what it comes from.

I love it! Must be a Rochester thing - we used to say I love you infinity plus infinity. :)

I have one tattoo (breast cancer ribbon made of cherry blossoms that wraps around my ankle onto my foot) . Got it in remembrance of my mother - the last picture I have of her she is standing in front of a cherry blossom tree.

SmileyRyleigh I had a lot of white in my tattoo and it's all completely gone. Only the pink and black stayed.
I have my ears pierced haha but that's it. I got them pierced when I was 5, but I can't wear earrings b/c I'm allergic to metal so they're just kind of there. For some reason they haven't closed up though...
So my plan for the past year and a half was to get 2:30 on my left wrist. I had planned to go with a friend so we could get our first tattoos together. Then it hit me. I dont miss cheer as much as I thought I did. Like Im not sure if its something I want on me for the rest of my life. How can something I was DEAD set on getting not mean anything to me anymore. I dont get it.
I know, I'm old, but this is why young people should wait a long time before they decide to put something on their body. Things change in our lives and the reasons we may want a tattoo often change. I grew up with a dad who had a lot of tattoos. He often wished he didn't have them. He begged me not to get one many years ago before it became popular. My advice is to print out what you want on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall. After a year, you still want it, go right ahead.
I want this across my chest like a couple inches above where my armpit line is to the same spot on the other side.(mom said I couldn't do it though.)

And then I want Dream.Love.Cure on my side where my ribcage is.

My cousin has a tattoo like that... She ends up wearing scarves to a lot of things (graduation, etc) to cover it because its so hard to cover and sometimes she needs to for professional reasons. Just a thought :) it's cute though. Does it have a special meaning?
My cousin has a tattoo like that... She ends up wearing scarves to a lot of things (graduation, etc) to cover it because its so hard to cover and sometimes she needs to for professional reasons. Just a thought :) it's cute though. Does it have a special meaning?
I think I'm going to get it across my shoulder blades. But Global Citizenship has special meaning to me it means that anyone no matter where they live shouldn't determine whether you live and that everyone is as important as anyone else no matter where they live and that all human life is invaluable. I want dream love cure because my uncle had cancer and passed away from it.
Im SO glad I waited. While the law is 18 in Illinois no matter what, some places will do it if you're under 18 so it would have been possible.

Are there different laws at what age you can get a tattoo in each state?
I'm sure it is possible to find a studio that will do it without minding the law, but what is the youngest age to get a tattoo in any state - 16?
In germany it's 16 years, but your parents (at least one of them) needs to go there and sign some papers that they allow their kid to get a tattoo.
For piercings it's 14 - with parents, without you need to be 16 years old.
Question...if I got a tattoo on my rib cage (like underneath your bra strap on the side) would it stretch??? (i plan on having kids in the future)

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