High School Program Falling Apart- No Help From Ad?

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May 15, 2011
I'm currently asking for opinions on what I should do because I really have no idea. This will probably be a long post so sorry if it bores you/ doesn't make sense. I'm not good at putting things that have happened into words.

I've been on the Varsity cheer team since my freshman year and i'm currently a junior. The reason I started cheering for my high school was because we competed and that's something i like to do and it's cheaper. My old coach was tough on us, but she was amazing and really put her heart and soul into the team. We had practices 3-4 times a week, and we cheered games and we conditioned. We also had a set of rules that were strict but made us look good as role-models and were completely understandable. Than she quit in the middle of my sophomore year.
We got a new coach, but she was pregnant. Long story short- we stopped competing, we don't have any "rules", the seniors run practice and boss everyone around, motions are sloppy, nobody is tumbling, we don't have practices, and there is drama. SO. MUCH. DRAMA. She had her baby and went on maternity leave during football season and we got a new assistant coach who was really nice but kind of a pushover at first and then she tried to be strict and nobody listened to her, and when our head coach came back she quit because our coach would not listen to anything she had to say or opinions she had about who knows their stuff/ who doesn't and things. Our coach is pissed because she says cheerleading isn't a 1 coach sport and she can't do it alone (basketball games/practices) and only goes to home basketball games, the administrators are our "coaches" at away games. There's alot more to this story, but this is completely rediculous. This is the 2nd assistant coach she has made (one was right before tryouts this year.) leave because she won't listen to them or let them do anything besides be a back up coach for her when she can't go to things. Also, girls miss games all of the time and it isn't uncommon for us to go to a game and have 5 girls cheering when 12 are supposed to be there- but only certain people are allowed to miss games. I had 3 hours of homework on tuesday night, i'm injured and can't cheer, and still had to go sit at the away game because i'm a part of the team and my coach said i couldn't stay home. then i tried doing my homework at the game and she told me i was undedicated to the team because i was working on my SCHOOLWORK.
the point i'm trying to make is, besides ranting, our program has fallen apart. there's a distinct difference between what we used to look like at games/ school/ social media than there is now. Nobody respects us, not even the administration and our student section thinks we're a joke. every girl on the team is miserable. I'm just not sure what to do.
My school cheer team is the same, minus the part where we used to be good. Mines always been a train wreck. Our coach was pregnant too. I'm not even sure I want to do school cheer next year. I'd love to hear others opinions and advice!
My school cheer team is the same, minus the part where we used to be good. Mines always been a train wreck. Our coach was pregnant too. I'm not even sure I want to do school cheer next year. I'd love to hear others opinions and advice!
I'm on the same boat. I want to cheer because it's my senior year and i can't do allstar right now, but i hate not ever doing ANYTHING at practice and the environment is just miserable.
I'm not too educated on these things, so I apologize if my advice isn't exactly the best or is flawed, I'm assuming that you already talked to the administration about it since you said they are no help. If you haven't already had an in-depth conversation about it with them then I highly suggest that. Or maybe even try taking charge on your team.

I hope I was somewhat helpful.
The AD isn't listening?

Go to your principal, or even the person in charge of athletics in the District, if you have one. I get your struggle. My coach my freshman year was a total mess. She had us practicing at an ridiculous hour, for my schools standers, but wouldn't show up until an hour and a half into the practice. So we usually had an hour if that of practice. Our Assistant coach probably would've done a lot but she was MIA too. We never raised money, or did our routine full out before our competition. She was awful. Once our AD recognized that we had talent, she went to work to make sure we had a coach to treat us well.

So despite your drama, try to come to a group agreement that you need to improve your program, and realize that you have together to show the school that you all still got it! So tumble and stunt and work it! My team has been known for 'drama' because we have been together for so long, but we all wanted to be great so it worked it's self out.
the problem is that our athletic director tells you what you want to hear but nothing ever happens. and the team says they want to get better, and our coach says that she wants us to get better, but nothing ever happens. ever.
I'm injured so i can't actually do anything besides sit in the bleachers and watch. Motions every game look horrible to the point where its embarrassing. Nobody ever smiles and if they do its one of those "i dont want to be here im being forced to do this" smiles. Hair is up ALL different ways, bangs are in peoples faces, neon socks (really?), wrong bows all the time, wrong bloomers... we don't do stunts, we don't tumble. The girls always complain about the dance team having all of the half time performances, so we got 3. 3 ALL basketball season. And you know what we've done? NOTHING. We did one dance that the seniors found on youtube, and everyone had to be there for the preformance and one senior didnt show up, so a girl that missed the last day of learning the dance that got pulled out took her spot and nobody knew any of it. They literally practiced the dance maybe 2 practices, including learning it, and went out there. They made a huge deal about getting the half times, and we've only used one of them and cancelled the other 2 the day before because my coach "doesnt see the point in having practice if nobody shows up." nobody shows up to practice because you only enforce it on some girls. Im sorry. its a rant, but it's still just... I'm over it. It's little things now that i'm just like... REALLY?
And she says cheerleading "isnt a 1 coach sport"...she only goes to home basketball games and we don't have practices, but my old coach had 3-4 practices a week, was at every basketball and football game, and actually helped us.
Our administrators don't care because our coach doesn't care and quite obviously the girls don't care. And she argues with you like a teenager if you ask a simple question..
There are people above your ad that should be able to help. Your principal, or vice principal might be able to help. And if you go to them with a plan I'm sure they would be even more motivated seeing how much this means to you. Maybe if you know someone who you think would be a good coach suggest them.

I feel bad for you, because i think you really love cheerleading. Your motivation to change things is great.
Like mentioned before, you should talk to someone who has more to say than your AD.

I hope it will help.

Have you ever talked to the girls on your team? You said they want to be better, they want to stunt - but do they work for it? It sounds a little bit like, and i might be wrong, they have big words but don´t wan´t to do anything for it (Sloppy motions, not showing up at practise).

Does your coach want/allow you to stunt at practise? Is she experienced in coaching tumbling?

I guess it´s hard for you, being injured and watching your program falling apart.

(Hope my post makes sense in the main points)
There are people above your ad that should be able to help. Your principal, or vice principal might be able to help. And if you go to them with a plan I'm sure they would be even more motivated seeing how much this means to you. Maybe if you know someone who you think would be a good coach suggest them.

I feel bad for you, because i think you really love cheerleading. Your motivation to change things is great.
Like mentioned before, you should talk to someone who has more to say than your AD.

I hope it will help.

Have you ever talked to the girls on your team? You said they want to be better, they want to stunt - but do they work for it? It sounds a little bit like, and i might be wrong, they have big words but don´t wan´t to do anything for it (Sloppy motions, not showing up at practise).

Does your coach want/allow you to stunt at practise? Is she experienced in coaching tumbling?

I guess it´s hard for you, being injured and watching your program falling apart.

(Hope my post makes sense in the main points)

I've tried talking to principals and vice principals and nothing has been done. Multiple people have gone to the AD, principals... etc with plans and nothing ever happens.

as for the talking to the girls on my team, yes. we have had multiple "team meetings" which usually ends in an argument and the seniors conrolling everything.
we stunted at the beginning of the summer to form groups for games and thats it. no, she is not certified in stunting or tumbling and since she started its the only experience shes had with cheerleading.
its sad to see a team full of level 4/5 athletes that's skills are wasting away. i think people arent trying to make it better because they dont care. we are all miserable.
I'm so sorry to hear this. You seem to really enjoy cheer and I enjoy your comments on this board.
1. I know most high school coaches don't make a lot of money and it is very time consuming. It's definitely a 2 coach job with jv and varsity. The coach has to love it to do it.
2. You need your AD and district AD to understand your goals. If they support your team goals then you can address the coach situation. If they don't support your goals then your coach will stay unless she quits or does something inappropriate to get fired.
3. If they support you need parents. You need to get a force together that explains your goals, your talent and that the current coach isn't meeting these needs. But recognize good hs coaches are hard to find. You could end up with nothing and be grounded until you find one. We had a team that was grounded my friends daughters senior year because of this.
You can make a difference. It may not come in a timeframe for you personlly but you can help all those yet to come.

Good luck!!
My team is the same as well. My freshman year and sophomore year I was on varsity and we had an AMAZING coach. She actually cared about us and never sent us out to perform if we looked a mess. Now she is only teaming dance team so we have a new coach who is awful. She doesn't really know anything and she doesn't care about safety. I'm sure she does drugs because there was a bong in her car at practice. But ya everyone has been trying to get rid of her but the ad doesn't get involved. So basically I know how you feel. I have seriously been looking for a coach since may last year!
I'm so sorry to hear this. You seem to really enjoy cheer and I enjoy your comments on this board.
1. I know most high school coaches don't make a lot of money and it is very time consuming. It's definitely a 2 coach job with jv and varsity. The coach has to love it to do it.
2. You need your AD and district AD to understand your goals. If they support your team goals then you can address the coach situation. If they don't support your goals then your coach will stay unless she quits or does something inappropriate to get fired.
3. If they support you need parents. You need to get a force together that explains your goals, your talent and that the current coach isn't meeting these needs. But recognize good hs coaches are hard to find. You could end up with nothing and be grounded until you find one. We had a team that was grounded my friends daughters senior year because of this.
You can make a difference. It may not come in a timeframe for you personlly but you can help all those yet to come.

Good luck!!
We only have a varsity team :) so i believe it can be a 1 coach job since we had my coach fresh/sophomore year that did it by herself plus competitions and alot of extra things we did. As for the parents, they are very involved and many have tried to bring it to the AD's attention about our needs and how our current coach is not meeting them at all.

On Friday I went and talked to my athletic director for the 2nd time. This time 2 of our principals were in there with me (we have 5.) The only time i went was the beginning of the season because there was a social media problem and our coach wasn't doing a thing about it. Social media is a big deal to me for 2 reasons: 1. I was bullied last year over it to where I was suicidal and it bothers me that people can get away with that. And 2. We all have little girls that follow us on social media. They see everything we post and they look up to us. A girl on the youth football cheer team i coached this season asked me what getting "turnt" meant and if it was good or not because she saw a few of our cheerleaders posting it. That made me so mad....
Anyways, when I went to talk to him I only addressed the issue of me and my grades. Last week I had a lot of homework in all of my classes, but i had a lot in the class i currently have a D in and i had a test the next day so i needed to study. I'm injured right now so all i do is go and sit in the bleachers and watch the game. I haven't missed a game all season and grades are supposed to come before cheer, so i asked my coach if i was allowed to miss this game so i could do my homework/ study. She told me absolutely not, i was committed to the team so i needed to be there. I went to the game, but i brought my homework to do. She told me that i needed to put it away because even though i wasn't cheering i still needed to support the team. She's let me do my homework multiple times but for some reason that night she said no. when i told her i had a lot to do she told me that i wasn't committed to the team and if i wanted to do my homework i might as well go home. I didn't say anything and put my things up and she turned around again and said "You lack commitment to this team. If you want to do your homework so bad, go home but I'm not promising you that you will still be on this team tomorrow." I think that's a bit ridiculous. It's homework. Other girls miss games all of the time for stupid reasons. My AD's reply was "Obviously grades are more important than school and that is absolutely ridiculous. She was a last minute choice after your old coach quit and through all of the complaints we've heard about her this year she will probably not be returning."
although he said that and it made me feel a little better, i just hope that's the case and he's not just saying what i want to hear...
I hope so too.. I totally agree on social media. It can be so destructive. You seem like such a passionate young lady. Don't lose that. It's a great asset.

Maybe a follow up letter to the AD and the other principals present reiterating your conversation that way it's in writing.

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