OT 2014 Olympics

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I have been loving the curling and have sat here today for two and a half hours glued watching it. I have never followed ice skating before and thought I was really going to enjoy it but I am just so confused. Every skater I have watched have fallen and all routines look the same to me :oops::confused:
This is a proud moment for me : very first french medal sweep in history and highest ever french medal count in Winter Olympics !
Yeah I'm realizing the new scoring for ice skating means I don't understand a thing... Also, work on some facials kids.
Yeah I'm realizing the new scoring for ice skating means I don't understand a thing... Also, work on some facials kids.
well..... cheerleading scoring looks objective now that I have seen the figure skating results:confused:
I have been loving the curling and have sat here today for two and a half hours glued watching it. I have never followed ice skating before and thought I was really going to enjoy it but I am just so confused. Every skater I have watched have fallen and all routines look the same to me :oops::confused:
last olympics my mom and i watched the mens gold metal game are were so enthralled in the whole thing all i could think was what on earth is wrong with me..its curling..you push a rock that looks like a kettle down some ice. but i have to admit it got really intense and i felt like i was watching a gold metal hockey game it was crazy

...sorry if this doesn't make sense but omg this gold metal hockey game is making me crazy

ETA: hands down one of the best come back games i have ever seen great game by canada and the us
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Accidentally let out a few expletives in class at the end of that hockey game. Hopefully the guys can do better tomorrow. And I don't understand the figure skating results either. NBC Live Extra has been my savior today and pretty much all I've focused on in class today
I have been loving the curling and have sat here today for two and a half hours glued watching it. I have never followed ice skating before and thought I was really going to enjoy it but I am just so confused. Every skater I have watched have fallen and all routines look the same to me :oops::confused:
Did I miss the explanation of your new avatar? I'm kinda diggin it a lot!
How heartbreaking for the US ladies =( But credit to Canada for not throwing in the towel.

I'm going to wait to give input on the ladies figure skating until after I see them on NBC tonight. The Live Extra feed at my office caused me to miss some things.
Oh! Maybe I don't like that the media tried to make her score face the new "not impressed" McKayla Maroney meme. Like no. It wasn't that interesting

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YES. I remember hoping that there wasn't going to be a Sochi version of the Not Impressed face and then the very next day they had some article on Yahoo talking about Ashley Wagner.
Double post, but sad about the USA/Canada game. Hopefully the US men pull off a win tomorrow! Gonna be freaking out and checking the app during class.
Catching up on the ice skating, I think what I don't like about Ashley is her whole "I'm sexy and fierce" thing. It doesn't seem too authentic and the Pink Floyd just doesn't work for her Short. I'm okay with trying to break the pretty and delicate ice skater mold, not dance to classical music and such, but it just seemed out of place.
Yuna Kim was amazing. Like I know nothing about ice skating scoring, but she was so fluid and beautiful and graceful. I could feel her emotion.
Yulia, I'm not super amazed/in awe over her. I feel like she lacks emotion and is just like going through the routine. I don't get any sense of happiness from her like I do from the others (or an awkward forced sexy from Ashley.) I get nothing. And she kinda has RBF too, which doesn't help either. Not to say she isn't very talented, especially for her age, but I don't get what the hype is about. I actually enjoyed the other Russian, Adelina, much more.
Also, Polina is getting loads of attention by me! Since she's from the Bay Area, she's been all over the local news, radio, newspapers...
And as an FYI, I haven't seen the long programs yet. I know the results but I don't think they air till later, so all of this is based off of what I've seen in the team event and short programs. My opinion could change in a few hours!

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I am sobbing watching this fluff piece on Sarah Burke. Her family is incredible
I had never heard about it until now. I was a great piece (even with Chris Collinsworth) and I agree her family is amazing. That sport though - so dangerous. I would be perfectly fine with it being banned. I have only watched about 5 minutes of it and have seen one of the men screaming in pain and one of the woman take a pretty good fall too. I can see where it would be deadly.
Ok I'm going to say it, until that fall I thought Gracie was better than Sotnikova. We can only wonder what could have been without that fall.

Still proud of her and can't wait to see how she progresses. Ashley and Polina too!

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