All-Star Anyone Watching The All Star Games?

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Different Strokes for Different Folks. I wouldn't mind paying $115 to go watch this as a spectator. I have only seen vines, and youtube snippets and the official videos they are posting. I think once it grows to something big and more teams go. I see this concept growing and I know whole heartedly Luke Johnson will put everything into his production. Would I take my gym? Yes, possibly. The parents that would complain could watch on CheerLive. Id love my kids to have the experience. We contemplated attending this year but just wasn't in our best interest at this time but it will always be on our radar.
How many children do you have?
So any criticism or discussion that isn't praise is no longer allowed.

Got it.

Since parents don't have the ability to reason.

The Fierce Board: if a team cheers and isn't talked about, does it still get a medal?

You forgot that apparently you aren't even allowed to say anything if you haven't been there.

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@Cheer Tennessee you mention that you gave all the gyms the information.

I've said for years that the only way to grow the sport is to grow fans that don't have a current gym affiliation.

How are fans supposed to know things? What about the people that just want to see the event?

The Fierce Board: if a team cheers and isn't talked about, does it still get a medal?
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So any criticism or discussion that isn't praise is no longer allowed.

Got it.

Since parents don't have the ability to reason.

The Fierce Board: if a team cheers and isn't talked about, does it still get a medal?

I never said the end of the day all I can do is speak based off my personal experiences and as far as this event is concerned they are positive.

There were plenty negative comments in regards to the pricing and questions about what the event entailed so am I in turn not able to shed a different light on that?

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I never said the end of the day all I can do is speak based off my personal experiences and as far as this event is concerned they are positive.

There were plenty negative comments in regards to the pricing and questions about what the event entailed so am I in turn not able to shed a different light on that?

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I welcome your opinions. But they always seem to be given with disdain for those that don't agree with you.

Disagreements on here have actually led to some improvements in this sport and industry over the years. While I don't expect a lot of respect from the typical anonymous posters, I have a little higher standard for others that are well known.

The Fierce Board: If you're gonna be talked about, shouldn't you at least be here to defend yourself?
@cheer_tennessee you mention that you gave all the gyms the information.

I've said for years that the only way to grow the sport is to grow fans that don't have a current gym affiliation.

How are fans supposed to know things? What about the people that just want to see the event?

The Fierce Board: if a team cheers and isn't talked about, does it still get a medal?

They are posted all over our website and social media. We have come to find out that many people do not read the information that is posted lol coming up with a way to make it clear and get it out is something we are meeting about on Monday morning and we are looking to improve on all the aspects we can.

We attempted to collect all spectator information via the packages, but found that many people left them incomplete, with out contact information of any form. Not all but many.

We are open to suggestions from fans and spectators on how we can make sure you get all the info you need outside of social media and websites.

We spend majority of our budget on fan and spectator experience. As anything, it is always a work in progress and something we will be improving and innovating on every year.

Though the athletes are a main focus. They are not the ones paying the bills.. Gyms are who are paying it via parents. We are very aware that we have multiple clientele to cater to and make sure each experience is equally as great. Which is why we are looking at this as constructive.

I have picked up and taken spectators to the airport, as have the owners themselves to make sure they are taken care off and not left to fend for themselves. Even when the bus schedule for transportation was posted in advance. I will be waking up at 3:30 am to take another set of parents to the airport. We strive to go above and beyond.
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We are open to suggestions from fans and spectators on how we can make sure you get all the info you need outside of social media and websites.

We spend majority of our budget on fan and spectator experience. As anything, it is always a work in progress and something we will be improving and innovating on every year.


The Fierce Board: If you're gonna be talked about, shouldn't you at least be here to defend yourself?
I don't have kids, but I'm a coach. We adjusted our original schedule a lot this year in the best interest of the kids. A few parents didn't want to spend the extra for the experience we tried to provide and it was fine. We got a substitute athlete that was willing and had them sub that competition. Once that competition was over, we put the original athlete in and no questions were ask and not an eye lash was batted. We had quite a few travel competitions this year and several of our parents didn't attend all of them, some maybe didn't attend any, I don't know. Im just saying while yes, I understand the $115 is expensive, its something I would pay to watch because it sounds like an experience to see the various sports.

I didn't mean to come off as rude. I am not there, I am only going off what I have seen, and what I have heard from a couple of my friends have posted about their experiences there. I would love to take our kids and I think our kids/parents would enjoy going. If we attended something like this and they didn't want to pay to go, they could watch from home and cheer us on or figure it out. Lots of factors would go into us going to something like this.

If its unpopular opinion, thats fine, but again, I will ALWAYS stand by if I feel it is what is best for my kids, I would make it happen.

As maybe what I said wasn't taken how I meant, it sounds like everyone else is jumping on someone else for sharing their positive experience as well. Im don't have a dog in the fight, just expressing I see my friends teams down there and it looks amazing and would love to share in the experience.
Those prices are for people who did not purchase a spectator package or commuter package and we encouraged people to purchase those. If you didn't and chose to stay offsite then you would be paying those high prices.

Tickets to both days, opening extravaganza, drink tickets, dinning deals & 1 year subscription to Twisted Tv.. came with the spectator packages, along with your hotel rooms.

This is were Cory is saying people are speaking without knowing. If you are here and ended up paying those prices and not the package prices, we apologize, we communicating everything with every gym in attendance and will make the effort to improve out communications for next season. A large amount of gyms have signed on to attempt to get entire programs qualifies for The 2015 All Star Games. We are always about improving ourselves, so we take this as constructive. 5 people put together, ran and through this event this season, we are passionate about this sport and only want to improve and grow.

Hopefully this will help clear up some of the negative lashes we are receiving from the fierce board, which is all we have seemed to get everytime it's been mentioned.

People who are actually at the event have fallen in love and gyms who have qualified just one team are already doing what they need to qualify the entire program.

Give us a chance and we will blow your mind in the coming years :)
Because I am lazy and not readily near a Computer to check out your site, what was the pricing per spectator got this event had they purchased the package?

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Reading through this thread people seem so emotionally charged and hostile regarding the All Star Games. Why ? I don't understand. Is it simply because it seems like an event you'd like to attend but can't because the admission cost makes it cost prohibitive ?

This is no different than other cheer events. I'm sure that overall it costs less money than when we attend NCA, UCA or Summit. Especially if you're on the West Coast. In addition, everyone loves Las Vegas. Not to take anything from Dallas. I love Dallas....honest. But, Dallas doesn't have the allure of the lights of Las Vegas. And although I loved Florida, I know the food in Las Vegas is cheaper and better quality than you get when visiting Disney resorts in Florida.

I personally didn't attend the All Star Games (we had competition elsewhere) but I know people who did attend, and they all said it was well worth the money spent.

There may not have been a wealth of information out there about the All Star Games but that's not unusual for a first year event. Look at Champions League. And, how much did tickets cost to attend Champions League ? That was for a few hours versus two days of competition. I'm not knocking Champions League just using it for comparison. Heck, I paid $18 for a ticket to a two hour movie about a competition. Ha!

Personally, after hearing more about it I'd love to have our gym attend this event.

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They are posted all over our website and social media. We have come to find out that many people do not read the information that is posted lol coming up with a way to make it clear and get it out is something we are meeting about on Monday morning and we are looking to improve on all the aspects we can.

We attempted to collect all spectator information via the packages, but found that many people left them incomplete, with out contact information of any form. Not all but many.

We are open to suggestions from fans and spectators on how we can make sure you get all the info you need outside of social media and websites.

We spend majority of our budget on fan and spectator experience. As anything, it is always a work in progress and something we will be improving and innovating on every year.

Though the athletes are a main focus. They are not the ones paying the bills.. Gyms are who are paying it via parents. We are very aware that we have multiple clientele to cater to and make sure each experience is equally as great. Which is why we are looking at this as constructive.

I have picked up and taken spectators to the airport, as have the owners themselves to make sure they are taken care off and not left to fend for themselves. Even when the bus schedule for transportation was posted in advance. I will be waking up at 3:30 am to take another set of parents to the airport. We strive to go above and beyond.
Thank you for the dialogue. I think it's beneficial for all parties in this exchange.

You are a brave soul.

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With the cost thing I definitely agree,

I'm sure it's cheaper then UCA/Disney. Taking travel out of it because I should really fly to both coming from where I live.

I paid well over $1000 just for my room for the nights we had to be there and entrance fees for Jaylen and me as a spectator and it was literally just me and her. And that's with me having to put 2 extra people in my room to get the 4 to a room rate (I got lucky because other larger families put their kid in my room because they technically couldn't put them down in their room so we both took apart of the discount without them actually staying in my room)

So I would love to know more about it or potentially go to it in the future. Especially with everything I've heard about it.

It is definitely another expensive competition but if it can be prestigious and bring something new to the cheer world it mise well join the others!

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With the cost thing I definitely agree,

I'm sure it's cheaper then UCA/Disney. Taking travel out of it because I should really fly to both coming from where I live.

I paid well over $1000 just for my room for the nights we had to be there and entrance fees for Jaylen and me as a spectator and it was literally just me and her. And that's with me having to put 2 extra people in my room to get the 4 to a room rate (I got lucky because other larger families put their kid in my room because they technically couldn't put them down in their room so we both took apart of the discount without them actually staying in my room)

So I would love to know more about it or potentially go to it in the future. Especially with everything I've heard about it.

It is definitely another expensive competition but if it can be prestigious and bring something new to the cheer world it mise well join the others!

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Reading this thread I am under the impression it is how much MONEY for a new competition it is and the not the event itself.

I am guessing not a huge draw for the first year but sounds like big enough to warrant a round 2 next year.

Btw, my cp hates Vegas. Found it to be very boring for him and awkward when the 'guys' on the corner would try handing him a flyer and not of the cheerleading kind.

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Personally I loved the event. It was great to see athletes not just competing but having fun for a change, Not just with their own teammates but with other teams/programs - something that seems to have been sucked out of present day cheerleading with the quest for titles, notoriety, the chance to get tweeted about that you hit your routine, the climb to cheerleading supremacy, etc.

While I think there are some very minor things that do (and will) be adjusted, I saw nothing out of hand that would make this an event not to attend. It makes an excellent end of year/bigger event for gyms, especially those not on Worlds/Summit or bust train. The staff went out of their way to help anyone that asked. Plenty of room to warm up and the ability to practice on Friday (note: any team not just the big name teams) I feel like the biggest hurdles they had to climb was that it was a new event so people were skeptical of that and because many gyms plan out their schedules way in advance so it was hard to go to this event unless you got a paid bid. Changing plans in the middle of the cheer year was a major shift that might not be able to be covered by block fees already assigned. Going into the second year more gyms will plan it into their schedule.

Having daughters that cheered (3) at the same time, I certainly get the costs issue. Hurt my wallet more times than I care to admit. Yet I also struggle because we want/demand a certain level of production value and a certain type set up that usually can not be staged in an High School/College gym. Most local comps struggle to be held because we want the bigger event feel at the cheapest possible price. The venues we want (convention/arenas) don't care about nothing but $$$ to rent and quite a bit has to be deposited up front. Plus we must have a certain guaranteed amount of teams to compete against in every division or we are pulling out of the event. We want the EP to consider us, yet those on the other side of the EP don't care about anything bu their money. Bottom line there are so many factors that affect the costs of any event. Kudos to EP's that can pull it all together, especially the Independent ones.

Looking forward to next year!

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