All-Star 2012 - 2013 Videos

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Are you guys working on your stunts all year up to choreography? Cause if you are I still feel like my point is valid. If you start working as a team in the summer and work on your stunt until choreo in october, then you should still have mid-year consistency by december...

Sometimes it takes a bad performance for a team to get their stuff together.
A bad attitude seriously? I was at the showcase and she didn't even show any negative additude, yeah when we mess up tumbling we get mad cause we do it all the time! Therefore She doesn't have to get over herself so go away and stop critizing her for something she didn't do! If youre dissing Kelly why would you say good job at the end like they're sisters and brothers they STAND up for eachother and right now they don't like you infact all of SE doesn't like you! Kelly is amazingly talented so bye kid! You should be on the computer less your eyes are messed up

Like 50 people have told him this and replied to his comment. I think he, all of fierceboard, every coach, and even slapfire (wherever he is hiding) have seen the comment and voiced their opinion.
Can we move on now? Videos? Anyone?
I don't know if they have changed it in the past few years, but Illinois used have states at around that same time. Since girls weren't allowed to cheer for both school and allstar in our area, we'd have a few cheerleaders join us after they were done competing. Our school district usually never made it past regionals.

Like I said, though, it has been a few memory may be failing me. ;)
It's still the same. The IL State competition will be the first weekend in Februrary.
Are you guys working on your stunts all year up to choreography? Cause if you are I still feel like my point is valid. If you start working as a team in the summer and work on your stunt until choreo in october, then you should still have mid-year consistency by december...
Not necessarily. (Just FYI I am alumni now, haven't been on brandon since 2009 (I did super-super senior for BSWag in 2010 for 3 comps) but since I was there for many years I'm sure the process isn't a lot different. Tryouts are in May & everyone is placed on a team except for level 5. They are all put on "Sr. Grey" & they all practice together for an additional month or so. Then they are split into black & white. Usually there are 3 or 4 people put on black that are still going after the 19th & 20th spot (the others will go to white). It isn't usually until August that the level 5 teams are fully set. During this time they are working on stunts & skills as the coaches have an idea of what is in the routine but as many people are aware brandon's stunting department is fantastic. Its not a stunt that you start off with right away, it develops. Pyramid usually isn't put together until choreography in October/November. But regardless Brandon usually looks pretty good at their first comps so I am not trying to defend them at all for starting in December. I was just trying to explain to you that everyone does things different & using my gym as an example. Some people might not have their team, their choreography, their skills as soon as you do so you can't bash on them for not being consistent at their first competition regardless if it is in September or December. Everyone has first competition jitters.
Look it was just a showcase she's sO much better than that at least she throws tumbling you should of seen her in fab5,s routine at worlds she was going ham! Everyone at spirit knows she's talented she's even a 3x world champ so I wouldnt be talking about her like that! After comps come back on here and tell us what you think about her later!

Oh? What team was she on prior?
Look it was just a showcase she's sO much better than that at least she throws tumbling you should of seen her in fab5,s routine at worlds she was going ham! Everyone at spirit knows she's talented she's even a 3x world champ so I wouldnt be talking about her like that! After comps come back on here and tell us what you think about her later!

Why are you guys making his 1 comment such a big deal. She did have a sour look on her face. I'm sure she'll do better next time
lol I think we might be!
Connecticut usually has theirs around March. Probably because cheer isn't huge up there and most HS teams (unless I'm making this up) don't have separate school cheer/comp cheer teams (like some states you make football season cheer, some make basketball, some make comp, etc). Seeing as basketball season runs through feb with THEIR states, they probably don't want it to interfere with the girls/guys cheering at finals. Or so I've always guessed.
Okay, so maybe not worlds ready, but I've seen a lot of teams with stunts falling all over the place and the excuse is that it's the first competition. Does the first competition equate to it not mattering whether or not you hit? Is it more of a trial run for most teams? I'm honestly curious.

That isn't exactly how I would phrase it, but essentially - yes, you are correct. Early season competitions are like pre-season games or scrimmages where coaches are more interested in the athletes getting experience on the floor and seeing how elements are being scored than they are in simply getting first place at XYZ Regionals.

Possible other causes:

1. Athletes aren't typically in "routine shape" in November. The aerobic/anaerobic nature of routines is difficult (and unpleasant) to train for outside of doing full routines. Many skills that an athlete can do fairly easily and consistently on their own can become very difficult in the context of a routine.

2. Risk / reward is different early in the season. The "price" of dropping a stunt in November isn't huge compared to dropping one at NCA/Worlds. The reward of seeing what a stunt looks like on the floor, getting athletes used to the routine, and getting used to the "flow" of a competition are often worth leaving risky skills in for early competitions. The biggest negative to a poor showing are comments from the videos on the Internet.

3. Summer practices aren't as well-attended as school-season practices. Athletes' summer vacations can make it difficult to for groups to consistently work on pyramids, stunts, and baskets. Typically, when school starts back, older teams tend to have fewer absences.

4. Teams often don't start working on the exact skills in the routine until mid-season. Coaches will usually spend the first few months "experimenting" with different skills and different stunt group arrangements to see what works best. The result is that some stunt groups may still be relatively new or attempting a relatively new skill at the early competitions.
In Wisconsin our state isn't until end of February...are we the only state with such late state competitions?

Massachusetts has a fall and winter season, with States in both. Fall States was a few weeks ago and Winter states will be in February.

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