All-Star 2012 - 2013 Videos

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im sorry but i have to agree with the few others and say that Stingrays Orange is WAY overrated, yes they've won a lot, but just because they're good right in the beginning of the season, doesnt mean that they're gonna win worlds again. theres a lot of other talent out there in that division this year, that personally i think could out do Orange. to be even more blunt, playing it safe like orange always has in the past i think will eventually catch up to them sooner or later.... i just wish that team would take bigger risks, i think they tend to care more about their reputation of winning then coming up with a creative difficult routine, like all the other teams.
I literally cannot with this post.
1. They are good in the beginning of the season and it is obvious they are watered down. They have bigger things coming. Exhibit A: Their stunt here..

2. At battle, and frankly any first bid comp, no one is going to pull out all their tricks. It's about hitting and being clean. Especially at allstar challenge when it seems like they picked the more consistent teams, risky routines that don't hit aren't worth it this early in the game.
3. They don't care about their 'reputation of winning'. They care about being as clean as possible with the most amount of difficulty that team can handle at the time. Maybe I'm wrong but clean, safe routines can't be the only factor in winning worlds. There needs to be difficulty as well.
Rant over.
theyve been doing that stunt since the beginning of 2011. i hate seeing teams do the same stunt or pyramid, etc. over and over again year after year, its not original, and it gets boring to watch personally, if you watch past worlds vids of them they tend to do certain stunts every single year, its just something that i personally cant stand. it may hit the scoresheets yes, but when you start doing the same crap year after year, the routine as a whole is very expected, which in turn makes it not exciting. i still stand by the fact regardless of the hate i may get that Stingrays care more about their reputation of winning, then taking bigger risks and having a unique routine every year.
theyve been doing that stunt since the beginning of 2011. i hate seeing teams do the same stunt or pyramid, etc. over and over again year after year, its not original, and it gets boring to watch personally, if you watch past worlds vids of them they tend to do certain stunts every single year, its just something that i personally cant stand. it may hit the scoresheets yes, but when you start doing the same crap year after year, the routine as a whole is very expected, which in turn makes it not exciting. i still stand by the fact regardless of the hate i may get that Stingrays care more about their reputation of winning, then taking bigger risks and having a unique routine every year.
Is there a category on the scoresheet that says "unique routine from last year"?
and yes i just sat here and watched thier worlds routines from 2010-2012 and the newest vid posted for the 2013 season.... im done :cookie: :banghead:
theyve been doing that stunt since the beginning of 2011. i hate seeing teams do the same stunt or pyramid, etc. over and over again year after year, its not original, and it gets boring to watch personally, if you watch past worlds vids of them they tend to do certain stunts every single year, its just something that i personally cant stand. it may hit the scoresheets yes, but when you start doing the same crap year after year, the routine as a whole is very expected, which in turn makes it not exciting. i still stand by the fact regardless of the hate i may get that Stingrays care more about their reputation of winning, then taking bigger risks and having a unique routine every year.
I believe they've never had all their stunt groups performing high to high tic-tocs. Sooo, that would be stepping it up.
And different gyms have different strengths. Stunts aren't the only thing that make up a cheer routine, and Rays excel in every other category, just like they hit the high ranges in stunting. Just because they don't bust out some South Elite, GBE, PCM, or CEA type stunt doesn't make them "unoriginal" or "caring about winning."
They win because they are possibly the cleanest all girl team in the country.
:rays: :shaka: #OC4L
Yes I've seen their 2 standing fulls, rebounded jumps, 3 standing passes to double (one of which is underrotated), 6 faked full ups, 4 press full ups, and a couple groups tick tocking faking a stretch to scorp(by this I mean no one holds that stretch, it's kicked to a stretch position and dropped immediately as the tick tock begins)
ACES are good, don't get me wrong, but that routine APPEARS a lot more impressive than it actually is. They are amazing performers, and I very much enjoy the routine, but numbers wise I don't consider them top 3.

I see all of your points that you made.
I'm usually not an Orange fan, but this year they have COMPLETELY stepped it up. I feel like the people saying "They're playing it too safe" haven't even watched the routine from this year.

In the past, they haven't had the flare that they have this year. Their routine is actually fun to watch, not just something that hits a scoresheet well. I'm really excited to see how they do at Worlds this year.
I believe they've never had all their stunt groups performing high to high tic-tocs. Sooo, that would be stepping it up.
And different gyms have different strengths. Stunts aren't the only thing that make up a cheer routine, and Rays excel in every other category, just like they hit the high ranges in stunting. Just because they don't bust out some South Elite, GBE, PCM, or CEA type stunt doesn't make them "unoriginal" or "caring about winning."
They win because they are possibly the cleanest all girl team in the country.
:rays: :shaka: #OC4L
I literally agree with every post you've made tonight I think. We're on the same wavelength or something ;)

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