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This whole SSX thing left a really bad taste in my mouth in terms of not only that team but some of the coaching staff as well since their tweets were not the best in terms of sportsmanship. Coaches should be leading by example and a bad attitude generally comes from the top down. Where were they when that photo was taken? Very, very, very disappointed and not going to be a fan anymore since this isn't the first time I have heard bad sportsmanship from them.
People are killing me while reading through this. CHEERSPORT IS ON A VARSITY SCORESHEET. SSX will most likely outscore Brandon Senior White on difficulty at Worlds by quite a margin, because it's based on what the division is doing. Varsity isn't set up that way. So SSX may be killing it on tumbling difficulty, but chances are that's only .3 or .4 difference, and then BSW is making up most of that in near flawless tumbling execution. Varsity Scoresheet favors building over tumbling, and BSW had flawless execution with just about everything they put in the air. Varsity also favors clean over difficult. This is no surprise. While I think SSX is a very clean team considering the difficulty (in comparison to LL who has similar difficulty), BSW was much cleaner.
It's all about knowing your scoresheet. SSX is setting themselves up for Worlds, while I'm sure BSW was setting themselves up to win (or come close to winning) Cheersport.
People are killing me while reading through this. CHEERSPORT IS ON A VARSITY SCORESHEET. SSX will most likely outscore Brandon Senior White on difficulty at Worlds by quite a margin, because it's based on what the division is doing. Varsity isn't set up that way. So SSX may be killing it on tumbling difficulty, but chances are that's only .3 or .4 difference, and then BSW is making up most of that in near flawless tumbling execution. Varsity Scoresheet favors building over tumbling, and BSW had flawless execution with just about everything they put in the air. Varsity also favors clean over difficult. This is no surprise. While I think SSX is a very clean team considering the difficulty (in comparison to LL who has similar difficulty), BSW was much cleaner.
It's all about knowing your scoresheet. SSX is setting themselves up for Worlds, while I'm sure BSW was setting themselves up to win (or come close to winning) Cheersport.
You know, there are more categories on a scoresheet than just the tumbling-difficulty ;).
Yes. I'm well aware how the scoresheet works, and if your final score is near 98% you sorta have to be in the high range in every category which is where my confusion came in.
However, what's done is done and I'm loving ssx this year..among a few other small senior teams. Should be great to watch at NCA and worlds!
I think that's my biggest issue with teen tweeters in general. Why is it necessary to publicize every emotion, thought etc that you have to the entire internet. I don't think kids in general feel any different than everyone else did growing up we just didn't have the avenue to make sure the WHOLE WORLD knew we we happy, heartbroken, mad, sad blah blah. And what baffles me more is how they don't seem to get what it makes them look like....the whiny heartbroken girl, the jerky subtweeter or in this case the disappointed hothead. If you want all these online followers why do they not care what their public persona comes off like? Smh.

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Because they can. Parents let 12yr olds have the smartphones and computers, don't monitor apps, and don't restrict the amount of time they're allowed to spend on them....much less use parental filters. Instead of just talking to their friends IRL like it used to be whenever they're upset, they go to social media. Rarely have I ever seen a kid under 18 not post something stupid and/or something that should have gone in their diary where no one could see it. I mean, don't you have to be a certain age in order to have an IG and Twitter? IDK about Twitter, but I'm pretty sure I thought IG had one. 14 maybe? Yet there they are, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc. year olds with IG that their parents are fully aware of, yet do nothing. If you happen to be one of these parents, I don't ever want to hear you bitc* about something a kid tweets and/or posts.
I cant even believe you talked about brandon and LL to have more class after what SSX posted. I can tell you already that they will paint themselves as a victim once again and that cheersport was out to get them or whatever. I bet if this happened at another gym the kids would be removed from the gym.

Why do you always have to post w/your AE? If you have something to say then have the bal** to post using your original screen name like everyone else. At least I can respect them for not being a coward to voice their opinions openly whether I agree or disagree w/what they say.
Because they can. Parents let 12yr olds have the smartphones and computers, don't monitor apps, and don't restrict the amount of time they're allowed to spend on them....much less use parental filters. Instead of just talking to their friends IRL like it used to be whenever they're upset, they go to social media. Rarely have I ever seen a kid under 18 not post something stupid and/or something that should have gone in their diary where no one could see it. I mean, don't you have to be a certain age in order to have an IG and Twitter? IDK about Twitter, but I'm pretty sure I thought IG had one. 14 maybe? Yet there they are, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc. year olds with IG that their parents are fully aware of, yet do nothing. If you happen to be one of these parents, I don't ever want to hear you bitc* about something a kid tweets and/or posts.
TOTALLY agree. I am stunned everyday when I see the age of these kids with cells/IG/Twitter, etc. My 15yr CP has all of the above AND I have the passwords to all. I read her social media/texts like it is my job LOL. Just this morning, I "advised" her to remove a twitter post as it could be considered "controversial". Kids (and some adults) do not think beyond their current situation and don't realize how they could be perceived if they post certain things. I have seen a lot of the crazy CheerSport texts/pictures and I can assure you, my child's phone would have been confiscated and she would have been making a serious public apology to CheerSport and her team.
BSB Day 2

That center girl's double up is probably the best I've ever seen, but I really am failing to understand the reasoning behind the formation change in the stunt. The group to the left can double up pretty much just as well, and full around, and it looks extremely stupid to have only those two groups changing positions.
They probably will for whatever reason but that's okay. Cheersport was only our second competition and the routine will continue to evolve. Eventually we'll win some people over.
The difference between 1st comp and now is already insane. Tumbling cleaned up, pyramid and stunts stepped up. So excited to see whats to come

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