All-Star "across The Board Judging" Legal Some Comps But Not Other Ones.

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Cheer Parent
May 16, 2012
I think that a coach of a team has the right to fight getting a deduction for a move that is "illegal" at a comp, but has not been at multiple previous comps. Last year we did the same pyramid in at least 5 comps and then all of a sudden it was illegal. Why can't judging be more across the board. It is so frustrating.
I think that a coach of a team has the right to fight getting a deduction for a move that is "illegal" at a comp, but has not been at multiple previous comps. Last year we did the same pyramid in at least 5 comps and then all of a sudden it was illegal. Why can't judging be more across the board. It is so frustrating.

Not all judges (or people) are created equal. I feel like there are about 10 rules officials I would give an A+ and hire for and event I run and there are over 300 certified. This leads to inconsistencies and frustration on both sides.

Also, don't confuse it being legal with it not being called. My guess is what was done was always illegal, but not called until the 6th event. If I was in a more sarcastic mood I would say you should be thankful for the times it wasn't called, not upset at the time it was, but I haven't had enough Maker's yet.
I think that a coach of a team has the right to fight getting a deduction for a move that is "illegal" at a comp, but has not been at multiple previous comps. Last year we did the same pyramid in at least 5 comps and then all of a sudden it was illegal. Why can't judging be more across the board. It is so frustrating.
I agree with you. It's very frustrating. It's frustrating to be that 6th Event Producer-- one that got it right. Yet, the Coaches spend their time yelling at you, expecting the panel to overturn their decision to be consistent with earlier rulings when its the early rulings that deserve to be readressed. Then, the Coach is so emotionally over the situation by the time they get home, they never make it around to calling the first 5 Event Producers that actually fell short.
Sometimes pyramids can be illegal in the 6th event because it's actually competed differently than it was the first 5 events, even if it is unintentional.
nope, the same skill, done the same as all the other comps...............
I feel that it's the coaches/gym's responsibility to be up to date on all rules at different events. While I do think scoring should be consistent across the board, don't blame the competition for you not doing your research.
Well due to the fact, this same set of judges gave first place to a team that had a few touchdowns and did not get points deducted for that, I can blame this one competition and not be sure they got it right.
nope, the same skill, done the same as all the other comps...............
This happens a LOT. I bet almost everyone on here has experienced it too (including me two years ago). A tiny thing, like a specific grip, etc. is always the culprit bc blatant rules are usually caught right away. It is on the coaches shoulders to make sure every grip, flip, twist and turn is legal. In no way can ANY EP be held responsible for making (or not making!) the call.
Well due to the fact, this same set of judges gave first place to a team that had a few touchdowns and did not get points deducted for that, I can blame this one competition and not be sure they got it right.
Were every teams full scores and deductions released for the public? How do you know they didn't get those deductions? Just curious bc I never know unless that teams coaches choose to share that info with me.
Were every teams full scores and deductions released for the public? How do you know they didn't get those deductions? Just curious bc I never know unless that teams coaches choose to share that info with me.
the judges admitted it when a few teams in that division questioned the placements after watching all the teams, we all saw the touchdowns. (not just 1)
the judges admitted it when a few teams in that division questioned the placements after watching all the teams, we all saw the touchdowns. (not just 1)
They discussed another teams scores with you? What company was this?! I will definitely not be attending their events.
what's done is done and in our hearts we know we should of won.............but unfortunately at this point cheer judging is not "across the board" and we have all experienced the good and the bad of it, that is why I started this post.
I know that I (and a few others) have used this analogy several times: I speed every day when I drive to work. I've never gotten a ticket. If I get pulled over for speeding on Monday when I'm going to work, should I be able to fight my way out of it because I've never gotten busted before? I managed to slide through every day, but finally someone notices me and I have to pay the price. It's not the cop's fault.

And as far as the judges missing the touchdowns for the other team... That team got lucky that day when the judges didn't see the touchdowns, just like your team got lucky at every competition where the legality issue didn't get called.
Basically there needs to be a way to increase the accuracy of the legality judging at the smaller/earlier competitions. My biggest advice is that never assume your routine is legal. Double check everything before every competition. Do not consider it vetted just because nothing was called. It is the only practical way to thrive in the current system.
the judges admitted it when a few teams in that division questioned the placements after watching all the teams, we all saw the touchdowns. (not just 1)

Sorry, but at this point, I just don't believe you. You got reasonable responses from some of the most experienced people in the industry and rejected every logical explanation.

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