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That would be embarrassing and the USASF would be ready to place even more restrictions on things if that happened. You don't want to be dropped by a hotel and not allowed back because of behavior.

These athletes don't realize how embarrassing their behavior is. Once you reach 21+ you look back at this stuff and roll your eyes with how immature and annoying it is. Then to go on facebook or twitter and brag like it is something cool. Having the cops called on you isn't cool it makes you look stupid. Have some class and manners you are there to represent your program and the EP who sent you there. I am sure the EP who dished out the money for these paid bid winners to stay at this resort just love that their money is funding a place for them to "party". Until you go home Monday morning you are there as a representative of your program, act like someone who has common sense. :banghead:

Sorry for the little rant but behavior like this serious makes me want to scream. Believe it or not there could have still been people at that resort who were not there for worlds or were trying to now enjoy a family vacation and this is what they had to deal with. I am a firm believer of respect and stuff like this shows a big lack of it.

*I now realize how this makes me feel/sound like a parent*

Amen. People have no idea how ridiculous they look, and if you are old enough to drink, how dumb you look when you are drunk and loud and nobody else around you is. I know the dad walking out with his 6 year old son loved hearing you drop the F-word left and right. Not cute, not classy....
That would be embarrassing and the USASF would be ready to place even more restrictions on things if that happened. You don't want to be dropped by a hotel and not allowed back because of behavior.

These athletes don't realize how embarrassing their behavior is. Once you reach 21+ you look back at this stuff and roll your eyes with how immature and annoying it is. Then to go on facebook or twitter and brag like it is something cool. Having the cops called on you isn't cool it makes you look stupid. Have some class and manners you are there to represent your program and the EP who sent you there. I am sure the EP who dished out the money for these paid bid winners to stay at this resort just love that their money is funding a place for them to "party". Until you go home Monday morning you are there as a representative of your program, act like someone who has common sense. :banghead:

Sorry for the little rant but behavior like this serious makes me want to scream. Believe it or not there could have still been people at that resort who were not there for worlds or were trying to now enjoy a family vacation and this is what they had to deal with. I am a firm believer of respect and stuff like this shows a big lack of it.

*I now realize how this makes me feel/sound like a parent*

I don't think the USASF would say much unless there was overly flamboyant guys imvolved or girls in little clothing...

...oh, wait.
all i know is some of the tweets this morning FAR from staying classy note to everybody please dont drunk tweet/text/facebook its not cute and i do not need to know what and who you were doing things with #thanks

So why don't you stop following/be friends with these folks and you won't have to subject yourself to it? Seems like a simple answer to me.
Unfortunately, Disney is probably willing to look the other way from this behavior as it makes them too much money.

Until they get sued. Because I promise when (not if, when) someone's princess gets hurt because they ''looked the other way" a lawyer will have a FIELD DAY with Disney and USASF.

hahaha i know how you feel im only 18 and i feel like everything i heard about last night is plain ridiculous maybe its the way i was raised maybe its because i have younger siblings 3 and 11 but i dont see how acting like this gets you anywhere in life not to mention i dont find joy in getting completely hammered and making out and doing whatever else with a bunch of random strangers for fun, sure i drink with friends and at dinner im not against partying with friends but when its at the point when people get punched, cops are called, and there are helicopters shining lights on you to make sure you calm down i think there is a problem with society and some peoples lack of restraint as well as bad parenting issues

THIS. Times 1,000,000,000. Parent - it's a noun AND a verb. You have to BE it and DO it.

I see things like "i didn't know where she was" and "cp was with her friends all night so I know she was behaving" and I want to choke people. But the parents are too busy getting drunk themselves to even notice. Mamarazzi keeps trying to make me swear I'll go with her next year but I honestly don't know if I can deal with all the foolery I see on Facebook in person. I think I will go insane. I have one friend on Facebook who made an album titled "Worlds 2012" but when you look in it there is NOT ONE picture of her daugter, Worlds, or any cheerleading. For the record, this album has 148 pictures in it. Of her and her husband getting drunk.'s SO shocking that the kids don't behave right at Worlds. :rolleyes: It makes me so mad because of how many people I know who will never go to Worlds. I wish the people fortunate enough to go would appreciate it.
Haha I KNOW she secretly is. I know it. ztaprincess that's why you were included with the parents in my post yesterday!

I have always been the mom of my group of friends. Making sure everyone is safe and sound at the end of the night, making sure when you travel you always have a first aid kid incase of an emergency, and most importantly being the one who flat out tells you that you are being stupid and to behave when in public.
That's okay though I have absolutely no problem fitting in more with the lovely parents of the fierceboard.
I guess at 23 I have been there and had my fun of getting so drunk I don't remember and doing crazy stupid things. I now realize how stupid it was. There is no problem with having fun, but being out of control isn't the way to do it. If you can't go a weekend without drinking or partying then you need to seek treatment. I also would have found it slightly funny if some of these athletes would have gotten caught drinking underage and found themselves in Jail. Not funny because I laugh at things like that but funny because they think they are untouchable and doing no wrong. I can guarantee if they woke up in a jail cell they would think otherwise.
Until they get sued. Because I promise when (not if, when) someone's princess gets hurt because they ''looked the other way" a lawyer will have a FIELD DAY with Disney and USASF.

THIS. Times 1,000,000,000. Parent - it's a noun AND a verb. You have to BE it and DO it.

I see things like "i didn't know where she was" and "cp was with her friends all night so I know she was behaving" and I want to choke people. But the parents are too busy getting drunk themselves to even notice. Mamarazzi keeps trying to make me swear I'll go with her next year but I honestly don't know if I can deal with all the foolery I see on Facebook in person. I think I will go insane. I have one friend on Facebook who made an album titled "Worlds 2012" but when you look in it there is NOT ONE picture of her daugter, Worlds, or any cheerleading. For the record, this album has 148 pictures in it. Of her and her husband getting drunk.'s SO shocking that the kids don't behave right at Worlds. :rolleyes: It makes me so mad because of how many people I know who will never go to Worlds. I wish the people fortunate enough to go would appreciate it.

I sure hope it doesn't come to a lawsuit!

And I am with you on the 2nd paragraph! BE A PARENT for crying out loud. I would NOT let my CP go to this block party (scheduled or impromptu.)
I sure hope it doesn't come to a lawsuit!

And I am with you on the 2nd paragraph! BE A PARENT for crying out loud. I would NOT let my CP go to this block party (scheduled or impromptu.)

Oh I hope so too. But given that there is absolutely NO WAY Disney or USASF could ever even try to claim that they didn't know there was underage drinking going on, they'd have a tough time avoiding a lawsuit. Drunk teenagers (and adults) tend to do stupid things. Stupid things tend to lead to bad things. Bad things lead to reeeeally bad things. Reeeeally bad things lead to lawsuits because everything is always someone else's fault (usually the person with the deepest pockets, which in this case would be Disney and USASF - who conveniently and unwisely have slapped their names all over this foolery).
i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that if there was a lawsuit then the person who provided the alcohol to the underage kids would be liable. and tumbling while they are drinking?!? :eek:

as for them acting crazy and not being welcomed back, in this industry we weigh each piece of business coming to the properties. hockey teams are notrious for tearing up a hotel. if it's great business then we take it but have extra security on staff and extra managers. if something gets broken we have cameras and can narrow it down to which sleeping room the kids went into and charge the parents for the damage. i'm sure if we can do it, disney can as well. they prob have more cameras than a casino.
I wonder how the gym(s), who these cheerleaders were representing, are dealing with this. I would hope they would remove them from thier team and gym.

I'm not so sure I see that happening though.

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