All-Star American Academy Of Pediatrics Recommendation For Cheer Recognition

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but the article does have an image of NFL cheerleaders above the headline, and to me that downgrades the article LOL
If the AAP is after regulation of cheer due to injuries, the days of pushing the envelope will soon be over. They will win.
I'm still shaking my head at the throwing off balance comment...what? Does he think All-Star should be on basketball gyms too?
I tried staying away from this thread because I knew it was going to upset me but i'm at this point now where I don't care if cheer is ever considered a sport because I don't want things to change. In Illinois, cheer is a legal sport and we get all the same benefits/recognition/medical attention the football players get, without being restricted. I pray everyday that HS is ever limited to level 3, i'm graduated.
I saw this as a report on NBC Evening news, and it looked liked the clips they were showing we for sure higher level than 3! It was interesting all the numbers they threw out on injuries of cheerleaders, and those that were "catastrophic" in nature. In our state only the county we live in, (out of 100 counties) is HS cheer considered a sport, and held to the same rules regarding training and get the same medical attention as all other sports.
The AAP fights crusades. They walk on slippery slopes. I really like pediatricians but they march to a different drummer than you and I.

Well it won't help the things where the AACCA are really wrong about will be fought with a hard line (athletes are thrown off their sense of balance by being on spring?). There is an inevitable tightening of restrictions on things, and some of it should happen. But instead of being pragmatic AACCA could make it a lot worse by not making meaningful concessions.
As Cheerleading Injuries Rise, Doctors Call For Stricter Safety Rules : Shots - Health News : NPR

It also came across NPR today. From what I've heard this was a planned media blitz by the AAP. A prominent ortho doc that works at my hospital filmed a spot for the local news out here calling for cheerleading to become a sport. We have seen 2 neck injuries in the past month from sideline injuries, and 2 elbow fractures from all star tumbling. We are only one pediatric hospital, I'm sure Dallas Children's sees just as many.
Something has to be done about cheerleading in the states that do not currently view it as a sport. To many teams coached by "susie's mom" who may have cheered 20 years ago but mostly relies on AS gyms to teach the kids the basics at "camp" and then it's a free for all from there. To many teams trying stunts that they have no business attempting on a turf or hardwood floor. Maybe if it's determined to be a sport, more schools will contract credentialed coaches to run their teams.

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