All-Star Anybody Heard Of This....

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@Emily, I try to stay away from posting on here, it's too negative, I'm rarely signed in. I spend 7 days a week in the gym coaching and cheering myself so I don't have as much time to dip my toes into the drama of Fierceboard anymore.

I came across this thread right after I signed up for their program, and had to click my "forgot your password?" Link to get on here. It was a must to post to everyone about how great of a time I'm having doing it, nothing more, sorry y'all are skeptical about it (or me?)!

I've been coaching cheer and tumbling for a short while now, and I am an NCSF certified personal trainer, pushing nearly 5 years of experience. I believe that this will be the most fun and safe way for my kids to stay in shape for their high demand routines. When they're not at the gym, I'd much prefer them doing this than choosing a YouTube workout or going to the gym to hit any kind of weights or cardio machines. I've also spent hours on end making conditioning lists for kids to take home, I trust that routinefit will cut down those hours almost entirely . So my expertise might be half of yours @cheer9497, and I understand that. I have also just seen the 6 min abs, or ab sculpting workout all over the internet, this doesn't seem to be close to that, my already existing 6 pack is on fire for days after completing these workouts. I actually did crossfit before this though, and like how they've done a similar intensity and style with cheer movements. It also helps that I am into the timed workouts to see how many rounds or reps I can get through.

@level5diva , I wish I hated something about this program to not sound like @lakerfantlc 's kids!!! Haha I'm not here as an endorser, I simply just love this program.. enough to bring my fierce board account back to life!

Anything great will always have people on the other side of the fence I've learned! Sorry you guys aren't into it!
@Emily, I try to stay away from posting on here, it's too negative, I'm rarely signed in. I spend 7 days a week in the gym coaching and cheering myself so I don't have as much time to dip my toes into the drama of Fierceboard anymore.

I came across this thread right after I signed up for their program, and had to click my "forgot your password?" Link to get on here. It was a must to post to everyone about how great of a time I'm having doing it, nothing more, sorry y'all are skeptical about it (or me?)!

I've been coaching cheer and tumbling for a short while now, and I am an NCSF certified personal trainer, pushing nearly 5 years of experience. I believe that this will be the most fun and safe way for my kids to stay in shape for their high demand routines. When they're not at the gym, I'd much prefer them doing this than choosing a YouTube workout or going to the gym to hit any kind of weights or cardio machines. I've also spent hours on end making conditioning lists for kids to take home, I trust that routinefit will cut down those hours almost entirely . So my expertise might be half of yours @cheer9497, and I understand that. I have also just seen the 6 min abs, or ab sculpting workout all over the internet, this doesn't seem to be close to that, my already existing 6 pack is on fire for days after completing these workouts. I actually did crossfit before this though, and like how they've done a similar intensity and style with cheer movements. It also helps that I am into the timed workouts to see how many rounds or reps I can get through.

@level5diva , I wish I hated something about this program to not sound like @lakerfantlc 's kids!!! Haha I'm not here as an endorser, I simply just love this program.. enough to bring my fierce board account back to life!

Anything great will always have people on the other side of the fence I've learned! Sorry you guys aren't into it!

Slow your roll, Sparkle.

A new, previously inactive user coming on here raving about a product that is relatively unheard of, with no specific backing or reference. The site utilizes no direct info (who are these coaches with all this experience? Anyone can post that, but there is no extra information posted to verify their claims). No 'contact your doctor' disclaimers on any of the main pages. So we're expected to believe a new person, whom nobody knows, who is making claims about an unknown product.

Nothing to be suspicious about whatsoever. How dare we rude, negative, drama-starters think you're shilling! How could we be so mistrustful :rolleyes:

Adding on- I'm all about people starting a passion business, but there are a few things that for logical/safety reasons don't sit right with me.
Simply came on to get an opinion from other cheerleaders... If thats not what this site is for, I apologize and the thread can be removed. I do not come on here often cuz i do not care for the drama but I figured if this was a cheer thing then where better to go then a cheer board.... IMO its just workout routines so I do not see the need for all the background info on who creates it. To me, I wanna workout and hate figuring out what to do, since its free i can go on and get suggested workouts. If i dont like it I dont do it. Its all stuff we typically already do in cheer anyways, just put into a planned workout.... If I have to post on here more regularly in order to have to ask an unsispicious question then I apologize I must have overlooked that memo
Wait I'm confused... now they are not charging for it's use at all anymore? Or just the free trial?
Simply came on to get an opinion from other cheerleaders... If thats not what this site is for, I apologize and the thread can be removed. I do not come on here often cuz i do not care for the drama but I figured if this was a cheer thing then where better to go then a cheer board.... IMO its just workout routines so I do not see the need for all the background info on who creates it. To me, I wanna workout and hate figuring out what to do, since its free i can go on and get suggested workouts. If i dont like it I dont do it. Its all stuff we typically already do in cheer anyways, just put into a planned workout.... If I have to post on here more regularly in order to have to ask an unsispicious question then I apologize I must have overlooked that memo
It's not your question that concerned me, it was the other response, which is why I quoted it. I'm naturally suspicious of shilling. I live in NYC, so it's for a good reason. Hasn't hurt me yet..

You absolutely should know the background info for ANY person whose workout you're doing. How else would you know if the workouts are safe/effective? How can you verify results? It's like if a workout is designed by Debbie Love versus, I dunno, some 14 year old girl who knows NOTHING about body mechanics/workout setup or safety. Is that someone you trust with your physical health/safety? If it is- be my guest. But I don't want to risk the one body I've got doing something that might, in the short OR long run, cause me injury. I'm more likely to trust @lakerfantlc - not because of who her daughter is, but because she's posted here before. She's a real person who has established themselves, versus an anonymous anybody.

I'd also like to know about all this magical drama that people say we create/have? Because we're so much less dramatic than we once were lol.
I have to say that I'm also suspicious. The person to start the thread didn't post since 2011. And the other one didn't post here since 2010 and now tells us how awesome it is?
I guess one can at least ask questions...

@lakerfantlc since your daughter does promo for the program: can you tell us who is behind all of this? Or answer any of the other questions I had in my post above?

I cheered with the OP for 2 years so I know where he was coming from..

Questions and accusations different but its not like I care. If someone wants to get their panties in a bunch then I hope you can taste the cotton.
Slow your roll, Sparkle.

A new, previously inactive user coming on here raving about a product that is relatively unheard of, with no specific backing or reference. The site utilizes no direct info (who are these coaches with all this experience? Anyone can post that, but there is no extra information posted to verify their claims). No 'contact your doctor' disclaimers on any of the main pages. So we're expected to believe a new person, whom nobody knows, who is making claims about an unknown product.

Nothing to be suspicious about whatsoever. How dare we rude, negative, drama-starters think you're shilling! How could we be so mistrustful :rolleyes:

Adding on- I'm all about people starting a passion business, but there are a few things that for logical/safety reasons don't sit right with me.

Whelp, there goes my laugh for the day. Thank you so much!!! :D

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