OT Asvab???

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Jun 23, 2010
Im enlisting in the Air Force, so I'm taking the ASVAB in the next few weeks. I'm really freaking out about it. I'm not worried about the English/comprehension or math questions. I am absolutely terrified about any sort of questions about velocity/machinery/circuits/etc. Every time I come across the practice questions, I can't even make an educated guess. I'm so worried that I'm just going to completely bomb this and ruin my chances for a medical job.

Has anyone taken it or knows someone who's taken it? I'm trying to get an idea of what it will actually be like.

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Im enlisting in the Air Force, so I'm taking the ASVAB in the next few weeks. I'm really freaking out about it. I'm not worried about the English/comprehension or math questions. I am absolutely terrified about any sort of questions about velocity/machinery/circuits/etc. Every time I come across the practice questions, I can't even make an educated guess. I'm so worried that I'm just going to completely bomb this and ruin my chances for a medical job.

Has anyone taken it or knows someone who's taken it? I'm trying to get an idea of what it will actually be like.

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I've taken it. It's not hard at all. Have you seen somewhere or been told that you need to do well on that part for a medical job? Because when I took it, I completely blew it on that part and still got a 99 (highest you can get). I'm not 100% clear on how the scoring works, but when I told my recruiter I did horribly on that part all he said "OK... Good thing you weren't trying to be a mechanic anyway."

Someone else might be able to break down scoring better for you, but I'll just say I think you can do poorly on certain parts and still score very well. The higher your overall score, the more likely you'll get the job you want. Unless the mechanics/machinery/velocity parts are required for medical (I genuinely don't know), you should be fine.

Does your practice test give you a score? On the websites for the various branches, it tells you the scores needed for various jobs. Look there and see if you're in range.
Don't know if this made sense, sorry. :oops:

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I've taken it. It's not hard at all. Have you seen somewhere or been told that you need to do well on that part for a medical job? Because when I took it, I completely blew it on that part and still got a 99 (highest you can get). I'm not 100% clear on how the scoring works, but when I told my recruiter I did horribly on that part all he said "OK... Good thing you weren't trying to be a mechanic anyway."

Someone else might be able to break down scoring better for you, but I'll just say I think you can do poorly on certain parts and still score very well. The higher your overall score, the more likely you'll get the job you want. Unless the mechanics/machinery/velocity parts are required for medical (I genuinely don't know), you should be fine.

Does your practice test give you a score? On the websites for the various branches, it tells you the scores needed for various jobs. Look there and see if you're in range.
Don't know if this made sense, sorry. :oops:

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Oh, I didn't know that part. I can't see why you would need to know all the mechanical stuff to have a medical job. That makes me feel a lot better. My recruiter also said something about how my CNA would give me a leg up to get in there, too. I feel so much better now :3

I was looking at the study guides and practice tests like, do all people know these things and I just missed it somewhere? Like is this common knowledge?? But I guess not lol
I'm pretty sure the way it works is that the main sections are how they score your intelligence (math, vocabulary, reading comprehension, etc) and then the other parts score your aptitude for certain jobs.

So for example, let's say you got an average score on those general sections so they know you're smart enough to join at all. Then you score off the charts on the mechanics/velocity type questions. Then they know to put you in a field where you'll be using those skills (so they benefit most from each recruit). Since you're a cna, I'm sure you'll do well on any questions geared towards finding suitable medical personnel.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great. :)

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I'm a member of the Army and have taken the ASVAB and trust me I knew NOTHING about anything you mentioned and I did just fine. Don't sweat it the test is a lot easier than you think it will be as it is set for an 8th grade level education from what my recruiter told me years ago.
I took the ASVAB a bunch of times because I was in NJROTC in high school. It was a great excuse to get out of class for the day. The machinery/velocity questions are just to determine your "aptitude" at those things. Kids that want into a nuclear program need to do well but a corpman...not so much. I was a home health aide before going into the Navy as a corpman and did horrible on the math part, they had me meet with the director at MEPS and plead my case, he approved it right there.
The more important thing to remember is that boot camp is literally only 8 weeks of your life, no matter what they say to you, do, ect...it's only 8 weeks. I had so many girls fall out on me in the 1st couple weeks because it was "to hard" (I was one of the division leaders due to my background). You come out a completely different person at the end. I loved it and wish every teenager had to do 3 years in.
Like @cheermommaRN, I took the ASVAB in high school to get out of class. I wasn't in jrrotc though.

I did end up joining the Navy while in college to pay for school. It was a bachelors degree completion scholarship for nursing students. I served after graduation for 6 years.

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