All-Star Athletic Championships 2016 Providence 1/23 -1/24

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Have your coaches had time to go over the score sheets with the athletes yet? Your questions might be answered at that point. There may have been a legality on Day 2 which would explain the lower score. IMO a good coach/gym go over the score sheets with their athletes so they understand the scores thus being able to take that info and improve on it. If your team was unfairly judged Day 2, your coach has the ability to question the scores and should have done so. I hope this helps. I know this sport is kind of confusing in the beginning, but over time SOME things will begin to make sense...others not so much :D
I am the coach and I did question the scores and I got talked in circles for 30 minutes.
Copied this post from the competition thread on this page. This was the division I was referring to but didn't know the actual teams involved. Looks like Athletics acknowledged the error and took corrective action... And Kudos to that Pro Sr 4 team for being incredibly respectful ... Now that's class!!

"Large Senior 4 Pro Athletics Sr. Fierce was properly notified they won their division before the comp was over (I believe about 8PM or so) Many of the kids were still there, they were given their backpacks & those that had left were given to them at the gym the following day. They were humble with the loss & stood to clap for the winning team at their awards ceremony & they were humble yet thrilled with the win & I didn't hear one kid say how they felt slighted about not getting their announcement at awards. Accidents/mistakes happen & Athletics handled it nicely by announcing them as "Co-winners" as to not take it away from the originally announced 1st place team."
I am the coach and I did question the scores and I got talked in circles for 30 minutes.

Yeah this season has been a complete waste of time when trying to talk to judges/scorecheck people about anything. I'm not sure why they even have the option anymore since their answer for everything is "We hire judges from USASF so inconsistent judging isn't our problem" or "you're within range so you can't argue your scores".

Also, it still pisses me off that the high range is a full point while the mid, low, and below ranges are half a point. That makes no sense to me. Anybody with half a brain can get into the high range (because it's twice the size of the other ranges and you only need four "level appropriate" LTDs, not elite ones, to get in it) so just being "in range" doesn't count for anything. Like does anybody actually score in the mid range or below?

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:eek: Wait, what?!
Oh yes...they told us the 2 bald men hired by the company to take photos were non tumbling nuggets, and that's why we received the score we did.
Oh yes...they told us the 2 bald men hired by the company to take photos were non tumbling nuggets, and that's why we received the score we did.

That has got to be the most jaw dropping yet oddly unique form of judging I have ever heard! I applaud you for telling them peace out this year.
That has got to be the most jaw dropping yet oddly unique form of judging I have ever heard! I applaud you for telling them peace out this year.
It's funny now, but at the time not so much. The line to wait to contest scores was approximately 2 hours. It became a competition between the coaches of who had the most ridiculous thing to contest...we won hands down.
It's funny now, but at the time not so much. The line to wait to contest scores was approximately 2 hours. It became a competition between the coaches of who had the most ridiculous thing to contest...we won hands down.

Yeah I don't think there is much that could top that.
It's funny now, but at the time not so much. The line to wait to contest scores was approximately 2 hours. It became a competition between the coaches of who had the most ridiculous thing to contest...we won hands down.
Oh yes...they told us the 2 bald men hired by the company to take photos were non tumbling nuggets, and that's why we received the score we did.
LOLOLOLOL! Too funny. Surprised they didn't disqualify you for having 2 overaged, bald men on the mat!
I am the coach and I did question the scores and I got talked in circles for 30 minutes.
My mistake. I thought you were the OP. My response should have been directed to him. I feel bad that you had to go through that though...transparency is so important.
Oh yes...they told us the 2 bald men hired by the company to take photos were non tumbling nuggets, and that's why we received the score we did.
I'm sorry for your kids, but that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard! Wow. I'm surprised you didn't get some other kind of deduction for the bald guys not wearing cheer shoes or for carrying cameras that could concuss someone during a stunt.
LOLOLOLOL! Too funny. Surprised they didn't disqualify you for having 2 overaged, bald men on the mat!
I wish someone had a camera when the accuscore person realized they were counting the photographers as non tumblers. Then I wish someone had a camera on the coaches when said accuscore person said "oh wait, I think they're counting the photographers". Lastly, I wish you could see the reaction of the coaches from other programs when they were told what our issue was. Could be the most surreal experience of my coaching life. That routine, that the coaches were told just wasn't good enough, went on to score an overall 99% 2 weeks later and got a paid to summit. No changes to the routine, hit just as hard as it did in providence. The response was something along the lines of, "oh, we didn't realize your teams were that good". Politics is ALWAYS in play at some of these events. ALWAYS.
I have yet to hear anyone say that they were scored out of range because the photographers were counted as non tumblers though, so I think we still win on ridiculous judging.

Maybe that explains why my CP who flys in 3 stunts and has a pass of her own didn't make it into ANY photos....the photographers were too busy nuggeting :)
@NJ Coach I just can't. It's so pathetic that it's funny (I'm sure it wasn't at ALL funny at the time). I'm guessing they modified the bid declaration this year from last year for a reason too ;):confused:.
CP's team placed where they should have this year and I don't see scoresheets unless CU posts them on twitter, so I can't speak for much that happened this year except for the overall experience at this competition isn't what it used to be, and I think the declining numbers are evident that the competition as a whole is in need of some improvements.
I wish someone had a camera when the accuscore person realized they were counting the photographers as non tumblers. Then I wish someone had a camera on the coaches when said accuscore person said "oh wait, I think they're counting the photographers". Lastly, I wish you could see the reaction of the coaches from other programs when they were told what our issue was. Could be the most surreal experience of my coaching life. That routine, that the coaches were told just wasn't good enough, went on to score an overall 99% 2 weeks later and got a paid to summit. No changes to the routine, hit just as hard as it did in providence. The response was something along the lines of, "oh, we didn't realize your teams were that good". Politics is ALWAYS in play at some of these events. ALWAYS.

We went from being at the bottom of the scores for Worlds teams to being one deduction short of winning a paid bid a week later. I'm pretty glad we didn't go this year - it's not worth it to spend $175 for a bunch of open athletes, even if it is close to home.

ETA: I merged the two threads about this comp.

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