All-Star Battle Under The Big Top Schedule, Teams, And Thoughts

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I texted this to a friend this morning. I also noted that while yes, they're all young and mistakes get did seem as though Cory seemed much more ready to just admit that some of the tweets actually did come from TG's athletes, but that it had been dealt with and stopped. I understand that yes, accounts can be fake and even real accounts get hijacked. But really...SOME of those tweets were legit. Own it, take responsibility, and deal with it. I can't respect people who just continually make excuses and deny. This is not the first time that we've been fed the "Those aren't real accounts" line when it comes to Twitter and Facebook. It's nice to see at least one person involved just step up and say "Hm...yep. Not cool. We'll take care of it."'s the truth and I wish we could've gotten a hold of the situation a little earlier but when we heard about and were shown the Tweets that started everything Saturday night (some by athletes at the event mind you) we kind of brushed it off as kids will be kids not realizing that our athletes had taken it a completely different way and were riled up b/c after all its them out on the floor busting their butts and being told you shoulda, coulda, woulda etc.
Just-a-Mom - in regards to your long post earlier about the illegalities and the Teal Army jumping all over it and stuff...

The illegal elements in question were in the routine they competed at the Showcase and their first few regional competitions. After those competitions they decided to change the flow of the routine completely (hence the new music and whatnot...) and only got to practice it for a week. That's why people were defending them by saying that they didn't have much time to practice this routine.

Now I forget the rest of the stuff I was going to say in response to you soo this may not make much sense anymore haha's the truth and I wish we could've gotten a hold of the situation a little earlier but when we heard about and were shown the Tweets that started everything Saturday night (some by athletes at the event mind you) we kind of brushed it off as kids will be kids not realizing that our athletes had taken it a completely different way and were riled up b/c after all its them out on the floor busting their butts and being told you shoulda, coulda, woulda etc.

Thank you for setting a great example.
Well D I thought about grounding her from Twitter for that but decided that since the comment was fairly mild, that I felt I had handled the situation with little CP and that she seemed to understand why I felt like that wasn't an appropriate comment I decided to use it as a learning opportunity.

Totally agree with your 2nd paragraph.

And I have a twitter acct but I only follow my kids. I don't follow any of the kids in our program so I miss all those things until my text messages blow up from people saying OMG......stop them. LOL This to me is a good thing. I sometimes have as much trouble keeping my cool during high stress situations like this weekend definitely was, as much as the next person. I do understand that 1 comment can fuel a fire....and the person making the comment should be held responsible for that. But I'm just 1 parent with 3 kids. Some of us are just trying to control a very very small portion of the team. Does that make sense at all? LOL

And as to your last sentence AMEN. We're all human, we have made errors in judgement. Will probably make more if the truth be told. Admitting you were wrong and that you're sorry is probably the toughest lesson my kids have had to's not easy to do.....even for us adults.
ufomom said:
Yes, I agree. The kids from both of those teams are great kids and it was a very emotional experience. Should they do better yes, but part of being a kid is "growing up" and growing up is not a smooth, stream-lined experience where you do everything right. It is awkward and you make mistakes and learn from them. Life is not a black and white experience, nor are people. I am glad I grew up in a time when I could not throw my every emotion out to the word with a click. I am an adult and I make "posting" mistakes.

Well said! So many people have said some very insightful and intelligent things in this thread and I agree with THIS so much. I try very hard to teach all my athletes and my children about being positive and not putting things on blast....but the thing is, they're kids and kids mess up all the time. I made so many mistakes when I was growing up (uhhh, still do) and I feel bad that their mistakes are so amplified by media. I'm not letting anyone off the hook but I know that this I the culture they're growing up in and they're going to have to learn on their own how to deal with it. Sadly, some will never learn their lessons and will continue to do things like this as adults. Thankfully, most will turn out ok and be normal like me ; )
You have your routines mixed up. No excuses from anyone on SE. We did great, but not good enough this weekend. The illegality was in Co-ed and changed. They hit that both days. SE has not had questions of illegality except the flip over in the pyramid (SE got high level 5 pyramid) which was incorrect and in the transition to the second stunt (my favorite thing about this new routine is transitions) which long has had any assistance removed. SE's routine changed on the staffs decision over a 2 week period before the competition. It had nothing to do with illegalities.
I was about to say the same thing...thought that whole thread was about an illegality in coed elite's routine not SE glad I am not going crazy!
I know I'm probably going to get attacked for saying this, but come on people, let's get real, after all, it is "only cheerleading". When we sit back and think about it, how silly do we all sound obsessing about things like this. There are so many other important things in this world to be worrying besides who got "screwed" out of a Worlds's bid at a particular competition. Don't get me wrong, I love this sport just as much as the rest of you. My daughter cheered allstars for 13 years, and she learned a lot, but it certainly doesn't define who she is as an individual, and it certainly didn't get her a scholarship to college. It really makes me laugh when I see people post about another all star cheerleader being their idol, their role model, and wanting their autograph....really????? Let's just let these kids have fun, build friendships, learn how to be part of a team, and not make this more than it really extra-curricular activity.
This is a semi funny story depending on who you are. LOL

My little CP tweeted on Saturday that she was going fishing for some rays or something like that. (She went against Green) She didn't mention it to me until she said that Level5Mom had re tweeted what she said. I was mortified and told her to delete it at which point my middle daughter says "It's too late now if it's been re tweeted, the whole world's seen it now" So luckily I ran into Joanne pretty early in the day so I could say how sorry I was about the tweet and that I had talked to little CP about it and asked her not to write such things again. (She's 12) Joanne was very gracious about it and said she took it as all in good fun, which was great because little CP, I think is still learning.

But imagine how disastrous that could have been if the wrong person had read it. Maybe thinking she and her team were cocky and had big heads. Imagine how much trouble she would have been in to have been quoted in a Fierceboard thread with what she had said and had every Suzie commenting on it.

So as a public service announcement I'd like to ask that if anyone see's my kids posting anything that might be misconstrued as unsportsmanlike or out of line to please text me, facebook me, message me here and believe you me I WILL take care of it with the quickness. Ms Missy doesn't play that!!

I would like to inform you that your CP, while 12 in cheer years, is 13. ;)
This is a semi funny story depending on who you are. LOL

My little CP tweeted on Saturday that she was going fishing for some rays or something like that. (She went against Green) She didn't mention it to me until she said that Level5Mom had re tweeted what she said. I was mortified and told her to delete it at which point my middle daughter says "It's too late now if it's been re tweeted, the whole world's seen it now" So luckily I ran into Joanne pretty early in the day so I could say how sorry I was about the tweet and that I had talked to little CP about it and asked her not to write such things again. (She's 12) Joanne was very gracious about it and said she took it as all in good fun, which was great because little CP, I think is still learning.

But imagine how disastrous that could have been if the wrong person had read it. Maybe thinking she and her team were cocky and had big heads. Imagine how much trouble she would have been in to have been quoted in a Fierceboard thread with what she had said and had every Suzie commenting on it.

So as a public service announcement I'd like to ask that if anyone see's my kids posting anything that might be misconstrued as unsportsmanlike or out of line to please text me, facebook me, message me here and believe you me I WILL take care of it with the quickness. Ms Missy doesn't play that!!

Years ago my gym was at a competition that allowed everyone to send good luck text messages to appear on a big screen by the stage. One kid from my gym that wasn't even on my team texted "Does anyone have a broom cuz (my team name here) is about to sweep (competitors team name here) away!" Some team members from the other gym texted back and it kept going. I can't remember if they shut down the screen just because of what happened or if they banned both gyms from texting. An announcement was made about our gym & the other gym's poor sportsmanship. To make it worse, my team got 2nd. I laugh about it today, but it was not funny when it happened.
Ok. So this weekend was my first Battle Under the Big Top experience. I saw some amazing performances! But I am still quite confused on how Atlanta Jayhawks junior level 4 (small) lost to stingrays (large) team. Stingrays dropped stunts, and bobbles. Jayhawks put on an amazing performance with high energy, expressions, and facials, both days. I will admit Sunday was much better when it comes to the "performance". On both days they beat the Stingrays on the techinical scores. Please note this team had the 2nd highest techinical score for any level 4 team (including all coed and all senior level 4 teams on day 2). Our girls took 2nd place with such amazing grace and class, but with a broken heart. I am very proud of the junior green family!

I am not hating on the stingrays, they are an amazing gym, with amazing athletes. I am just confused.. Congrats to Orange and Top Gun for their paid bids to worlds!
Even though stingrays had a drop and bobble, Stingrays junior 4 had WAY more difficulty then Jayhawks and knew exactly what the judges are looking for when it comes to being clean & tight and alot more things that Jayhawks do not.
SSX Seniors who wanted to keep their white uniforms from last year were allowed to since they won them at Battle at the Beach. Some sold theirs and we ordered for any girls who still didn't have one so we had to wait for those to come in. You should see it more this year now.
Yay! :) I like how when you see them go on the floor you dont have to guess what CEA level 5 team they are you can just be like BAM! It's small senior x.
This is a semi funny story depending on who you are. LOL

My little CP tweeted on Saturday that she was going fishing for some rays or something like that. (She went against Green) She didn't mention it to me until she said that Level5Mom had re tweeted what she said. I was mortified and told her to delete it at which point my middle daughter says "It's too late now if it's been re tweeted, the whole world's seen it now" So luckily I ran into Joanne pretty early in the day so I could say how sorry I was about the tweet and that I had talked to little CP about it and asked her not to write such things again. (She's 12) Joanne was very gracious about it and said she took it as all in good fun, which was great because little CP, I think is still learning.

But imagine how disastrous that could have been if the wrong person had read it. Maybe thinking she and her team were cocky and had big heads. Imagine how much trouble she would have been in to have been quoted in a Fierceboard thread with what she had said and had every Suzie commenting on it.

So as a public service announcement I'd like to ask that if anyone see's my kids posting anything that might be misconstrued as unsportsmanlike or out of line to please text me, facebook me, message me here and believe you me I WILL take care of it with the quickness. Ms Missy doesn't play that!!

I saw that from a few on Twitter. I made sure my CP didn't retweet that and that it WAS NOT ok. Hate that got started up.
Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. It does bring me to another question: I am full of questions :) What about whole team tumbling together on time. For example: Lets say team A (small) the whole team does 2 bs to full lands clean, together, and are precise, and team B (large) only 66% of the team does 2 bs to full lands clean, together, and are precise. How is this viewed at this competition?

Sorry to be such a pain. :)

standing tumbling isn't necessarily counted in sync. I know in the worlds scoresheet specifically they say that standing is "expected" to be sync--the sync tumbling score focuses on running tumbling. Again, not sure if that's across the board, but that's kind of my understanding of it. Sync tumbling = running tumbling

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