All-Star Best Excuses During Practice....

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my high school senior year let a girl cheer pregnant to the point that her skirt wouldnt even button, she would pin it. it was her second child. i refused to talk to her at games/ practices/etc. anyone who puts their baby in jeopardy to cheer is absurd

I couldnt help but laugh at this.
completely irrelevant, but i remember on teen mom when farrah was pregnant she still cheered until her uniform wouldn't fit anymore. (though i'm assuming it was just sideline-type cheer) I also don't think my high school would have allowed a pregnant cheerleader as they're supposed to be the role models blah, blah, blah. i get it'd be discrimination to kick someone off, but i'm thinking they would. interesting topic.

to be relevant:
"it's my birthday"
"it's my senior year, if i can't tumble now i never will so i'm not trying"
"my ponytail is giving me a headache"
my high school senior year let a girl cheer pregnant to the point that her skirt wouldnt even button, she would pin it. it was her second child. i refused to talk to her at games/ practices/etc. anyone who puts their baby in jeopardy to cheer is absurd

I actually coached a middle school team with a pregnant girl :( She was pregnant pretty much the whole time and never told anyone including her parents. She didnt show much at all, so no one found out untill she went into labor. In the end they baby was healthy but I would have done so many things different if I had known.
I can't stunt because I'm sunburned

one summer, i was a very smart 14 year old girl who thought she didnt have to wear sunscreen on the first day of summer while swimming in a pool. I was burnt so bad that i had half inch thick scabs covering my chest and shoulders after about 2 weeks and lasted until the end of summer; it didnt even peel. Well before it did that I had Junior 5 practice and it was just really red sunburn. I couldnt even put a bra on, I wore a strapless bra and my t-shirt killed me (i probably should have went to the hospital looking back) I told my coaches I couldnt lift my arms and not knowing how bad it was made me do everything. it was awful. 2 weeks later when they saw the half inch think scabs that cracked they felt pretty bad about it. i still have scars on my shoulders til this day.
"I can't tumble. I don't like this mat."

On our school's JV team, and we have limited mats. She was tumbling forward just doing her front punch...which ended up being nonexistent. -__-
one summer, i was a very smart 14 year old girl who thought she didnt have to wear sunscreen on the first day of summer while swimming in a pool. I was burnt so bad that i had half inch thick scabs covering my chest and shoulders after about 2 weeks and lasted until the end of summer; it didnt even peel. Well before it did that I had Junior 5 practice and it was just really red sunburn. I couldnt even put a bra on, I wore a strapless bra and my t-shirt killed me (i probably should have went to the hospital looking back) I told my coaches I couldnt lift my arms and not knowing how bad it was made me do everything. it was awful. 2 weeks later when they saw the half inch think scabs that cracked they felt pretty bad about it. i still have scars on my shoulders til this day.
i guess its a good thing im pasty white and dont tan well cause i never get sunburned lol i think i have gotten burnt twice in my life time and it was in mid july when cheer is non existent in the great white north
I had one girl run to the corner sobbing, refusing to practice or talk to anyone, and when I finally got her into a private area so she'd tell me what's wrong, she said "I'm cold." -.-
I'm 15 and not ashamed to say that if I get really really cold, like locked outside in January cold, I cry.
I get the best excuses from my tinies. They're totally serious and I would be upset if they were older, but they're just so dang cute. :)

I had one girl run to the corner sobbing, refusing to practice or talk to anyone, and when I finally got her into a private area so she'd tell me what's wrong, she said "I'm cold." -.-

Another girl outright refused to participate, turned out she really wanted to give her mom a hug. So I had to take her to the parents area to hug her mom before the team could move on.

One of my youth-aged girls said she couldn't stunt because she was on the flyer's left side instead of right. ...I understand having favorite sides because you're used to it, but come on, really?

Another one couldn't participate in practice because an injured teammate was sitting out and she had to "catch up" with her. They go to the same school and have all day to "catch up". :banghead:
The i'm cold one takes the cake. that one is just too cute! the second one is definitely runners up(;
our team deffinnitely has the opposite problem then complaining!
half the time no one will even tell our coach, JulieP , if they are severly hurt. they just keep practicing until a team mate tells her or she notices.
completely irrelevant, but i remember on teen mom when farrah was pregnant she still cheered until her uniform wouldn't fit anymore. (though i'm assuming it was just sideline-type cheer) I also don't think my high school would have allowed a pregnant cheerleader as they're supposed to be the role models blah, blah, blah. i get it'd be discrimination to kick someone off, but i'm thinking they would. interesting topic.

to be relevant:
"it's my birthday"
"it's my senior year, if i can't tumble now i never will so i'm not trying"
"my ponytail is giving me a headache"

"it's my senior year, if i can't tumble now i never will so i'm not trying"
Welcome to most college teams with early morning practices...haha. OF COURSE, I can't relate, because I'm so responsible I would never do such a thing as touch alcohol.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA this made me laugh out loud!
"it's my senior year, if i can't tumble now i never will so i'm not trying"

Tell me about it! I'm choosing to retire this year, and I'm still pushing myself! Are you kidding? If I quit tumbling my true senior year I woulda only had a ro bhs!
"because I didn't know if I would land it.."
... that's why we practice

"because I didn't know you meant we had to tumble.."
... I said full out routine!

I also really love when my kids tell me something hurts when they do a skill so they don't throw it, and it only hurts because they don't fix the ONE thing i've been drilling into their heads the entire season :confused:

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