All-Star Best Excuses To Miss Practice...

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Kris10boo And suddenly it all makes sense. I just learned more math in the last minute reading that than in the entire time I was in middle school.

Lol I was a math nerd I use to always try to figure out things or different ways to do problems!
In Algebra 2 the teacher told me I was the 1st person in her 15 years of teaching to score 100 on all 6 reports cards for the year. I also passed the mid term exam with a 100 and did not miss one problem!!:)
even though I was over the number of absences allowed she excused me from the final because I could of took a score of 0 and still had a B in the class!

Honestly though I think it really depends on the person I was the same kid who cheated my way through science. Like seriously I HATE science and I failed gym my freshman year. Lol
Lol I was a math nerd I use to always try to figure out things or different ways to do problems!
In Algebra 2 the teacher told me I was the 1st person in her 15 years of teaching to score 100 on all 6 reports cards for the year. I also passed the mid term exam with a 100 and did not miss one problem!!:)
even though I was over the number of absences allowed she excused me from the final because I could of took a score of 0 and still had a B in the class!

Honestly though I think it really depends on the person I was the same kid who cheated my way through science. Like seriously I HATE science and I failed gym my freshman year. Lol
hahaha I hate science and math so much. But give me some grammar and reading to do and i'll be set. I love english so much. Also history! I think history is the most intriguing thing ever.
On Thursday I Was 30 minutes late for tumbling class (I also had cheer after an hour of tumbling) and my coach asked me why I was late..I told him my disabled brother had to go to the hospital...lets just say I don't think he believed me even though it was the COMPLETE truth.
I think I already posted in this thread twice but oh well, I've heard so many excuses.

So, sophomore year for school cheer, we got out of school at 1:50 and practice began at 2:30. & three girls were late and said they were late because the line at 711 was too long..
Okay, all for honesty but my school is LITERALLY within 50 yards of 711. I'm sure whatever you bought did not take 30 mins to buy. I have no idea what took them so long but all I know is that I saw them book it to the parking lot at 1:50.

A girl I coached said she had to miss practice to attend one of the high schools homecoming events (skit night) because she was a part of the skit. I said it was okay because I was apart of it too. So, while i'm waiting for my class to go on, I sit in the crowd and I hear a group of girls being kinda loud & I turn around to find my cheerleader and her friends right behind me. Oh yeah, & she was only in 8th grade.. I should of put 1+1 together since, the high school students & them only can participate in the actual skit -_-
Oh yeah, thought I'd add on to this since it kind of has to deal with excuses-
This happened to my cousin a while back ago;
For her high school she had a car wash fundraiser scheduled for a day over summer & it got cancelled due to bad weather & prior to that, the coach said it was mandatory and if they missed they would have to sit out a game of the coaches choice. (if they were a junior probably a big rival game or something, if a senior, the senior game) Everyone was fine with the deal since they were given the date ahead of time. Well, 3-4 weeks later the coach told them the new day for the car wash, which was about 5 days away from the day the coach told them. Unfortunately, my cousin was out of town & with me for the next week (we live in different states so it's not a simple car ride). My cousin told her coach and the coach still said it wouldn't be fair & still made her sit out for a quarter of one of her games!!! :mad: I just thought it was unfair. But oh well. It was like 5 or 6 years ago :p (my cousin is now graduated from college)
I'm on a College team so our most common ones are:

I have to study,
I have to work,

I'm sorry but your have committed to a team, we all have to study and work. You are old enough to find a way to work and study around training

another example i can think off.

A girl showed up to one of our choreography sessions and said she couldn't train as she hurt he knee the other day at training. fairneough this girl does has problems with her knees. but we all knew that wasn't the reason why she wasn't training. The day before half the club went out to celebrate a couple of our team mates birthdays with a night on the town. Most of the team members who had training in the morning the next day didn't go or didn't have a bit night, apart from this girl. got to give her props for comming to training at least :/
I've missed a competition ONCE in my whole cheer career. It was because my grandparents took me to France for my birthday. I didn't want to miss it but you can't just return the tickets! I felt bad for my team :/ The one practice I've missed (that I can remember) was because I had a concert for guitar class that was 50% of our grade and so I couldn't miss it because I would've failed the class.

Caitlin Starla I think the whole thing with her knees is rediculous. I have bad knees and this past season they were hurting really bad and I still practiced (couldn't do much but I did what I could) and I ran laps around the parking lot.
One time a year ago at youth football cheer practice, a girl said, "I really need to study for a math test. I'm super confused."

Okay. First of all, nobody studies for math tests. We're in sixth grade. Because adding fractions is just sooooo difficult... :rolleyes:

Second, you're on this team, so you have to be committed. I don't like not being able to do a mini-lift during the dance because 1 3/4 + 5 1/2 is a "difficult" equation. Wait until later. I don't care if you're studying until 3:3o. Come to practice. If you came, you might actually be a decent cheerleader.

And also, when I went onto AOL Lifestream after practice, I saw a picture of you and your friends at your house on the trampoline. If you're going to miss practice for that, at least work on your toe touches on that trampoline instead of sitting there in a circle listing the boys in the grade and rating their hotness on a scale of 1 to 10.

if she wasn't lying... I'd say she has her priorities straight and she's heading the right way even if she is "only in sixth grade"
My baby CPs birthday is April HELLO WORLDS weekend, given another year or two, that would be the best birthday present EVA to compete at worlds on your birthday.
My birthday is April 24, and the first time i got to compete at worlds was on my birthday! I was amazing and one of the best gifts ever!
I'm on a College team so our most common ones are:

I have to study,
I have to work,

I'm sorry but your have committed to a team, we all have to study and work. You are old enough to find a way to work and study around training

Someone asked me to come work for them one night because they had a big test to study. I work at a cheer gym, our schedules are set in stone every week, they never change. You should have planned to study around your work. Sorry girl but no.
I've missed a competition ONCE in my whole cheer career.
Same. I had Meningitis in mid/late-October 2001, so I pretty much had no choice. (And it was the first competition of the season, too. UGH.) I still went to support my team, though; I'd been released from the hospital something like two days prior.
Same. I had Meningitis in mid/late-October 2001, so I pretty much had no choice. (And it was the first competition of the season, too. UGH.) I still went to support my team, though; I'd been released from the hospital something like two days prior.

That sucks :/ At least you still went and supported them! Mine was the last competition of the season
I missed a competition once in all my 6 years of cheering because of a knee injury.
When I have to miss practice, sometimes my reasons sound insane. I once had to miss because I had to file a police report about someone who had been watching me. I sounded insane trying to explain that to my coaches on the phone.
Another time last summer, my grandpa was really sick and had passed away. I had to miss one of our Thursday practices. When I got back from all the funeral things on Wednesday, I woke up the next day to my other grandfather passing away. When we called my gym and told them why I'd be missing again, my mom sounded like a lunatic.

One time a girl missed a practice because her cat had died, which you know I would understand.. That is if her cat hadn't died a month before that night.. Keep in mind this girl is 17. We've had people miss for school dances, which is one thing if it's like the end of the school year and it's like a formal, but it's another if it's the middle of the summer.. Like really?! It was July and this girl said she had a school dance.. -_-

We had a girl not show up to a competition in Rhode Island, 5 hours away. She said it was because she was stuck in traffic getting to the arena. An hour later, she's posting pictures of her and her boyfriend who she brought with her to the competition hanging out in the hotel. Needless to say, the coaches called her and her parents and she ended up going to the competition.
A few years ago when I was still dancing one of the girls or I should say woman because she is over 30, on my team who always had an over the top stories. Said she got to practice 5 minutes before we got out because she got hit by a train. REALLY????? :eek:
But you still managed to drive to practice and be ALIVE!!!! See it doesn't get better with age the lies just gets more ridiculous...

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