All-Star Broken Finger....

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Cheer Parent
Sep 16, 2014
yep just the beginning of the season and cp (daughter) has broken her middle finger when she was tumbling at her gym the other day. She's in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks. If healing is progressing well she will be removed from the current cast and placed in a more comfortable one I'm assuming another 2 weeks and so forth until she is fully cleared.

Here's my question...
Apart from taking vitamins and calcium (cause hand specialist said her bones were lacking calcium big time and finally winning the argument of why she needs to eat healthy including all the veggies I provide!!! I was Dancing in my head when the dr was telling her lol)

I want to be prepared for rehabilitation. I know the doctor will recommend possibly some physical therapy when it comes to that time... I'm hoping she won't be scared to tumble again because of this (she was doing abBHS on a tramp and has no clue how it happened... The way the break is I'm assuming she put too much weight on her hand and got hit with the tramp on the push back if that makes any sense)... So any different ideas to help her get back on her feet. I'm not pushing her in any way so please don't take this thread in that manner. She's very devastated that she will be missing choreo with her team in 2 weeks... She will be there but just not participating fully and she has expressed concerns about tumbling in the future...

Any ideas suggestions or even... I've heard of the stress ball... I also wonder if there's like a special glove or something like there are knee braces and such just to help her feel a bit more in control so the fear doesn't eat at her...
I'm a parent so this doesn't really include any real life experiences returning to cheer but just my 2 cents!

I've broken the middle finger on my left hand twice.

The first time I was around 10 and was running up the stairs and tripped and put my hand down and only caught the middle finger pushing it all the way back and breaking.

The second time I was 13 and my brother was punching me and I put my hand up to block it and re-broke the same finger but this time it was much more painful and they decided on surgery and a pin in my hand to heal it.

I was a softball player during both of these time frames. In fact the first one I was only getting casted up to just before my elbow but I kind of felt like I could of maneuvered my hand out of it and I told the the doctor that I was just going to take it off because I was a catcher and my team needed me for the game the next night and I couldn't be in a cast because they wouldn't allow me to play. He spoke with my mom and they casted me above my elbow lol.

I will say when I got it off both times I favored that hand/finger for like a day or 2 until I realized that it felt just like all my other fingers and used it as normal.

I definitely don't remember either time being a long recovery time, and I played ball the second I got them off.

Now had I of been playing ball when I broke them I would of been more scared to return after the break so I can only imagine what is going through your daughters head.
I just wanted to say I hope her recovery is as easy as possible, I wouldn't wish this on anyone but I do believe she should be ok when it's all said and done with. Just follow the doctors orders on an condition or returning to tumbling time frame and she should be all set. Missing choreo stinks but at least she isn't in a cast during comp season! I hope her season turns out to be a great one despite the break!! Good luck!

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yep just the beginning of the season and cp (daughter) has broken her middle finger when she was tumbling at her gym the other day. She's in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks. If healing is progressing well she will be removed from the current cast and placed in a more comfortable one I'm assuming another 2 weeks and so forth until she is fully cleared.

Here's my question...
Apart from taking vitamins and calcium (cause hand specialist said her bones were lacking calcium big time and finally winning the argument of why she needs to eat healthy including all the veggies I provide!!! I was Dancing in my head when the dr was telling her lol)

I want to be prepared for rehabilitation. I know the doctor will recommend possibly some physical therapy when it comes to that time... I'm hoping she won't be scared to tumble again because of this (she was doing abBHS on a tramp and has no clue how it happened... The way the break is I'm assuming she put too much weight on her hand and got hit with the tramp on the push back if that makes any sense)... So any different ideas to help her get back on her feet. I'm not pushing her in any way so please don't take this thread in that manner. She's very devastated that she will be missing choreo with her team in 2 weeks... She will be there but just not participating fully and she has expressed concerns about tumbling in the future...

Any ideas suggestions or even... I've heard of the stress ball... I also wonder if there's like a special glove or something like there are knee braces and such just to help her feel a bit more in control so the fear doesn't eat at her...

unless the doctor thinks there is a need for the brace, I'd avoid it at all costs. ESPECIALLY if she is already low on calcium. When you stop using a body part, it stars losing bone density almost immediately. get her some good calcium and vitamin D.

the first BHS will be scary, but kids are resilient. she should be good as new in no time!
My cp broke her arm flying (humerus bone, hope I spelled that right!) 2.5 years ago when she was 10. She could do nothing cheer-related for 6 weeks. I felt certain she would lose all of her tumbling (she was on a Y3 team at the time) as she hadn't been away from the gym that long since she was 4! Of course, I never mentioned this to her. She still went to every practice & comp, and it killed her to see her fill-in. Such a hard time! :( But, here's the thing...the day the ortho gave her clearance to go back, she begged me to get a private that day. She threw a BHS that day, and her running tuck the next! :) Her coach immediately got her back in the air the next practice, starting easy at first, but within a couple of practices she was doing the stunts. Muscle memory kicked in, and all was well. Kids just heal so quickly, and our coach said a bone break is easier to return from than some other injuries, like muscle and ligament tears and sprains. There usually aren't any lingering issues with bone breaks in children. Best wishes to your cp for a quick recovery!
yep just the beginning of the season and cp (daughter) has broken her middle finger when she was tumbling at her gym the other day. She's in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks. If healing is progressing well she will be removed from the current cast and placed in a more comfortable one I'm assuming another 2 weeks and so forth until she is fully cleared.

Here's my question...
Apart from taking vitamins and calcium (cause hand specialist said her bones were lacking calcium big time and finally winning the argument of why she needs to eat healthy including all the veggies I provide!!! I was Dancing in my head when the dr was telling her lol)

I want to be prepared for rehabilitation. I know the doctor will recommend possibly some physical therapy when it comes to that time... I'm hoping she won't be scared to tumble again because of this (she was doing abBHS on a tramp and has no clue how it happened... The way the break is I'm assuming she put too much weight on her hand and got hit with the tramp on the push back if that makes any sense)... So any different ideas to help her get back on her feet. I'm not pushing her in any way so please don't take this thread in that manner. She's very devastated that she will be missing choreo with her team in 2 weeks... She will be there but just not participating fully and she has expressed concerns about tumbling in the future...

Any ideas suggestions or even... I've heard of the stress ball... I also wonder if there's like a special glove or something like there are knee braces and such just to help her feel a bit more in control so the fear doesn't eat at her...
She will probably need OT not PT because it is her finger. My oldest broke her thumb on New Year's (on her writing hand) and was in a cast about 5 weeks, and then a special brace made by the OT to keep it in place. She went for therapy 2x a week once the cast was removed and then tapered off to 1x a week. We had the stress balls to squeeze but she never used them. I can't help you with time back to tumbling because she stopped cheer after 2 ankle surgeries in 9th grade, but we know plenty of kids who have broken fingers tumbling and do not have an issue slowly returning once they are fully healed.
If she is given PT/OT, make sure she's doing it. And, yes though broken bones usually heal faster than soft tissue, you can still have problems. I have less range of motion in one arm from broken bones when I was a kid. It does affect me with a couple of stunts now, but I can work around it.

I'd suggest buddy taping it to another finger if she's nervous when the cast comes off. It'll offer a bit of support but still give her movement and usability when she starts tumbling again. If she's fine without it though, go without
My CP broke her thumb 9 days ago stunting and the Ortho put her in a cast midway up her forearm. The doctor said she would remove the cast after 3 weeks and re-xray the thumb. We are hoping at that point it will be healed enough to resume normal activity. The doctor happened to be a retired cheerleader (flyer) and knows the "personality" of cheerleaders ie: ignoring doctors orders/stunting anyway. I would add "mind reader" too as sure enough my CP was already stunting/conditioning/jumping 48 hours later. Between HS and AS, right now, she is clocking close to 20 -25 hours of cheer a week. I am glad the doctor took the initiative and just casted it. She then said that anything CP could comfortably do with the cast was okay, but to be aware that it would not be comfortable for her flyers to be landing on the cast and to keep that in mind. Even more surprising was when my CP spoke with her flyers ALL of them (including their moms) said they were used to working with casts and to just "pad it up" and keep working...although baskets/double downs are not possible. It is definitely a crazy sport....
My CP broke her thumb 9 days ago stunting and the Ortho put her in a cast midway up her forearm. The doctor said she would remove the cast after 3 weeks and re-xray the thumb. We are hoping at that point it will be healed enough to resume normal activity. The doctor happened to be a retired cheerleader (flyer) and knows the "personality" of cheerleaders ie: ignoring doctors orders/stunting anyway. I would add "mind reader" too as sure enough my CP was already stunting/conditioning/jumping 48 hours later. Between HS and AS, right now, she is clocking close to 20 -25 hours of cheer a week. I am glad the doctor took the initiative and just casted it. She then said that anything CP could comfortably do with the cast was okay, but to be aware that it would not be comfortable for her flyers to be landing on the cast and to keep that in mind. Even more surprising was when my CP spoke with her flyers ALL of them (including their moms) said they were used to working with casts and to just "pad it up" and keep working...although baskets/double downs are not possible. It is definitely a crazy sport....
That's like the definition of dedication!
I've broken many of my fingers on multiple occasions, I've been lucky that I haven't needed a cast this far. Just a splint for a couple of weeks and I was good. I broke them mostly during cheer, I never had a probably going back at it after a while, this stands for the 2 times I broke my arm and the time I broke my ankle. She may be a little scared at first but I think she will be back out there in no time!
yep just the beginning of the season and cp (daughter) has broken her middle finger when she was tumbling at her gym the other day. She's in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks. If healing is progressing well she will be removed from the current cast and placed in a more comfortable one I'm assuming another 2 weeks and so forth until she is fully cleared.

Here's my question...
Apart from taking vitamins and calcium (cause hand specialist said her bones were lacking calcium big time and finally winning the argument of why she needs to eat healthy including all the veggies I provide!!! I was Dancing in my head when the dr was telling her lol)

I want to be prepared for rehabilitation. I know the doctor will recommend possibly some physical therapy when it comes to that time... I'm hoping she won't be scared to tumble again because of this (she was doing abBHS on a tramp and has no clue how it happened... The way the break is I'm assuming she put too much weight on her hand and got hit with the tramp on the push back if that makes any sense)... So any different ideas to help her get back on her feet. I'm not pushing her in any way so please don't take this thread in that manner. She's very devastated that she will be missing choreo with her team in 2 weeks... She will be there but just not participating fully and she has expressed concerns about tumbling in the future...

Any ideas suggestions or even... I've heard of the stress ball... I also wonder if there's like a special glove or something like there are knee braces and such just to help her feel a bit more in control so the fear doesn't eat at her...
I'd suggest having her do imagery (visualizing) of the skills she would be working on at practice, and have her be there when they are learning choreo and do imagery of the routine (even if she doesn't know her exact placement). Imagery helps to create and maintain muscle memory and confidence, so this should help her step back in feeling more prepared physically and mentally. Since it seems to be a random accident, hopefully it doesn't stress her out or cause too much fear, but if she is experiencing that, check in and we can talk about some ideas so that it doesn't grow- some fear is normal after an injury, sometimes more-so when it's random, so I would try not to stress (and encourage her not to stress even more if she's feeling scared).
I broke the bone that connects to my ring finger last year. What they DON'T tell you is that once you get the cast off, your wrist hurts BAD. My wrist is really weak from it being in a cast for 3 weeks. Just letting you know that her wrist could be a little weaker too!
Avoid braces. They really do more damage than good. Just do some easy tasks with her fingers/hand and let it get used to moving again. I think I rushed too quickly into tumbling and stunting because it still hurts my wrist almost a year later. Good luck!!

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My CP broke her middle finger, through the growth plate, last month at tumbling. She had a cast up her forearm for four weeks which was removed last week, but she's still not supposed to base or tumble for four more weeks. She's been chomping at the bit for weeks wanting to tumble...she one-hand cartwheels around lol. Though I am glad she is not afraid. Hopefully the four weeks will go quickly... Good luck to everyone this season!
@MzLyn23 Sorry to hear about your CP and hope she recovers soon. I appreciate this thread, as my CP just sprained (and possibly broke) one of her fingers a couple of days ago tumbling. It's been splinted since and we're seeing the ortho but had to wait for some of the swelling to go down first. Hoping that there's no break, since radiologist was not sure, but its pretty bruised even after swelling has gone down. We'll find out soon what it is. Thanks to the other posters for the helpful info and healing stories! This is CP's first injury and she is worried about missing time and tumbling, but she's been going to practice to at least stretch and do the things not involving her hand. Of course, it had to happen to her writing hand just as school started...:(

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