All-Star Champion's League Autographed Back Packs By Nfinity~

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i was referring specifically to the money donated from the backpacks. I've heard that the winners donated their winnings to charities and i think that is very admirable!
I believe the whole Champions league was a fundraiser for their charity's. If you look at any of the winners big checks, they all say something like "donation to charity". I really like the idea of the whole thing as a charity fundraiser and i'm glad they didn't just give money to the teams. I think its great.
I believe the whole Champions league was a fundraiser for their charity's. If you look at any of the winners big checks, they all say something like "donation to charity". I really like the idea of the whole thing as a charity fundraiser and i'm glad they didn't just give money to the teams. I think its great.
didn't know that! thanks, thats awesome :)
At the end of the day all charity is good charity. Raising money for a worthy cause is good, putting in physical time for worthy people is good. Something good is happening for charitys of people in need so cant we just say that's a success and call it a day?

Could they have done more? Probably. But they also could have done less. I'm sure these athletes are more then excited about the money their teams are raising and watching the bids get higher, but its certainly possible that there are kids on these teams who signed a back pack and couldn't care less and never gave it a second thought, but that's not for us to deal with. Who knows maybe this was a great charitable spark to START for some of these teams and its going to encourage them to do even more. Like @Cheeranswers said, her team would have to work really hard to raise 15k, so maybe these teams will realize how much they can raise doing so little and it will encourage them to work their hardest to achieve even larger results!

I just cant manage to understand why people have any reason to get upset. If its that important to you that physical work is done and a bigger impact is made on these cheerleaders life's, I'm sure there's tons of athletes who are more then happy to put in the time for charitable events that are offered up to them. So go, go on and gather up some kids and plan out free workshops galore.
Ok, yeah these athletes signed a bag. But they didn't ask people to bid all of that money (fake bids or not) for it. I'm sure they weren't thinking "I'm a flyer in teal, so my name is worth thousands!" Why can't we look at the bigger picture. Every little bit helps. $100 or $14000. In the time some people have spent in here slamming these girls, you could've been out doing something to help someone somewhere. I don't think anyone's donating money for each character you type on the Fierceboard.

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I don't see any of the bags listed anymore, besides LL. I assume this means the bidding is all over. Legit bidder?
I don't see any of the bags listed anymore, besides LL. I assume this means the bidding is all over. Legit bidder?
We probably won't know for 72 hours if it's fake. If it's real I'm sure whenever the actual payment occurs someone will post something (CSP or athletes).

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Excluding the LL bid because it's still going these teams raised $5849 for their charities of choice. (excluded the SE bag until we find out it's legit). Congratulations to all the teams!!!
Thank you for the someone who has been where this sweet family is now, I appreciate your insight. I'm hesitant to say we'll implement some of these at my house because I don't want to be accused of bragging but @xtremeteal4life knows me well and I don't have to impress her! She knows my heart! Thank you girl!!
You're damn right I do! <3
Not very people I trust w/my child!! :)

*eta I hope my post wasn't misconstrued (not by you Missy- just posting it here since it's the first reply I've read after my post earlier). I think all forms of charity are good. Things don't just pay for themselves- animal shelters, research, homeless shelters, etc.- so I'd never discount the need for money, nor would I shun it; what about the people who can't get to treatment for financial reasons (also another good hands on opportunity lol), research for certain things/areas not currently covered with grants or enough money with grants, etc. Etc.
I just meant that there are so many ways to be of service physically- like bringing families meals; god bless my parents church family for keeping my dad and sister fed during those long stays at the hosptial , surgery, etc.- even though most people who know me know I don't share the same religious beliefs, that's a perfect example for the better aspects of organized religion that I like- I just wish it didn't take religion for people to unite for the common greater good, but I'm getting off the point. Which is that they're both equally important- but getting your hands dirty isn't a bad lesson for kids.

Also, @mstealtoyou did not know me very well at all, yet when my daughter broke her arm, she was there (w/little bit if I'm not mistsaken) with an armful of balloons, stuffed animals, and SUPPORT for me the day of her surgery. My husband was doing clinicals and couldn't make it to her surgery until after she was already under. Missy waited w/me until he got there. You know what else? She never publically "patted herself on the back" for public recognition-not once. So yes, you're right girl, you don't have to "impress" me or prove your heart to me bc you already did a few years ago when I hardly knew you. :)
Thanks for that.. Sincerely.
Y'all are getting me all teary eyed! It prob doesn't help that my little sister just turned 18 and she was 10 when mom died and of course this month generally sucks over all for self explanatory reasons... :(
Thank you for not taking it the wrong way and seeing it for what is was! Sometimes people get defensive when they feel you're "attacking" them, even when you're not or don't mean to.

Are you a nurse or does/did someone you love go through the same thing?
Can we be friends? I need more positive, life affirming people in my life...and you seem wonderful.
Lol thank you. Well I should warn you I'm a ginger, and when I'm crossed you will know it!!! But it takes me a bit longer to get there. Idk it was never really not an option for me. I moved back here (before I ever had my daughter) for the sole purpose of taking care of my mom and family.
theyve all disappeared from the auction, except for the lady lightening backpack. unless i just don't see them.
Are you a nurse or does/did someone you love go through the same thing?

No, I am actually very lucky in that I have never had anyone particularly close to me affected by cancer. I just don't see a point in arguing.. I am a peace keeper for the most part and I'm grateful for the many points of view here and have learned a lot from more experienced parents in my year and a half on the board. I don't have any experience with volunteering for cancer causes and am glad for the info.

Oh, and I'm definitely not a nurse! I am a professional athlete and coach of a very different sport than cheer, so generally speaking, if I didn't have patience and understanding, it would be tough to make it through!

I may not agree with everything I read, but barring outright insulting or making fun of a minor or acting like Susie's mom, I think everyone can and should express their own opinion.

@Cheeranswers .. Thanks. My little happy world bubble exploded 8 years when I took my first CASA case. The first time I truly made a difference in the life of a child that had found themselves in a bad situation, I jumped in and never looked back. It has exposed me to some stuff I'd rather not know existed, but has completely changed my life and I am very grateful.
Thank you for the someone who has been where this sweet family is now, I appreciate your insight. I'm hesitant to say we'll implement some of these at my house because I don't want to be accused of bragging but @xtremeteal4life knows me well and I don't have to impress her! She knows my heart! Thank you girl!!
It absolutely breaks my heart about her :(
I feel like I could help her and her family so much, but I just haven't been able to get in contact with her.

BTW, here's an example of how much with this charity, money can make an enormous difference. Cost of care for just one sick person. It's the numerous prescriptions required on a monthly basis that still aren't cheap, despite having insurance. It's the cost of extra and severely expensive treatments like radiation and chemo. It's the leftover percentage you still owe the hospitals, Dr's, surgeons, etc after your numerous surgeries, despite having insurance. It's the cost of your copays for everything on a monthly basis in addition to your insurance premiums.

And if you don't have insurance or you have crappy insurance (mostly if you don't have any insurance)? 15k wouldn't even cover a month's worth of all of these required necessities.

I think allowing your kids to see the "hard stuff" and helping them realize how truly fortunate they are is a wonderful and possibly life changing experience. So I do understand many of the parents who feel like it seems kinda trivial comparitavely (money versus time). I also know the importance of money, having watched a woman at a pharmacy I used to work for get only 1/4 of her prescription bc her insurance would only pay but for so much.,And seeing how much her prescription cost, I was very curious as to why bc typically it was mostly the narcotics and chemo in pill form, that ever cost that much. The pharmacist told me, "it's a new anti-naseua medication for people going through chemo". My jaw literally hit the ground. Now that medication is super cheap and has a generic since it's patent expired some time ago. But that poor woman suffered bc she could only afford less than a week's supply...…I've always wondered what happened to her bc I never saw her again :( If I could have afforded it I would have paid for it myself. I couldn't even afford to pay an extra week for her back then.

I think children should experience both at some point if feasible.
Wow, 13 pages arguing over whether these teams or athletes did "enough work" for the charitable contribution to be valid or if they are all seeking cheerleb status. Who the heck cares as long as the money is going to a charitable cause? Not like any of these kids are just trying to raise money for their own personal use. Yes I know that happens with some of the kids involved right now but that is not what this particular event is for and it is not only the 'cheerlebs' that solicit money to pay for their cheer or other things. No one knew how much or little these backpacks would sell for. Had this been a complete flop I am guessing there would be just as much criticism over how CL didn't do it the right way.

Personally, being from a small unknown gym I don't see any of this as any team promoting cheerlebs, implying they are elitists or any other way of saying they are better. If my CP had the opportunity to sign a backpack for charity I would be happy. Sad reality though is being from an unknown gym it would not be very profitable for the charity. Oh well. No different than companies donating items for silent auctions.

Probably not the case but that is how it sounds, but for those saying these kids didn't do enough physical work for this to be a true charitable item it sounds more like you are jealous your CP wasn't involved.

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