Cheer Moms Wearing Cheer Bows.

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Cheer bows are adorable! I love them... But I would never. It did not even occur to me before fierce boards that someone would do such a thing. I'm just not sure what to say. To each her own I suppose.
I haven't seen it yet. If they do good for them cause they don't care what others think. Everyone has an opinion and as long as you feel comfortable why not.
I parent by embarrassment, so I have NO ISSUE wearing my cheer dad pants.

Last year's pants had CHEER DAD in full bling across the butt. I'm adding AZ POWER in giant bling down one leg this year. The more my CP begs me not to wear them, the more I want to. I know she secretly loves my enthusiasm for her team. We are a close cheer family. No shame.
I'm wearing a cheer bow, because i'm a cheerleader, a coach and a cheer mum. But i'm glad my mum has really short hair because i'm afraid she would want a bow, too. I wouldn't like it and my daughter neither :-D
Is it just me or does anyone else think moms that wears cheer bows are just plain crazy. This pass season I seen TOO MANY moms with either teased hair or even phony cheer ponytails with glitter spray, HUGE cheer bows and glitter cheer makeup(which I really hate) . I laughed to myself because of course I didn't want to be rude, but seriously thought :confused: WTH was she thinking and how does her child who clearly wasn't a tiny nor mini feels about her and mom being cheer twins?

I'm new here and I agree - NO CHEER BOWS ON THE MAMMA. This is your child's time, not yours.
This is really funny.....I will not be caught dead wearing my daughter's bow; however, I do see lost of people that do and it does not bother me. I actually like it.....but you can't be in your regular cheer mom clother and the only mom in a bow.....that's crazy....but at certain competitions where the have crazy fan awards and spirit awards and the "entire" fan section is wearing crazy wigs, or some type of costume, I totally love it!
True confessions...when my cp was mini age she always picked out a practice bow she wanted me to wear for good luck. That was as far as it went. Hair pulled back, tails back and no makeup. It was her thing to determine which was the lucky bow (usually the one she was wearing when they had a good practice before competition).

However, now she's older...and I cut my I'm off the hook :)

Sometimes crazy moms do the crazy stuff because our kids asked us to.

As for our dads, we've got very involved ones, but they all tend to wear very manly, and expensive! Dang! Baseball jerseys for the flag runners and my DH the "sign guy" which is what they say on the back "flag man" or "sign guy" only one of them even HAS hair and he's an MMA fighter so if he wanted to wear a bow....which thankfully he never would....I don't think we'd argue with him. :)

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