All-Star "cheer" On Cmt Offical Thread

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frontflipper after 11 years I can imagine switching gyms was extremely hard. I've got girls that have been with me for 5 years and I can honestly say I'd be totally devastated if they switched gyms. I watch athletes come and go year after year and I do prepare myself and my staff mentally for that scenario just in case it does happen.
Good luck this season! Thanks for sharing some insight with us.
Christina (Now on Top Gun medium AG)
Baby May
Ilyssa (Senior)
Jackie (Now on World Cup Odyssey)
Jenna (Senior-did she decide to super-senior? She was indecisive)
Kait (Senior)
Lea (Now on World Cup Starlites)
Melissa (Senior)
Summer (Senior)

I could be wrong but I believe Jess graduated as well. I don't know if she's a super senior this year but from other's posts it does not sound like the graduating seniors other than Jenna and Lexi have stayed local.
It must be so difficult for CJA to lose such talented kids to World Cup! but at the same time I know if I had the slightest chance of being on Shooting Stars I would go for it. *shrugs* I can relate because I coach at a very small gym and we experience a lot of athletes moving on after we've put so much effort and time into coaching them. It's frustrating, but at the same time I understand because there are opportunities elsewhere that we just can't offer at this point. But HOW does a gym build and field higher level quality teams when your most talented athletes leave all the time???
I always wonder how little gyms stay in business when there are bigger gyms surrounding them but I think Lexi from CJA really shows that its not about the size or the trophies that your gym has, its the bond that you have with that gym. Im not saying that Jackie or Lea didnt have a bond with CJA, they wanted something new and wanted a chance to experience new teachings and such. But a lot of people stay at these little gyms because they love the team and coaches. Its the bond that an athlete has with the gym they are at that keeps these small gyms going.
I always wonder how little gyms stay in business when there are bigger gyms surrounding them but I think Lexi from CJA really shows that its not about the size or the trophies that your gym has, its the bond that you have with that gym. Im not saying that Jackie or Lea didnt have a bond with CJA, they wanted something new and wanted a chance to experience new teachings and such. But a lot of people stay at these little gyms because they love the team and coaches. Its the bond that an athlete has with the gym they are at that keeps these small gyms going.

For me the most inportant thing at the gym is bond the gym is sharing. I'd rather be in the small gym where everyone loves each other and they're like a family.
It must be so difficult for CJA to lose such talented kids to World Cup! but at the same time I know if I had the slightest chance of being on Shooting Stars I would go for it. *shrugs* I can relate because I coach at a very small gym and we experience a lot of athletes moving on after we've put so much effort and time into coaching them. It's frustrating, but at the same time I understand because there are opportunities elsewhere that we just can't offer at this point. But HOW does a gym build and field higher level quality teams when your most talented athletes leave all the time???

Yes it's very hard to grow with powerhouse gyms nearby. Kids and parents follow trophies, titles and power teams. Rather it be right or wrong it's the reality. Worlds has increased the pressure on small gyms to be successful
To those saying that they want to see "other teams" or "other gyms" on this show, I disagree. I don't think other gyms or teams will have this sort of "feel" to their show. I know for one my gym/team wouldn't. I think they way CJA is run by Patty Ann is unique and the way she balanced the show is extremely commendable. Honestly, I don't think anyone else could have done a better job. Yes, there might be other teams out there that are better, BUT I know for a fact, that there are FEW if ANY other gyms that are run with such a tight leash on them as CJA (I personally LOVE it). I think bc she holds her program in so tight it allowed this show to have a unique look at what REAL All-Star cheerleading is, inside and out. It didn't get too carried away with "momma drama" but it showed the parents support and their struggles. It didn't get too into "kid drama" but showed failures and success. I personally don't want to see ANY other program out there bc I feel this was as perfect a representation of All-Star cheerleading as a T.V. show could have done. Any other program, good or bad will always be compared to this show. I really don't think anyone can do it better. Yes, there are other things that could be shown, other teams that could show how they do it, but I don't think a better All-Star T.V. show is out there.
With that being said, ANYTHING is better than "Cheer unPerfection"
I just wanted to take a moment to applaud Jackie on her very mature and well thought out response to statements made in regard to her departure from CJA. Both her mother and she could have taken a completely different stance yet instead they have moved forward in a positive manner. In regard to CHEER! I have to agree that it is a positive reflection of all-star cheerleading and through the show the world has been exposed to an amazing group of girls who have worked endlessly to achieve the goal of being a Top 10 small senior team at the cheerleading worlds. However what isn’t shown are the underlying issues that have contributed to the reason why that goal has been so far out of reach, and also why athletes like Jackie have departed from what some may deem as a respectable program.

If you take a moment to reflect on the situation it shouldn’t take much thought to realize that an athlete doesn’t just randomly quit the only program they have ever know for 11 years for absolutely no reason in the month of September. By the time the decision was made routines had been choreographed and 5 months of practice time had already been invested. It’s clear that she went into her senior year believing that she would be graduating from the program yet after a series of unfortunate events her family made the incredibly hard decision to move on. The only reason that she is the topic of conversation is due to the exposure that has come from the show CHEER! And the positive feedback that has come from fans of the show that wonder “How could someone leave such a fabulous organization that’s got his or her own TV show?” Unfortunately Jackie is only one of many athlete’s that have jumped ship over the last few years starting in May of 2008.

When I first saw CJA years ago I immediately became a fan even while coaching at the powerhouse program down the street. My admiration from the program and the mutual respect we had for one another eventually lead me to being hired to choreograph for the program. Later on when life took a turn and I relocated I was offered a coaching position. It is no secret that at one time I was a huge advocate for this program with a tremendous amount of respect for it’s leader and I would defend it quite often leading to head to head discussion on this board. However just like Jackie I have learned that real life rarely turns out like we plan and she hit on the nail when she said “If you want to build and field higher level quality teams treat your athletes with the respect and loyalty you expect in return from them. If you treat athletes like they are disposable, they will believe it.” This is one of those things that I didn’t understand until I was already too deeply involved and I found myself attempting to change this pattern of negative behavior displayed by the powers that be. Unfortunately we all know how that story ended and sadly as the public has witnessed the discussions surrounding “the spot” are still taking place. It only goes to show you that just because someone or something looks good on television doesn’t mean that there isn’t an entire background story and piece of the puzzle that you have not been exposed to. Unfortunately you only saw what the production company wanted you to see and not all of the REAL that should be in reality TV. It took me a long time to even consider writing on this board in regard my situation or any of the former athletes situation however I felt it necessary to be in their corner because the public has no idea what really has happened beyond what they’ve seen on television.
Hi, my name is Jackie and I believe that I am the girl that many of you are refering to in some of your posts. I cheered for CJA for 11 years and was taught not to talk on boards, twitter or facebook; but to do your talking on the mat. However, some of your comments are hurtful. to ICEcheerGuy, 11 years I gave my heart to my teams from youth to seniors and there was nothing I wanted more than to be captain my senior year to an organization that believed in for so long. to@elisekc9, teams lose girls every year for various reasons. Just to be clear, I did not leave CJA to have a chance at being a Shooting Star or to be center flyer for that matter, as I am neither. If you want to build and field higher level quality teams treat your athletes with the respect and loyalty you expect in return from them. If you treat athletes like they are disposable, they will believe it. Finally, to everyone reasons for leaving were and are private. As my mom said, I had 11 amazing, wonderful years at CJA. I was lucky to meet some of my best friends today and blessed to be coached by a women that will always be one of "thee" most influencial people in my life. While I am extremely disapointed my senior year did not turn out how I imagined 11 years ago, I am told that real life rarely turns out like we plan. I am grateful to World Cup for taking me in mid season and finding a place for me to cheer my Senior year. I will give it my all. It was never about the cameras, fame, or championships for me - it was always about my love of cheering and performing on the mat. Thank you to my family, to those that have stayed my friends and to my new friends, I love you all.

Very well said! *tips hat*

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