Cheer Pet Peeves?

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When anyone says "that team doesn't deserve to go to worlds"

Every team works just as hard to EARN whatever type of bid they have. No one should criticize a team that happens to be at a different skill or experience level than their favorite team. If it was you or your child you probably wouldn't like it.
AliciaPride29 said:
awkward music

Aaaugh!! I KNOW. Come on, the days of hitting stop/record/play are SO over. And I know they're doing it on their computer but they have no clue how bad it sounds. I almost lost hearing one time bc of all the piercing sound effects on every 1 and 5!
Other programs standing in VIP area because their team is coming up "soon" and monopolozing front spaces. I don't even stand in front for our own gym unless it's my child's team. That space should be for the parents of the kids on the floor. Also girls that walk around with their skirts unbuttoned and unzipped. Get a skirt that fits.
^^^ Which remineded me, I also don't like when guys/girls do the "slap hands, high 5, turn around, point, gun, wink, chest bump, hip bump, shake shake shake, shimmy, head twirl, wave, hug, hug another girl, hug a third girl, wave some more" and then walk to their opening spot. 1. it's annoying because it's choreographed and it takes you 30 seconds to get through and 2. it just looks dumb. Go to your spot and wait for the music to start....Thx Management.


Completely agree, she's not a long lost cousin, sheesh you just saw her in the warmup area!
Ungrateful cheerleaders - if it wasn't for your "crazy cheer parents", you wouldn't be here doing this.
Ungrateful parents - if it wasn't for your cp/coaches/gym owners, you wouldn't be here obsessing over this.
Ungrateful coaches - if it wasn't for cps/parents/gym owners, you wouldn't be here teaching this.
Ungrateful gym owners - if it wasn't for cps/parents/coaches, you wouldn't be here getting paid for this.

Oh, and angels frown on a flyer with dirty shoe soles.
1) When cross-overs don't give 100% for each team. If you take on the responsibility, give the energy.
2) Bows coming out. It looks really unprofessional and takes away from the routine.
3) A wide high-V. I don't know why, but they just look weird to me!
4) Layouts that are done like whips.
5) Hoping other teams fall. If your routine isn't good enough to win, you shouldn't win. Don't count on the other team's mistake for your victory. :)
cheerislovee3 said:
cheerislovee3 said:
people at practice who start pulling scorps or scales or stretches during a PRACTICE & they know they will never fly.

Too Funny! I see that and think what are they doing...

Interesting. My daughter was told by her coach to practice scales to help with her balance and flexibility. I don't know if my daughter will ever be a flyer, but she practices those things every day. I think it has certainly helped her.
I coached varsity cheer last season and developed a few cheer pet peeves..

- obsessive cheer moms calling my phone almost everyday
- cheerleaders forgetting pieces of their uniform for games
- cheerleaders wearing their competition cheer shoes to school?!!?!
- when the whole team gets sick...
- bad music in routines
- boring competition cheer
- teams that put too difficult stunts in routines that they cant hit
- teams that lower a level or two in all star cheerleading just so they can win <-- the WORST one ever!

thats just a few for now, I am sure I can think of more!
-too many sound affects in a routene.. like all the dings anoy me soo much
-unpointed toes in a scale
-off timed point jumper
-badly curled hair
-that wierd head bobble that some people call a facial
Spotters that don't spot correctly e.g stand away from the flyers with their hands in the air not holding the flyers.
Also the same as some of you about landing with feet wide apart from jumps (how is that possible?), sloppy motions.

:) xxx
- sound effects that are louder than the music itself.
- team hair that...isn't.
- being given dirty looks for telling somebody not to badmouth other teams.

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